Trump did not betray the Kurds...destroys leftist and NeverTrump bullshit!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The near consensus view of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove US special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against ISIS. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms US credibility and undermines US power in the region and throughout the world.

There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fact, by design, the US went to great lengths to limit its ability to influence events in Syria.

The war in Syria broke out in 2011 as a popular insurrection by Syrian Sunnis against the Iranian-sponsored regime of President Bashar al Assad. The Obama administration responded by declaring US support for Assad’s overthrow. But the declaration was empty. The administration sat on its thumbs as the regime’s atrocities mounted. They supported a feckless Turkish effort to raise a resistance army dominated by jihadist elements aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama infamously issued his “redline” regarding the use of chemical weapons against civilians by Assad, which he repudiated the moment it was crossed.

As ISIS forces gathered in Iraq and Syria, Obama shrugged them off as a “jayvee squad.” When the jayvees in ISIS took over a third of Iraqi and Syrian territory, Obama did nothing.

As Lee Smith recalled in January in the New York Post, Obama only decided to do something about ISIS in late 2014 after the group beheaded a number of American journalists and posted their decapitations on social media.

The timing was problematic for Obama.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Then there is this...

Our Gallant Allies, the Kurds (and other fairy tales)

Most folks who have never been to Iraq think of the Kurds as some noble, non-islamic ally. Well, they’re a bit better than the typical islamic…but not a hell of a lot… – Investment Watch
The Fake News Media is Shameless:

‘WHY DID YOU THINK YOU COULD GET AWAY WITH THIS?’ ABC World News Tonight ‘regrets’ getting caught airing footage that wasn’t actually from Syria. “ABC News showed stunning footage last night of the ‘slaughter in Syria.’ Just one problem: the footage appeared to be from a 2017 [nighttime gun range] event in Kentucky. Which, as it happens, is not anywhere near Syria.

More here: Wow: ABC Apologizes for Using Dubious Footage For ‘Slaughter in Syria’ Story.

Even left-leaning Gizmodo has called out ABC: ABC News Broadcasts Fake Syria Bombing Video That’s Actually From a Kentucky Military Show in 2017.

Keep this in mind the next time a Lefty turns up their nose at non Fake News Sources.
The near consensus view of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove US special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against ISIS. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms US credibility and undermines US power in the region and throughout the world.

There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fact, by design, the US went to great lengths to limit its ability to influence events in Syria.

The war in Syria broke out in 2011 as a popular insurrection by Syrian Sunnis against the Iranian-sponsored regime of President Bashar al Assad. The Obama administration responded by declaring US support for Assad’s overthrow. But the declaration was empty. The administration sat on its thumbs as the regime’s atrocities mounted. They supported a feckless Turkish effort to raise a resistance army dominated by jihadist elements aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama infamously issued his “redline” regarding the use of chemical weapons against civilians by Assad, which he repudiated the moment it was crossed.

As ISIS forces gathered in Iraq and Syria, Obama shrugged them off as a “jayvee squad.” When the jayvees in ISIS took over a third of Iraqi and Syrian territory, Obama did nothing.

As Lee Smith recalled in January in the New York Post, Obama only decided to do something about ISIS in late 2014 after the group beheaded a number of American journalists and posted their decapitations on social media.

The timing was problematic for Obama.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Then there is this...

Our Gallant Allies, the Kurds (and other fairy tales)

Most folks who have never been to Iraq think of the Kurds as some noble, non-islamic ally. Well, they’re a bit better than the typical islamic…but not a hell of a lot… – Investment Watch
If Democrats and Never Trumpers what us to go to war to protect the Kurds, then they can introduce a resolution in Congress to authorize war on that basis.

The Kurds have allied with Assad and The Syrian Arab Army, which brings the Arab States to their side, and they are backed by Russia. The Kurds control 1/3rd of Syria, they will be able to carve out a place for themselves in Northern Syria.

WOW! Fake News ABC News Uses 2016 Gun Range Video and Lies to Pass It Off as Turkey Bombing the Kurds in Syria
Trump CAUSED this mess because he couldn't stand up to Erdogan


Jesus we look like a second rate nation here.

All Trump had to do was say NO.

You cross that birder and we'll rain hell down on whatever forces you send and that would be the end of it.

WTF did he DO???
The hilarious thing is Kurds are descended from nomadic tribes derived from TURKEY, IRAN, and IRAQ! The are tribal racists like literally every non-White ethno group, and the USA should have nothing to do with them.
Trump CAUSED this mess because he couldn't stand up to Erdogan


Jesus we look like a second rate nation here.

