Trump Can Now Loot Millions of Dollars From the Secret Service With No Disclosure


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Wow, The Donald really saw you righties coming. His many plans to screw average Americans are becoming public knowledge daily.

After years of reading posts and responses written by the clueless righties, it is obvious to rational people that most conservatives have absolutely no understanding of how any part of our system works. Also, it is quite apparent that facts are irrelevant to the right-wingers, and that they only believe what conservative propaganda outlets tell them. So,every attempt will be made to keep all aspects of this OP simple, so hopefully, the Trump-bots might comprehend some small amount.

Now, to begin, as president, Trump will fly on Air Force One. When flying on Air Force One, Secret Service agents travel with no ticket cost to the government (or themselves). Are you Trump-bots following so far?

But The Donald has struck upon a scheme to have his company-owned Boeing 757 turn into a money-maker for him by giving free flights to Melania, Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka, or anyone else he chooses.

Of course, reasonable people know you conservatives are already confused. You are asking, "How can giving his friends and family free flights make him money?" Well, as a candidate he convinced you Trump-bots he was on your side and was going to save you money. However, his company will be getting top price from the federal government to pay for the seats Secret Service agents will occupy aboard the 757. This will occur whenever Trump requests protection for some, possibly all passengers in his company’s jet. Now, take a moment what you just read sink in.

After you Trump-bots have given the above paragraph some thought, now realize, he will give free seats to everyone he chooses, but not the federally paid agents whose duty it will be to lay down their lives to protect his passengers. Naturally, the agents will charge the price of their seats to their expense accounts provided by federal government. This will be to pay The Donald's company to protect HIS guests on HIS company's 757.

Yeah folks, Trump's profitable plan to line his pockets by charging the Secret Service to fly in his company’s 757 comes as no surprise to people of reason. This, coupled with Trump's sudden cooperation with Paul Ryan to pass legislation cutting (eliminating actually) Medicaid and Medicare, and to privatize Social Security by giving the SS Trust Fund to the crooks on Wall Street also comes as no surprise to everyone but the Trump-bots. Taking the $2.6+trillion the Wall St. crooks will quickly transfer into the pockets of his fellow billionaires (and his own) The righties will have their wish for the privatization of SS, and the results will be disastrous.

After the GOP gets finished "protecting" those dependent on these programs, the vast majority will see how the Trump-bots' votes for Trump helped make America great, for the billionaires, that is. Your man Trump will soon make America really terrible for the elderly, the disabled, the poor, and anyone else who is NOT a billionaire or multi millionaire.

To prove this, a show of hands, please:

Question 1- How many of you Trump-bots are members the top one-tenth of the one percent?

Question 2- How many of you Trump-bots depend on Social Security?

Question 3- How many of you Trump-bots depend on Medicare?

Question 4- How many of you Trump-bots depend on Medicaid?

For those Trump-bots who did NOT raise their hands for question 1, but did for question 2, 3, 4, or any combination of the last three, well you made a big mistake voting for Trump. (The Democrats have usually protected Social Security etc. as best they can from the GOP's thieves) I know, I know, you will deny this, because you are certain The Donald would never dream of screwing his loyal followers.

Hold onto that denial, it might help feed you when all of your fixed income and your health care money is given to Trump’s billionaire buddies.

(As a warning to Trump-bots, the facts contained articles at the following links will make your boneheads explode, so go watch the liars on FOX Noise for your own safety and comfort.)

Trump can now loot millions of dollars from the Secret Service with no disclosure

100 days to save the Republic

President-Elect Donald Trump Gets to Work Betraying His Backers

How does he "make money" by giving free flights to his own family? If he ain't selling those seats then he is losing money.

As for the agents, the Federal government pays for its own employees to travel. Why would they expect to get a free ride when they choose to not travel on a government owned aircraft?

Got more phoney outrage?
The secret service protects the immediate families of all presidents, when a family member flies a private commercial aircraft the secret service has to buy seats. Why shouldn't they pay the same for any private aircraft?

You didn't seem to have a problem with your dear leader flying around the country on his 747 campaigning for the hildabitch, it only cost her campaign or the DNC the price of 1 first class ticket. How many millions do you think it cost to actually make those trips?

So just STFU hypocrite.
Good grief. There will be full disclosure just as there was on the campaign trail. And there is nothing illegal about it.

"Compare that to Hillary Clinton. Clinton takes private jets and the Secret Service has paid a lot more to fly with her. Politico‘s report says that while the government has paid $1.6 million to Trump, they have reimbursed the Clinton campaign for $2.6 million in agents’ travel expenses. Clinton just doesn’t own the companies who provide her planes."

Trump Might Be Saving Taxpayers’ Money With Private Plane, Politico Report Condemns Him Anyway
Wow, The Donald really saw you righties coming. His many plans to screw average Americans are becoming public knowledge daily.

