Trump brings TBTF/FED/ESF Market Manipulating Criminals Under His Tent


Active Member
Jul 11, 2016
the BOJ has accumulated an ETF stash that accounted for 52 percent of the entire market at the end of September, figures from Tokyo’s stock exchange show.

The above referenced article and stat(government ownership of 52% of entire market) should make you wonder how much of the American stock market the Fed/Treasury’s ESF owns. The unprecedented government print money - buy securities cycle is making market jubulation now. Is there a logical conclusion? Think about it… Trump is already under the spell of the TBTF and global banking elite. It’s a collosal market crash looking for a place to happen!
Trump should have chosen John Allison, former CEO of BB&T, as his new Sec of the Treasury. Trump took the Goldman guys under his tent = big market rally today. The first time Trump trys to take action that undermines the FED/global-banking international elites they will punish his actions by letting the air out of the market as much as needed to bring Trump into compliance with their wishes. The ESF and its controllers clandestinly wield a now increasingly dangerous extra-legal concentration of totalitarian power.

It pisses me off anyone from Goldman Sachs is involved in the new administration.
It pisses me off anyone from Goldman Sachs is involved in the new administration.
I agree. It's a symbol of the totalitarian power wielded by the print-money-buy securities ESF cronies how easily TPTB compromised the new Trump administration.


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