All Trump had to do was say NO.

You cross that birder and we'll rain hell down on whatever forces you send and that would be the end of it.

WTF did he DO???
Get Congress to authorize Military force on that basis and then we'll talk.
The near consensus view of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove US special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against ISIS. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms US credibility and undermines US power in the region and throughout the world.

There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fact, by design, the US went to great lengths to limit its ability to influence events in Syria.

The war in Syria broke out in 2011 as a popular insurrection by Syrian Sunnis against the Iranian-sponsored regime of President Bashar al Assad. The Obama administration responded by declaring US support for Assad’s overthrow. But the declaration was empty. The administration sat on its thumbs as the regime’s atrocities mounted. They supported a feckless Turkish effort to raise a resistance army dominated by jihadist elements aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama infamously issued his “redline” regarding the use of chemical weapons against civilians by Assad, which he repudiated the moment it was crossed.

As ISIS forces gathered in Iraq and Syria, Obama shrugged them off as a “jayvee squad.” When the jayvees in ISIS took over a third of Iraqi and Syrian territory, Obama did nothing.

As Lee Smith recalled in January in the New York Post, Obama only decided to do something about ISIS in late 2014 after the group beheaded a number of American journalists and posted their decapitations on social media.

The timing was problematic for Obama.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Then there is this...

Our Gallant Allies, the Kurds (and other fairy tales)

Most folks who have never been to Iraq think of the Kurds as some noble, non-islamic ally. Well, they’re a bit better than the typical islamic…but not a hell of a lot… – Investment Watch
Obama caused Trump to betray the Kurds. It's true.
The near consensus view of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove US special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against ISIS. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms US credibility and undermines US power in the region and throughout the world.

There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fact, by design, the US went to great lengths to limit its ability to influence events in Syria.

The war in Syria broke out in 2011 as a popular insurrection by Syrian Sunnis against the Iranian-sponsored regime of President Bashar al Assad. The Obama administration responded by declaring US support for Assad’s overthrow. But the declaration was empty. The administration sat on its thumbs as the regime’s atrocities mounted. They supported a feckless Turkish effort to raise a resistance army dominated by jihadist elements aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama infamously issued his “redline” regarding the use of chemical weapons against civilians by Assad, which he repudiated the moment it was crossed.

As ISIS forces gathered in Iraq and Syria, Obama shrugged them off as a “jayvee squad.” When the jayvees in ISIS took over a third of Iraqi and Syrian territory, Obama did nothing.

As Lee Smith recalled in January in the New York Post, Obama only decided to do something about ISIS in late 2014 after the group beheaded a number of American journalists and posted their decapitations on social media.

The timing was problematic for Obama.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Then there is this...

Our Gallant Allies, the Kurds (and other fairy tales)

Most folks who have never been to Iraq think of the Kurds as some noble, non-islamic ally. Well, they’re a bit better than the typical islamic…but not a hell of a lot… – Investment Watch
Obama caused Trump to betray the Kurds. It's true.
The closest thing to the truth you have ever posted!
Who are these "Pro" Trump Original Protesters putting down Democrats in every post? Is this what US Message Board is all about? Who are these people? Conservatives? Right Wingers? They keep stirring up the pot on a daily basis.
The near consensus view of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove US special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against ISIS. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms US credibility and undermines US power in the region and throughout the world.

There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fact, by design, the US went to great lengths to limit its ability to influence events in Syria.

The war in Syria broke out in 2011 as a popular insurrection by Syrian Sunnis against the Iranian-sponsored regime of President Bashar al Assad. The Obama administration responded by declaring US support for Assad’s overthrow. But the declaration was empty. The administration sat on its thumbs as the regime’s atrocities mounted. They supported a feckless Turkish effort to raise a resistance army dominated by jihadist elements aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama infamously issued his “redline” regarding the use of chemical weapons against civilians by Assad, which he repudiated the moment it was crossed.

As ISIS forces gathered in Iraq and Syria, Obama shrugged them off as a “jayvee squad.” When the jayvees in ISIS took over a third of Iraqi and Syrian territory, Obama did nothing.

As Lee Smith recalled in January in the New York Post, Obama only decided to do something about ISIS in late 2014 after the group beheaded a number of American journalists and posted their decapitations on social media.

The timing was problematic for Obama.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Then there is this...