After years of reading posts and responses written by the clueless righties, it is obvious to rational people that most conservatives have absolutely no understanding of how any part of our system works. Also, it is quite apparent that facts are irrelevant to the right-wingers, and that they only believe what conservative propaganda outlets tell them. So,every attempt will be made to keep all aspects of this OP simple, so hopefully, the Trump-bots might comprehend some small amount.

Now, to begin, as president, Trump will fly on Air Force One. When flying on Air Force One, Secret Service agents travel with no ticket cost to the government (or themselves). Are you Trump-bots following so far?

But The Donald has struck upon a scheme to have his company-owned Boeing 757 turn into a money-maker for him by giving free flights to Melania, Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka, or anyone else he chooses.

Of course, reasonable people know you conservatives are already confused. You are asking, "How can giving his friends and family free flights make him money?" Well, as a candidate he convinced you Trump-bots he was on your side and was going to save you money. However, his company will be getting top price from the federal government to pay for the seats Secret Service agents will occupy aboard the 757. This will occur whenever Trump requests protection for some, possibly all passengers in his company’s jet. Now, take a moment what you just read sink in.

After you Trump-bots have given the above paragraph some thought, now realize, he will give free seats to everyone he chooses, but not the federally paid agents whose duty it will be to lay down their lives to protect his passengers. Naturally, the agents will charge the price of their seats to their expense accounts provided by federal government. This will be to pay The Donald's company to protect HIS guests on HIS company's 757.

Yeah folks, Trump's profitable plan to line his pockets by charging the Secret Service to fly in his company’s 757 comes as no surprise to people of reason. This, coupled with Trump's sudden cooperation with Paul Ryan to pass legislation cutting (eliminating actually) Medicaid and Medicare, and to privatize Social Security by giving the SS Trust Fund to the crooks on Wall Street also comes as no surprise to everyone but the Trump-bots. Taking the $2.6+trillion the Wall St. crooks will quickly transfer into the pockets of his fellow billionaires (and his own) The righties will have their wish for the privatization of SS, and the results will be disastrous.

After the GOP gets finished "protecting" those dependent on these programs, the vast majority will see how the Trump-bots' votes for Trump helped make America great, for the billionaires, that is. Your man Trump will soon make America really terrible for the elderly, the disabled, the poor, and anyone else who is NOT a billionaire or multi millionaire.

To prove this, a show of hands, please:

Question 1- How many of you Trump-bots are members the top one-tenth of the one percent?

Question 2- How many of you Trump-bots depend on Social Security?

Question 3- How many of you Trump-bots depend on Medicare?

Question 4- How many of you Trump-bots depend on Medicaid?

For those Trump-bots who did NOT raise their hands for question 1, but did for question 2, 3, 4, or any combination of the last three, well you made a big mistake voting for Trump. (The Democrats have usually protected Social Security etc. as best they can from the GOP's thieves) I know, I know, you will deny this, because you are certain The Donald would never dream of screwing his loyal followers.

Hold onto that denial, it might help feed you when all of your fixed income and your health care money is given to Trump’s billionaire buddies.

(As a warning to Trump-bots, the facts contained articles at the following links will make your boneheads explode, so go watch the liars on FOX Noise for your own safety and comfort.)

Trump can now loot millions of dollars from the Secret Service with no disclosure

100 days to save the Republic

President-Elect Donald Trump Gets to Work Betraying His Backers

Not much to say. I hope the OP has some marketable skills. The shit they dream up is funny. An old liberal friend of mine (a long term good friend), reminded me all of this has happened before. I wanted to argue details. He told me to relax. It is what it is. Everyone should hope it tuns out well.
Meh, flight charges to secret service will be chump change compared to million-and-one other ways his family can now line their pockets....and then you suddenly jump to medicare/medicaid/ss....let them go there, Democrats are awaiting the moment.
As stated in the OP, very few conservatives (Trump-bots) truly understand how our system works. They also fail to understand the greed that motivates billionaires. Defying ethics is a sport to them, and right-wingers defend this.

That is why U.S. conservatism is so dangerous to the survival of our nation.

As stated in the OP, very few conservatives (Trump-bots) truly understand how our system works. They also fail to understand the greed that motivates billionaires. Defying ethics is a sport to them, and right-wingers defend this.

That is why U.S. conservatism is so dangerous to the survival of our nation.


You mad bro?
Wow, The Donald really saw you righties coming. His many plans to screw average Americans are becoming public knowledge daily.

After years of reading posts and responses written by the clueless righties, it is obvious to rational people that most conservatives have absolutely no understanding of how any part of our system works. Also, it is quite apparent that facts are irrelevant to the right-wingers, and that they only believe what conservative propaganda outlets tell them. So,every attempt will be made to keep all aspects of this OP simple, so hopefully, the Trump-bots might comprehend some small amount.

