Trump back for second bite at the apple on transgender ban in military


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
There are no words for the hate that emanates from this Orange Dotard. Let the lawsuits commence, he just can't get enough of those. :rolleyes-41:

(CNN) The White House on Friday announced a policy to ban most transgender people from serving in the US military.

Following a Pentagon policy review after a tweet by President Donald Trump last year, the White House said the policy will say "transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria -- individuals who the policies state may require substantial medical treatment, including medications and surgery -- are disqualified from military service except under certain limited circumstances."

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Trump had rescinded his previous policy to allow this new policy to take its place.

The new policy, according to Sanders, was "developed through extensive study by senior uniformed and civilian leaders, including combat veterans," under the direction of Defense Secretary James Mattis.​

White House announces policy to ban most transgender people from serving in military - CNNPolitics
There are no words for the hate that emanates from this Orange Dotard. Let the lawsuits commence, he just can't get enough of those. :rolleyes-41:

(CNN) The White House on Friday announced a policy to ban most transgender people from serving in the US military.

Following a Pentagon policy review after a tweet by President Donald Trump last year, the White House said the policy will say "transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria -- individuals who the policies state may require substantial medical treatment, including medications and surgery -- are disqualified from military service except under certain limited circumstances."

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Trump had rescinded his previous policy to allow this new policy to take its place.

The new policy, according to Sanders, was "developed through extensive study by senior uniformed and civilian leaders, including combat veterans," under the direction of Defense Secretary James Mattis.​

White House announces policy to ban most transgender people from serving in military - CNNPolitics
So basically a person who can't buy a gun because of they are being treated by a doctor for depression is okay to be in the military?

And you want them to tote a gun in the military.
There are no words for the hate that emanates from this Orange Dotard. Let the lawsuits commence, he just can't get enough of those. :rolleyes-41:

(CNN) The White House on Friday announced a policy to ban most transgender people from serving in the US military.

Following a Pentagon policy review after a tweet by President Donald Trump last year, the White House said the policy will say "transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria -- individuals who the policies state may require substantial medical treatment, including medications and surgery -- are disqualified from military service except under certain limited circumstances."

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Trump had rescinded his previous policy to allow this new policy to take its place.

The new policy, according to Sanders, was "developed through extensive study by senior uniformed and civilian leaders, including combat veterans," under the direction of Defense Secretary James Mattis.​

White House announces policy to ban most transgender people from serving in military - CNNPolitics

It has always been the policy of the United States to ban homosexuals from the military. The Democrats, intent on the destruction of US values, just recently forced this through in stages. From "dont-ask-dont-tell" to women in combat to cross dressers now.
Lesson...never give a liberal an inch.

You are a weird outlier in history.
It has always been the policy of the United States to ban homosexuals from the military. The Democrats, intent on the destruction of US values, just recently forced this through in stages. From "dont-ask-dont-tell" to women in combat to cross dressers now.
Lesson...never give a liberal an inch.

You are a weird outlier in history.

Better a weird outlier in history than on the wrong side of it
The study published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics reveals the difficulty in picking apart this question. It examined mental health and substance use among nearly 300 young transgender women in Chicago and Boston.

Only a quarter of the women were white, and all were between ages 16 and 29. The researchers, led by Sari Reisner, a research fellow at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, found that the rate of psychiatric disorders and substance dependence among these women was 1.7 to 3.6 times greater than in the general population.

Four in 10 of the women had a mental health or substance dependence disorder, and 1 in 5 women had at least two diagnosed psychiatric conditions. More than a third of them had experienced depression, and 1 in 5 women had contemplated suicide in the past month. Rates of anxiety, post-traumatic stress, alcohol dependence and other substance dependence also was higher than average.
From npr

Individuals who identify as transgender tend to experience higher rates of mental health issues than the general population. While approximately 6.7 percent(link is external) of the general United States population suffers from depressionand 18 percent(link is external) grapple with some iteration of an anxiety disorder, nearly half(link is external) of all individuals who identify as transgender experience these issues. What's more, over 41 percent of trans men and women are estimated(link is external)to have attempted suicide — a rate that's nearly nine times as high as the rate of cisgender Americans.
Why Transgender People Experience More Mental Health Issues
It has always been the policy of the United States to ban homosexuals from the military. The Democrats, intent on the destruction of US values, just recently forced this through in stages. From "dont-ask-dont-tell" to women in combat to cross dressers now.
Lesson...never give a liberal an inch.

You are a weird outlier in history.

Better a weird outlier in history than on the wrong side of it

You are on the wrong side. That is what "outlier" means. You follow every new fad of the moment. But your views are the mullet of politics.

