Trump discusses John Lewis, and I'm just out of adjectives.

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
This is the smallest human being I've ever seen. Ever.

In an interview, Trump is asked how he thinks John Lewis will be remembered, Trump (always careful not to annoy his base), once again claimed ignorance: "I don't know. I don't know John Lewis". He couldn't even bring himself to say something nice or decent, not the slightest bit of dignity, not the tiniest amount of respect (always careful not annoy his base).

Then he tops it off with yet another display of what a small and insecure person this man-child is: "He chose not to come to my inauguration".

There are just no words for this. But we do know that we can count on him to claim ignorance, always careful not to annoy his base:


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Before he showed up in Washington, It wouldn't have surprised me if the blob didn't know who John Lewis was, who Elijah Cummings was, or hell, even who Lindsay Graham was. He's an incurious fool. But he certainly knew who the three are now. One would expect the President to honor a man like Lewis. But we've come to know the blob to be only interesting when he's being cruel.
Before he showed up in Washington, It wouldn't have surprised me if the blob didn't know who John Lewis was, who Elijah Cummings was, or hell, even who Lindsay Graham was. He's an incurious fool. But he certainly knew who the three are now. One would expect the President to honor a man like Lewis. But we've come to know the blob to be only interesting when he's being cruel.

Actually, President Trump did know Senator Graham. In fact he had Graham's cell phone # and shared it with the people during the 2016 campaign.

Rep. John Lewis never reached out to the President, really did a disservice to his constituents. Atlanta has gone to heck in a hand basket, but he had too much pride to reach out unlike other African American leaders like Kanye West, the Late Herman Cain and Iron Mike Tyson.

Trump didn't know Lewis, because Lewis refused to work with him. Needless to say those representatives that do cooperate and work with the President, he knows a lot better. As far as Rep. Lewis not coming to the Tremendous Trump Inauguration, that was Lewis' mistake.
No one cares about Lewis. Why would they. The man has been sucking off the Govt tit for decades. He didn't accomplish anything when he was alive though he likes people to think that he did.

He never reached out to Trump and in fact voted for impeachment. He sure didn't do much for his constituants either.

Oh and I doubt Trump was invited to his funeral. Trump always says what he thinks its one of the reasons I like him.

If others don't then tough fucking shit.
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Before he showed up in Washington, It wouldn't have surprised me if the blob didn't know who John Lewis was, who Elijah Cummings was, or hell, even who Lindsay Graham was. He's an incurious fool. But he certainly knew who the three are now. One would expect the President to honor a man like Lewis. But we've come to know the blob to be only interesting when he's being cruel.

Actually, President Trump did know Senator Graham. In fact he had Graham's cell phone # and shared it with the people during the 2016 campaign.

Rep. John Lewis never reached out to the President, really did a disservice to his constituents. Atlanta has gone to heck in a hand basket, but he had too much pride to reach out unlike other African American leaders like Kanye West, the Late Herman Cain and Iron Mike Tyson.

Trump didn't know Lewis, because Lewis refused to work with him. Needless to say those representatives that do cooperate and work with the President, he knows a lot better. As far as Rep. Lewis not coming to the Tremendous Trump Inauguration, that was Lewis' mistake.

Before he showed up in Washington, It wouldn't have surprised me if the blob didn't know who John Lewis was, who Elijah Cummings was, or hell, even who Lindsay Graham was. He's an incurious fool. But he certainly knew who the three are now. One would expect the President to honor a man like Lewis. But we've come to know the blob to be only interesting when he's being cruel.

Actually, President Trump did know Senator Graham. In fact he had Graham's cell phone # and shared it with the people during the 2016 campaign.

Rep. John Lewis never reached out to the President, really did a disservice to his constituents. Atlanta has gone to heck in a hand basket, but he had too much pride to reach out unlike other African American leaders like Kanye West, the Late Herman Cain and Iron Mike Tyson.

