Trump ditches media to eat dinner in private- liberal media outraged!


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Trump has really stepped over the line this time. He had the nerve to enjoy a dinner with his family and the media wasn't able to watch him and report on whether he chewed his food properly. Outrageous!!! NBC accused him of not being transparent. The same people who looked the other way for countless scandals is mad that they didn't get to take pics of Trump eating a steak dinner.

"Brace yourselves. You're in for a bit of a shock. Last night, President-elect Donald Trump went out to dinner. ...And he didn't notify the press.

I know, I know. You're furious. I'll give you a moment to recover.

Your reaction is, obviously, completely justified. How dare this madman simply "go" to the 21 Club and order a steak? Who does he think he is?

Does he not know about the glorious "tradition" whereby the media is privy to the commander in chief's every move? Does this monster not understand that the American people rely upon the press for constant updates regarding the POTUS's whereabouts!?"


Trump goes to dinner without media; wailing about 'lack of transparency' produces comedy gold
As long as the Secret Service kept up with him, I don't see the worries.
The lib media has already started criticism and it will get worse from here.
Trump ditches reporters goes to dinner, WHCA calls it 'unacceptable'

I watched an esteemed member of the mainstream media, Mark Halperin, go on the Stephen Colbert show and compare the election of Donald Trump to 9/11.

Why the hell should Trump give one ounce of consideration to the feelings of a mainstream media that hates him and has done everything in its power to defeat him and help Hillary Clinton win?

I hope Trump continues his policy of telling the mainstream media that he doesn't give a damn what they want, and that all their past privileges to cover the President the way they want have been revoked.
You know, even though I don't like Trump, I'm kinda happy that he punked the press the way he did. Why? Reporters don't need to be always around him for everything. Give the man a break, living in a fishbowl can suck sometimes.

And..............if something DID happen, I'm sure that there would be people around with smart phones who would record it.
I have a feeling the press is gonna pay a price for being libtards advocates!
The president of the White House Correspondents Association called President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to go to dinner without informing reporters “unacceptable” and said his team needs to act on their previous promise to allow journalists to cover Trump.

Is it really so wrong that he wants to go out to dinner with his family? Journalists don't need to know EVERY thing the man does, especially if he's not in office yet. He's probably trying to enjoy what little freedom he has left. Good grief that's a load of butthurt if ever there was one
Trump ditches reporters goes to dinner, WHCA calls it 'unacceptable'

I watched an esteemed member of the mainstream media, Mark Halperin, go on the Stephen Colbert show and compare the election of Donald Trump to 9/11.

Why the hell should Trump give one ounce of consideration to the feelings of a mainstream media that hates him and has done everything in its power to defeat him and help Hillary Clinton win?

I hope Trump continues his policy of telling the mainstream media that he doesn't give a damn what they want, and that all their past privileges to cover the President the way they want have been revoked.
He's always pwned the press. For decades.

I think we are going to fundamentally change back to a semblance of what we should be, and quickly.

I imagine soros and Obama and ayers are busily trying to find somebody they can talk into killing him. But I think he's got security down as well.
Much if not most of the news from now on will be mostly comedy and farce rather than actual news from now on.

But you can still get quality reporting from PBS in the USA and from the BBC in the UK and worldwide.
What a crock of shit!!! How are paid protesters supposed to show up, causing chaos, and disruption everywhere this man goes; presenting the image for the media, that no matter what this man does, or where he goes, he brings disruption, and often violence? How!? This shit keeps up; and people are going to start thinking the violence, and protests are manufactured... Then what!?
Much if not most of the news from now on will be mostly comedy and farce rather than actual news from now on.

But you can still get quality reporting from PBS in the USA and from the BBC in the UK and worldwide.

You mean it was comedy before, particularly coming from PBS and the BBC.

Didn't PBS actually admit to being biased towards muslims, both in their news and their hiring practices?

I believe they did.

Now we're going to see real news. Despite the lame attempt by gooble, faceback and critter to shut down all non-approved media outlets (they call the "fake" news outlets, but we all know who the real fakes are...)
The mainstream media burned it's bridges with Trump when they refused to cover the election as journalists, but instead, jumped in as advocates for Hillary Clinton.
The MSM is in disarray. How they think they have a right to falsely claim avoiding their ridiculous lies and schemes on behalf of the DNC is a "lack of transparency" is hilarious. And President Donald and the administration better be aware the MSM is going to continue to try every trick in their dirty to cause issues. The propaganda of the MSM should basically be treated as an enemy of the state at all times. The Donald administration cannot let up its guard. The MSM makes shit up and lies nightly to enough voters that Crooked Hillary actually got votes when clearly she is unfit and does not have the temperament for the presidency.
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The mainstream media burned it's bridges with Trump when they refused to cover the election as journalists, but instead, jumped in as advocates for Hillary Clinton.
They really do think they're running the show.
They want to be there in case he chokes to death on the steak. That's important and they should be allowed to do that.

But karma is a bitch, and they burned all bridges with Trump when they abandoned journalistic integrity and became cheerleaders for Hillary.

At some point, Trump may let up and allow them to do their job.

But I think they need to ease up on the hate a little if they want that to happen.
They are used to basking in the manufactured glory of our current media whore in chief.

Poor out of touch with reality media.

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