Since medical science considers transgenderism to be a mental illness, the OP must want the mental ill to serve in the military. You can't fix this kind of stupid.
People who have their balls cut off, their dick split into sections, turned inside out and stuffed up inside their bodies have no place on a battlefield.
People who have their balls cut off, their dick split into sections, turned inside out and stuffed up inside their bodies have no place on a battlefield.
They never get to the battlefield. They can only be deployed to non combat bases.
People who have their balls cut off, their dick split into sections, turned inside out and stuffed up inside their bodies have no place on a battlefield.
They never get to the battlefield. They can only be deployed to non combat bases.

Not to hear the degenerate left tell it. According to them, regiments of proud tranny soldiers march onto the battlefield and are stronger than ten men.
There are no words for the hate that emanates from this Orange Dotard. Let the lawsuits commence, he just can't get enough of those. :rolleyes-41:

(CNN) The White House on Friday announced a policy to ban most transgender people from serving in the US military.

Following a Pentagon policy review after a tweet by President Donald Trump last year, the White House said the policy will say "transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria -- individuals who the policies state may require substantial medical treatment, including medications and surgery -- are disqualified from military service except under certain limited circumstances."

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Trump had rescinded his previous policy to allow this new policy to take its place.

The new policy, according to Sanders, was "developed through extensive study by senior uniformed and civilian leaders, including combat veterans," under the direction of Defense Secretary James Mattis.​

White House announces policy to ban most transgender people from serving in military - CNNPolitics

one has to appreciate the tenacity of the rabid religion right.... embodied by mike pence.

on the other hand, I look forward to them being humiliated.
People who have their balls cut off, their dick split into sections, turned inside out and stuffed up inside their bodies have no place on a battlefield.
They never get to the battlefield. They can only be deployed to non combat bases.

Not to hear the degenerate left tell it. According to them, regiments of proud tranny soldiers march onto the battlefield and are stronger than ten men.

white supremacist trash is what is degenerate, lowlife
People who have their balls cut off, their dick split into sections, turned inside out and stuffed up inside their bodies have no place on a battlefield.
They never get to the battlefield. They can only be deployed to non combat bases.

Not to hear the degenerate left tell it. According to them, regiments of proud tranny soldiers march onto the battlefield and are stronger than ten men.

white supremacist trash is what is degenerate, lowlife

Coming from you that's a compliment.

More transgenders sent off to war ultimately means less transgenders.
Trump really hasn't thought this through.
Maybe he should ask for his VP's opinion.
one has to appreciate the tenacity of the rabid religion right.... embodied by mike pence.

on the other hand, I look forward to them being humiliated.

Yep, and they will indeed be B-slapped for a second time. One would think that they have enough on their plate without the LGBTQ hate.

Following a Pentagon policy review after a tweet by President Donald Trump last year, the White House said the policy will say "transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria -- individuals who the policies state may require substantial medical treatment, including medications and surgery -- are disqualified from military service except under certain limited circumstances."

There are rules in the military about people who are mentally unstable. They aren't fit to serve. It's the reason they do intake on recruits. You'd know this if you served. Idiot.

Of course your brain would have to know how to use logic. Being far left, that's out of the question. But if you could utilize logic and deductive reasoning, you'd understand that the military's prime function is to protect US Citizens here and abroad. As such, it must function like a well-oiled machine, coming up against other militaries with far more strict recruiting standards than we have.

People who are "transgender" are patently insane. They are the epitome of insane. Insanity is defined as the inability to accept objective reality on its terms, manifest. When a person looks between his legs and sees a dick and testicles, then declares "I'm a girl instead!", there need be no further mental exam. He is nuts. And as such, disqualified for service in the US military. Period.

Sue away. And when the US military presents its evidence on the difference between boys and girls in biology, and you have ZERO evidence to show that brains are different that biological sex, you will lose. Worse still, the sham of transgender will be exposed for all to see. And so the unraveling of LGBT as a whole will begin. Not to mention the exposure of the medical malpractice being carried on by doctors who no doubt will be subpoenaed by your side.

Go for it. I will enjoy the show. :popcorn:

vv Lucid and wordy retort. Everyone get that? ^^ is "nonsense" because DrLove said so. "Your honor, I rest my case!" :lmao:
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Following a Pentagon policy review after a tweet by President Donald Trump last year, the White House said the policy will say "transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria -- individuals who the policies state may require substantial medical treatment, including medications and surgery -- are disqualified from military service except under certain limited circumstances."

There are rules in the military about people who are mentally unstable. They aren't fit to serve. It's the reason they do intake on recruits. You'd know this if you served. Idiot.

Of course your brain would have to know how to use logic. Being far left, that's out of the question. But if you could utilize logic and deductive reasoning, you'd understand that the military's prime function is to protect US Citizens here and abroad. As such, it must function like a well-oiled machine, coming up against other militaries with far more strict recruiting standards than we have.

People who are "transgender" are patently insane. They are the epitome of insane. Insanity is defined as the inability to accept objective reality on its terms, manifest. When a person looks between his legs and sees a dick and testicles, then declares "I'm a girl instead!", there need be no further mental exam. He is nuts. And as such, disqualified for service in the US military. Period.


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