Trump didn't know Lewis, because Lewis refused to work with him. Needless to say those representatives that do cooperate and work with the President, he knows a lot better. As far as Rep. Lewis not coming to the Tremendous Trump Inauguration, that was Lewis' mistake.


The point is that Trump is President, and if an underling toiling in Congress wants to be tight with the President they have to reach out. Lewis completely failed in that regard. Not President Trump.
Nothing like bringing up a distinguished black man to bring out the hatred in blob supporters. Really....what is wrong with you people?

Who hated Rep. Lewis at all?

President Trump didn't hate him at all. Lewis is the one who showed hate. Didn't invite Trump to deliver a eulogy at the funeral, didn't attend the inauguration, voted to throw the President out of office in a phony impeachment.
This is the smallest human being I've ever seen. Ever.

In an interview, Trump is asked how he thinks John Lewis will be remembered, Trump (always careful not to annoy his base), once again claimed ignorance: "I don't know. I don't know John Lewis". He couldn't even bring himself to say something nice or decent, not the slightest bit of dignity, not the tiniest amount of respect (always careful not annoy his base).

Then he tops it off with yet another display of what a small and insecure person this man-child is: "He chose not to come to my inauguration".

There are just no words for this. But we do know that we can count on him to claim ignorance, always careful not to annoy his base:


This is difficult to believe.
John Lewis acted like an asshole to him......and you want Trump to say something nice about the man?
My guess is you would criticize Trump for being a phony if he had said something nice about a guy who never missed the opportunity to act like a prick to him when he was alive. This is the public image we got from John Lewis. I'm willing to bet in private it was much worse.
This is the smallest human being I've ever seen. Ever.

In an interview, Trump is asked how he thinks John Lewis will be remembered, Trump (always careful not to annoy his base), once again claimed ignorance: "I don't know. I don't know John Lewis". He couldn't even bring himself to say something nice or decent, not the slightest bit of dignity, not the tiniest amount of respect (always careful not annoy his base).

Then he tops it off with yet another display of what a small and insecure person this man-child is: "He chose not to come to my inauguration".

There are just no words for this. But we do know that we can count on him to claim ignorance, always careful not to annoy his base:

Again, you were all for Trump when the Markets were doing well.
Karma will pay Trump a visit when he passes. Someone will have to build a wall around his gravesite for preventing folks from pissing on it.
This is the smallest human being I've ever seen. Ever.

In an interview, Trump is asked how he thinks John Lewis will be remembered, Trump (always careful not to annoy his base), once again claimed ignorance: "I don't know. I don't know John Lewis". He couldn't even bring himself to say something nice or decent, not the slightest bit of dignity, not the tiniest amount of respect (always careful not annoy his base).

Then he tops it off with yet another display of what a small and insecure person this man-child is: "He chose not to come to my inauguration".

There are just no words for this. But we do know that we can count on him to claim ignorance, always careful not to annoy his base:


Until he died... **I** had no idea who John Lewis was. Same with David Duke.
Karma will pay Trump a visit when he passes. Someone will have to build a wall around his gravesite for preventing folks from pissing on it.

President Trump wasn't invited to Rep. Lewis' funeral. It was the height of good manners for the President not to show.

IMHO, it would have been rude if Trump would ascended the pulpit to eulogize Lewis as a Tremendous American.
This is the smallest human being I've ever seen. Ever.

In an interview, Trump is asked how he thinks John Lewis will be remembered, Trump (always careful not to annoy his base), once again claimed ignorance: "I don't know. I don't know John Lewis". He couldn't even bring himself to say something nice or decent, not the slightest bit of dignity, not the tiniest amount of respect (always careful not annoy his base).

Then he tops it off with yet another display of what a small and insecure person this man-child is: "He chose not to come to my inauguration".

There are just no words for this. But we do know that we can count on him to claim ignorance, always careful not to annoy his base:


Until he died... **I** had no idea who John Lewis was. Same with David Duke.

Neither liberals, not Mr. Lewis, nor Mr. Duke ever collaborated with the President. So why would he know them?
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