
Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Trump, “checks and balances”.

Candidate Donald Trump demonstrated little regard for anyone or anything other than himself and what believed to be associated and favorable to himself; the president continues to behave and express himself in that same manner.

He’s chosen to disregard some of what’s evolved to be our nation’s traditional customs regarding elected officials and their appointees. Additionally, he’s (thus far) failed to comply to legally required procedures prescribed by our federal Constitution, statutes, and regulations.

Every U.S. president has at some point regretted our federal government’s “separation of powers”; every majority faction strives to overcome its hindrances to the enactments of their plans and goals. While minorities similarly strive to overcome such hindrances, they sometimes forget those obstacles to quicker transformations shields them from the “tyranny of the mobs”, (i.e. it permits minorities to exist and function).

Unless and until we devise a superior method, “separation of powers” enables our democracy to be sustainable. Our democracy’s strong but its critically dependence upon the aggregate sense of “we, the people of the United States” is a necessarily fragile link.
Due to “separation of powers”, we’ve never had and are unlikely to have or retain a government we deem to be inferior, (i.e. we’ve never had lesser government then we’ve deserved, but government no more superior than we deserve is conceivable).

For references and links, Google: Trump + “checks and balances”
Respectfully, Supposn
Trump, “checks and balances”.

Candidate Donald Trump demonstrated little regard for anyone or anything other than himself and what believed to be associated and favorable to himself; the president continues to behave and express himself in that same manner.

How so? Be specific? How was Obama different? Has it occurred to you that as representative of America that he sees little difference between himself and the country---- he has dedicated his every waking minute on behalf of the USA.

He’s chosen to disregard some of what’s evolved to be our nation’s traditional customs regarding elected officials and their appointees. Additionally, he’s (thus far) failed to comply to legally required procedures prescribed by our federal Constitution, statutes, and regulations.

When? List and dates, please.
Trump, “checks and balances”.

Candidate Donald Trump demonstrated little regard for anyone or anything other than himself and what believed to be associated and favorable to himself; the president continues to behave and express himself in that same manner.

He’s chosen to disregard some of what’s evolved to be our nation’s traditional customs regarding elected officials and their appointees. Additionally, he’s (thus far) failed to comply to legally required procedures prescribed by our federal Constitution, statutes, and regulations.

Every U.S. president has at some point regretted our federal government’s “separation of powers”; every majority faction strives to overcome its hindrances to the enactments of their plans and goals. While minorities similarly strive to overcome such hindrances, they sometimes forget those obstacles to quicker transformations shields them from the “tyranny of the mobs”, (i.e. it permits minorities to exist and function).

Unless and until we devise a superior method, “separation of powers” enables our democracy to be sustainable. Our democracy’s strong but its critically dependence upon the aggregate sense of “we, the people of the United States” is a necessarily fragile link.
Due to “separation of powers”, we’ve never had and are unlikely to have or retain a government we deem to be inferior, (i.e. we’ve never had lesser government then we’ve deserved, but government no more superior than we deserve is conceivable).

For references and links, Google: Trump + “checks and balances”
Respectfully, Supposn
what is this about ?
Trump, “checks and balances”.

Candidate Donald Trump demonstrated little regard for anyone or anything other than himself and what believed to be associated and favorable to himself; the president continues to behave and express himself in that same manner.

How so? Be specific? How was Obama different? Has it occurred to you that as representative of America that he sees little difference between himself and the country---- he has dedicated his every waking minute on behalf of the USA.

He’s chosen to disregard some of what’s evolved to be our nation’s traditional customs regarding elected officials and their appointees. Additionally, he’s (thus far) failed to comply to legally required procedures prescribed by our federal Constitution, statutes, and regulations.

When? List and dates, please.

WashAmericom, ToobFreak apparently wishes to discuss purposes and motivations driving the legal requirements and the evolving conventional customs and practices applicable to federal elected or appointed officials. I’m suggesting that we USMessageBoard members that wish to join in on this thread, prepare ourselves. I begin by googling Trump + disinvestment and Trump + blind trusts. I suppose others will post other suggestions.

As a private citizen, Donald Trump was not required to be logical, or intelligent or honorable. He was not legally bond not to exercise his celebrity status and with no reasonable cause, question the legitimacy of the then United States president.

When a president of the United States with no reasonable proof or creditable argument publicly questions the integrity of federal judges, that’s another matter. To state that president Donald Trump behaves as less than a gentleman, is greatly understating the case.
Try googling:
trump + “opinion of this so-called judge”
trump + attacks upon judges .
Lastly, try googling: trump + separation of powers

Respectfully, Supposn

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