Trump Condemns KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists as "criminals and thugs...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...what will the butt-hurt, Conspiracy Theory Generating, Fake News scandal-manufacturing snowflakes going to bitch about NOW?

They'll think of / manufacture something....

News from The Associated Press

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on President Donald Trump and the weekend's violence and death in Charlottesville, Virginia (all times local):

12:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump is saying that "racism is evil" as he condemns the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists as "criminals and thugs."

He is speaking in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House after meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI director Christopher Wray about the race-fueled violence Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia."
...what will the butt-hurt, Conspiracy Theory Generating, Fake News scandal-manufacturing snowflakes going to bitch about NOW?

They'll think of / manufacture something....

News from The Associated Press

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on President Donald Trump and the weekend's violence and death in Charlottesville, Virginia (all times local):

12:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump is saying that "racism is evil" as he condemns the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists as "criminals and thugs."

He is speaking in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House after meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI director Christopher Wray about the race-fueled violence Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia."
They're already bitching because "it took so long". Welcome to the world of politics.
...what will the butt-hurt, Conspiracy Theory Generating, Fake News scandal-manufacturing snowflakes going to bitch about NOW?

They'll think of / manufacture something....

News from The Associated Press

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on President Donald Trump and the weekend's violence and death in Charlottesville, Virginia (all times local):

12:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump is saying that "racism is evil" as he condemns the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists as "criminals and thugs."

He is speaking in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House after meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI director Christopher Wray about the race-fueled violence Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia."
Trump did it because he was catching heat for not doing it.
They're already bitching because "it took so long". Welcome to the world of politics.

The World of Snowflakes:


Like I said, welcome to the world of politics....... You play it soooooo well........ :rofl:
No, I am just pointing out how snowflakes refuse to accept reality...which IS reality, not 'politics'.
decisions are emotive academic papers - Google Search

Unfortunately it cuts both ways........ :eusa_whistle:
At the risk of being branded, I will point out this:

1) Trump originally claimed that the violence and hatred was caused by many sides.
2) The white nationalists had a legal right to assemble.
3) The counter-nationalists also had a legal right to assemble, though it appears they failed to get the proper permits and police clearance.
4) The violence was initiated by both sides - both sides claiming that the others "swung first".
5) Both the white nationalists and the black socialists are unsavory, and unwelcome, fringes of political society who are bent, not on honest discourse, but on ramrodding their point of view through.
6) Both BLM and the American Nazi Party represent the most extreme fringes of political acceptability.

Ergo: Both sides are to blame for the violence, hatred, and vicious rhetoric.
...what will the butt-hurt, Conspiracy Theory Generating, Fake News scandal-manufacturing snowflakes going to bitch about NOW?

They'll think of / manufacture something....

News from The Associated Press

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on President Donald Trump and the weekend's violence and death in Charlottesville, Virginia (all times local):

12:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump is saying that "racism is evil" as he condemns the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists as "criminals and thugs."

He is speaking in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House after meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI director Christopher Wray about the race-fueled violence Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia."
'Bout time. I'm sure it was sincere.
I'd love to see some politician have the balls to condemn the Mayor for ordering the police to stand down.

But most importantly I'd really like every politician that opened their big fat mouths condemning the original rally participants before an investigation had even begun.

I don't hold with the KKK nor the white supremacists but and it's a big freaking but here they were the ones that were legally assembled and attacked by Antifa or counter protestors who had no legal right to do so.
'Bout time. I'm sure it was sincere.
Yeah, he should have jumped to conclusions like Barry did, and then if he turned out to be wrong, as Barry was, he could have smoothed it all over with a 'Beer Summit' instead of an apology, like Barry did. :p
I'd love to see some politician have the balls to condemn the Mayor for ordering the police to stand down.



The Police Chief, the mayor, and even Gov McCauliffe did absolutely NOTHING, not in prevention, not in preparation, and not during the entire event - they just surrendered the streets and the safety of their citizens.

McCauliffe reminds me of snowflakes about Obama and Hillary / the State Department in regards to Benghazi:
They did nothing to prevent it, nothing stop it, nothing while it was happening, but 'They did a GREAT JOB!'


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