Our Gallant Allies, the Kurds (and other fairy tales)

Most folks who have never been to Iraq think of the Kurds as some noble, non-islamic ally. Well, they’re a bit better than the typical islamic…but not a hell of a lot… – Investment Watch
  • Trump pulls out US troops, Turkey invades. Seems like more than a coincidence.
  • Obama screwed up so it is OK for Trump to screw up. Really? I guess Trump is no better than Obama was.
  • The Kurds were working with us to advance our interests (and theirs), now they are working with Assad. How is that good for us?
Trump CAUSED this mess because he couldn't stand up to Erdogan


Jesus we look like a second rate nation here.

All Trump had to do was say NO.

You cross that birder and we'll rain hell down on whatever forces you send and that would be the end of it.

WTF did he DO???
No one cares what a War Mongerer who pisses on The US Flag and Aids and Abets Anti-American Propaganda thinks.

Truth is, The Kurds are now allied with Russia and Syria, and Now Turkey wants peace talks with The Kurds, so this is already over for The Left Tard Deep State.

The Kurds will be fine. They have been fine for the 1,000s of years they have fought these wars and skirmishes.
The near consensus view of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove US special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against ISIS. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms US credibility and undermines US power in the region and throughout the world.

There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fact, by design, the US went to great lengths to limit its ability to influence events in Syria.

The war in Syria broke out in 2011 as a popular insurrection by Syrian Sunnis against the Iranian-sponsored regime of President Bashar al Assad. The Obama administration responded by declaring US support for Assad’s overthrow. But the declaration was empty. The administration sat on its thumbs as the regime’s atrocities mounted. They supported a feckless Turkish effort to raise a resistance army dominated by jihadist elements aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama infamously issued his “redline” regarding the use of chemical weapons against civilians by Assad, which he repudiated the moment it was crossed.

As ISIS forces gathered in Iraq and Syria, Obama shrugged them off as a “jayvee squad.” When the jayvees in ISIS took over a third of Iraqi and Syrian territory, Obama did nothing.

As Lee Smith recalled in January in the New York Post, Obama only decided to do something about ISIS in late 2014 after the group beheaded a number of American journalists and posted their decapitations on social media.

The timing was problematic for Obama.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Then there is this...

Our Gallant Allies, the Kurds (and other fairy tales)

Most folks who have never been to Iraq think of the Kurds as some noble, non-islamic ally. Well, they’re a bit better than the typical islamic…but not a hell of a lot… – Investment Watch
  • Trump pulls out US troops, Turkey invades. Seems like more than a coincidence.
  • Obama screwed up so it is OK for Trump to screw up. Really? I guess Trump is no better than Obama was.
  • The Kurds were working with us to advance our interests (and theirs), now they are working with Assad. How is that good for us?
Bet you also believe Jojo Biden didn't try to extort the Ukraine government! With a Quid Pro Quo!...ROTFLMFAO!
The near consensus view of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove US special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against ISIS. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms US credibility and undermines US power in the region and throughout the world.

There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fact, by design, the US went to great lengths to limit its ability to influence events in Syria.

The war in Syria broke out in 2011 as a popular insurrection by Syrian Sunnis against the Iranian-sponsored regime of President Bashar al Assad. The Obama administration responded by declaring US support for Assad’s overthrow. But the declaration was empty. The administration sat on its thumbs as the regime’s atrocities mounted. They supported a feckless Turkish effort to raise a resistance army dominated by jihadist elements aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama infamously issued his “redline” regarding the use of chemical weapons against civilians by Assad, which he repudiated the moment it was crossed.

As ISIS forces gathered in Iraq and Syria, Obama shrugged them off as a “jayvee squad.” When the jayvees in ISIS took over a third of Iraqi and Syrian territory, Obama did nothing.

As Lee Smith recalled in January in the New York Post, Obama only decided to do something about ISIS in late 2014 after the group beheaded a number of American journalists and posted their decapitations on social media.

The timing was problematic for Obama.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Then there is this...

Our Gallant Allies, the Kurds (and other fairy tales)

Most folks who have never been to Iraq think of the Kurds as some noble, non-islamic ally. Well, they’re a bit better than the typical islamic…but not a hell of a lot… – Investment Watch
  • Trump pulls out US troops, Turkey invades. Seems like more than a coincidence.
  • Obama screwed up so it is OK for Trump to screw up. Really? I guess Trump is no better than Obama was.
  • The Kurds were working with us to advance our interests (and theirs), now they are working with Assad. How is that good for us?
Bet you also believe Jojo Biden didn't try to extort the Ukraine government! With a Quid Pro Quo!...ROTFLMFAO!
I'll tell you what I do believe, whatever Joe did, he did for the US, not for his son. I also believe Trump attempted to leverage his position for his personal political benefit.

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