Trump declares VICTORY! The White House has listed “ending the Covid-19 pandemic” as one of Trump’s top first term accomplishments

I don't see it..........where is FROM THAT SITE.
Here are some more.

Show me the 27th briefing from the WH press releases.....I went there and they aren't there......
Nope works just fine...I use it frequently. I'm not a Dem..but it appears to me they are going to beat your asses soundly at the polls..and your whining about cheating this and ballot stuffing that..will be quite sweet. After we kick you ass out of the Republican agenda..and go back to Fiscal Conservative values......I can get back to brangling with the libs....silly rabbits that they least they are sane Americans, for the most part..and not Trump cultists.

I don't see it..........where is FROM THAT SITE.
Here are some more.

Show me the 27th briefing from the WH press releases.....I went there and they aren't there......
Nope works just fine...I use it frequently. I'm not a Dem..but it appears to me they are going to beat your asses soundly at the polls..and your whining about cheating this and ballot stuffing that..will be quite sweet. After we kick you ass out of the Republican agenda..and go back to Fiscal Conservative values......I can get back to brangling with the libs....silly rabbits that they least they are sane Americans, for the most part..and not Trump cultists.
SMH in the real Republicans...instead of you cultists.
I'm hearing a lot about this..many places..MSM is sure to press it is indeed, Trump's 'Mission Accomplished' moment

Remind me again how that worked out for Bush?
Trump has something worse than dementia. He's f****** nuts.

Correction: Trump HAS nuts, big ones, unlike bitch ass Pedophile Joe.
Those big nuts shrivel pretty quickly when he's confronted by a scary 79 year old lady...
1603847076865.png in the real Republicans...instead of you cultists.
How many you think "real" Repubs. are going to pick for SCOTUS in the foreseeable future? I think Trump has done damn good for 4 years. No? is the only bright spot. All in all..I like the picks...especially as they show signs of being independent of Trump and the ideological far right.

Early days...but that lifetime appt.--frees Judge's hands to make the unpopular choice...and the right one.

If they'd just overturn Citizen's United..and cut the money guys out--I'd die happy!
Mission accomplished, fellas!

"they say i lost my marbles
they don't speak for me

right beside me
there is so much blood
all over my hands"

Politico, do you actually believe what they post?

there's literally a press release from THE WHITE HOUSE

God are you stupid

Try again, did you read what the White House Posted?

ENDING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Administration has taken decisive actions to engage scientists and health professionals in academia, industry, and government to understand, treat, and defeat the disease
Ending means that soon there will be an end, could mean tomorrow, or 1 week from today, or as AOC put it 12 year from now.
Trump has something worse than dementia. He's f****** nuts.

Correction: Trump HAS nuts, big ones, unlike bitch ass Pedophile Joe.
Those big nuts shrivel pretty quickly when he's confronted by a scary 79 year old lady...
View attachment 407684

No, he just has to be careful when handling such nuts as this, after all, it is a female and we all know how the left is extremely touchy about females, not matter how insane they are.

She said there was no wiretapping of Trump. She said there is no evidence of Hunter Biden taking money. I guess she could say that water isn’t wet and many sheep would believe it.

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