Now, to begin, as president, Trump will fly on Air Force One. When flying on Air Force One, Secret Service agents travel with no ticket cost to the government (or themselves). Are you Trump-bots following so far?

But The Donald has struck upon a scheme to have his company-owned Boeing 757 turn into a money-maker for him by giving free flights to Melania, Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka, or anyone else he chooses.

Of course, reasonable people know you conservatives are already confused. You are asking, "How can giving his friends and family free flights make him money?" Well, as a candidate he convinced you Trump-bots he was on your side and was going to save you money. However, his company will be getting top price from the federal government to pay for the seats Secret Service agents will occupy aboard the 757. This will occur whenever Trump requests protection for some, possibly all passengers in his company’s jet. Now, take a moment what you just read sink in.

After you Trump-bots have given the above paragraph some thought, now realize, he will give free seats to everyone he chooses, but not the federally paid agents whose duty it will be to lay down their lives to protect his passengers. Naturally, the agents will charge the price of their seats to their expense accounts provided by federal government. This will be to pay The Donald's company to protect HIS guests on HIS company's 757.

Yeah folks, Trump's profitable plan to line his pockets by charging the Secret Service to fly in his company’s 757 comes as no surprise to people of reason. This, coupled with Trump's sudden cooperation with Paul Ryan to pass legislation cutting (eliminating actually) Medicaid and Medicare, and to privatize Social Security by giving the SS Trust Fund to the crooks on Wall Street also comes as no surprise to everyone but the Trump-bots. Taking the $2.6+trillion the Wall St. crooks will quickly transfer into the pockets of his fellow billionaires (and his own) The righties will have their wish for the privatization of SS, and the results will be disastrous.

After the GOP gets finished "protecting" those dependent on these programs, the vast majority will see how the Trump-bots' votes for Trump helped make America great, for the billionaires, that is. Your man Trump will soon make America really terrible for the elderly, the disabled, the poor, and anyone else who is NOT a billionaire or multi millionaire.

To prove this, a show of hands, please:

Question 1- How many of you Trump-bots are members the top one-tenth of the one percent?

Question 2- How many of you Trump-bots depend on Social Security?

Question 3- How many of you Trump-bots depend on Medicare?

Question 4- How many of you Trump-bots depend on Medicaid?

For those Trump-bots who did NOT raise their hands for question 1, but did for question 2, 3, 4, or any combination of the last three, well you made a big mistake voting for Trump. (The Democrats have usually protected Social Security etc. as best they can from the GOP's thieves) I know, I know, you will deny this, because you are certain The Donald would never dream of screwing his loyal followers.

Hold onto that denial, it might help feed you when all of your fixed income and your health care money is given to Trump’s billionaire buddies.

(As a warning to Trump-bots, the facts contained articles at the following links will make your boneheads explode, so go watch the liars on FOX Noise for your own safety and comfort.)

Trump can now loot millions of dollars from the Secret Service with no disclosure

100 days to save the Republic

President-Elect Donald Trump Gets to Work Betraying His Backers


to privatize Social Security by giving the SS Trust Fund to the crooks on Wall Street also comes as no surprise to everyone but the Trump-bots. Taking the $2.6+trillion

You think there is a pile of money, adding up to $2.6 trillion, that can just be handed to Wall Street? DERP!
That money has been spent, you poor, ignorant fool. There is a pile of IOUs.

Here, let me write you an IOU. Now take that and go trade some stock with it.....twit.
As we can see from their responses to the OP, the simple-minded Trump-bots will spend the four years The Donald is president turning a blind eye to the hundreds-of-billions of dollars he and his team of billionaire swindlers openly steal from our country. After the Democrats finally wrest control from the GOP crooks and prove the thefts, the Trump-bots will deny the facts as the always do.

They call themselves patriots, that's a laugh. Face it Trump-bots, you are the biggest fools, suckers, and imbeciles in the history of western civilization.

As rich as he is, why would he feel the need to loot anything?

Because he doesn't and he won't.

Isn't he the POTUS who has turned down a salary??

Douchebag and his wife didn't turn down any money and Mooch had no problem taking vacations al over the world at taxpayers expense even when the economy was in the toilet.
As we can see from their responses to the OP, the simple-minded Trump-bots will spend the four years The Donald is president turning a blind eye to the hundreds-of-billions of dollars he and his team of billionaire swindlers openly steal from our country. After the Democrats finally wrest control from the GOP crooks and prove the thefts, the Trump-bots will deny the facts as the always do.

They call themselves patriots, that's a laugh. Face it Trump-bots, you are the biggest fools, suckers, and imbeciles in the history of western civilization.


The only simple minded folks I've seen are those that backed stupid, careless and incompetent Hillary.

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