Trump attacks Sens. Graham, Flake


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Another childish fit from the..........boy:

“President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist neo-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer,” Graham said a statement Wednesday. “I, along with many others, do not endorse this moral equivalency.”

Trump fired back at Graham, who ran against him in the 2016 Republican primary.

“Publicity seeking Lindsey Graham falsely stated that I said there is moral equivalency between the KKK, neo-Nazis & white supremacists and people like Ms. Heyer,” Trump wrote, invoking Heyer’s death and Graham’s failed presidential bid in the same tweet. “Such a disgusting lie. He just can’t forget his election trouncing. The people of South Carolina will remember!”

Is the disgrace capable of responding to criticism without juvenile insults?
Another childish fit from the..........boy:

“President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist neo-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer,” Graham said a statement Wednesday. “I, along with many others, do not endorse this moral equivalency.”

Trump fired back at Graham, who ran against him in the 2016 Republican primary.

“Publicity seeking Lindsey Graham falsely stated that I said there is moral equivalency between the KKK, neo-Nazis & white supremacists and people like Ms. Heyer,” Trump wrote, invoking Heyer’s death and Graham’s failed presidential bid in the same tweet. “Such a disgusting lie. He just can’t forget his election trouncing. The people of South Carolina will remember!”

Is the disgrace capable of responding to criticism without juvenile insults?
Ignorant fuckwit, same shit with the CEOs getting the hell away from him, such a spoiled child.
Meanwhile our allies are speaking out clearly about........him.....:

  • BERLIN/LONDON (Reuters) - America's closest allies condemned U.S. President Donald Trump in unusually strong and personal terms on Wednesday after he put part of the blame for violent clashes in the state of Virginia on those marching against gun-brandishing neo-Nazis.

British Prime Minister Theresa May, widely criticised at home for cultivating close ties to Trump during his first half year in office, spoke out after the president repeated his view that the white nationalists and counter-protesters were both to blame.

"There's no equivalence, I see no equivalence between those who propound fascist views and those who oppose them and I think it is important for all those in positions of responsibility to condemn far-right views wherever we hear them," May said.

The leader of the centrist Liberal Democrats said May should rescind her invitation to Trump to pay a state visit to Britain.

"After. @realDonaldTrump whitewash of murder and hatred by #WhiteSupremacists why is he still on list of invited official guests to UK?" Vince Cable tweeted.

Politicians in Germany, which has tough laws against hate speech and any symbols linked to the Nazis who murdered 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, expressed shock at the images of people in Charlottesville, Virginia carrying swastikas and chanting anti-Jewish slurs.

Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the "racist, far-right violence".

Her challenger in next month's election called Trump's comments the "confused utterances" of a dangerous man.

"We should not tolerate the monstrosities coming out of the president's mouth," Martin Schulz told the RND newspaper group in an interview.

German Justice Minister Heiko Maas, like Schulz a member of the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) which rules in coalition with Merkel, accused Trump of trivialising anti-Semitism and racism.

His Israeli counterpart, Ayelet Shaked, a member of the ultranationalist Jewish Home party in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, tweeted: "The neo-Nazis in the United States should be prosecuted. This was not what the American constitution was meant for."

In a heated news conference on Tuesday, Trump said there was "blame on both sides" for the violence, which culminated in the death of a 32-year-old woman, Heather Heyer, after a car crashed into anti-racist demonstrators. A 20-year-old Ohio man said to have harboured Nazi sympathies has been charged with her murder.

Trump's remarks were praised by white supremacists like David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, who applauded the president's "honesty and courage".

But in Europe, even far-right parties that have welcomed Trump's nationalist message, were critical of his stance.

"These were white supremacists and racists. They need to be condemned in very clear terms," said Florian Philippot, vice president of France's National Front and the manager of Marine Le Pen's campaign for the French presidency.


For more news videos visit Yahoo View, available now on iOS and Android.

(This story has been refiled to delete typo in paragraph seven)

(Additional reporting by Andrea Shalal and Michael Nienaber in Berlin, Jeffrey Heller in Jerusalem, Richard Lough in Paris, Kirsti Knolle in Vienna, Robert Muller in Prague, Gwladys Fouche in Oslo; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)
These countries, mainly Germany, need to realize in this nation freedom of speech is sacred. It's part of the founding of this nation.

Not only that some of those countries have their own issues going on.

I don't know why people are so upset Trump said both sides are to blame, it takes two to tango and the left's hands are not clean in this mess. Far from it
Not everyone, or even most, in this nation, are left or right.
Not everyone, or even most, in this nation, are left or right.

The two sides last weekend were extremes of both.

It's all nonsense...and I still suspect orchestrated
Well ya kinda have to don't you love.

For the last time you befuddled loon, I think you're a fool trolling for effect.

Now scram old man
Just disagreeing darling, that's all.

Go get a hair cut, hippie
Meanwhile our allies are speaking out clearly about........him.....:

  • BERLIN/LONDON (Reuters) - America's closest allies condemned U.S. President Donald Trump in unusually strong and personal terms on Wednesday after he put part of the blame for violent clashes in the state of Virginia on those marching against gun-brandishing neo-Nazis.

British Prime Minister Theresa May, widely criticised at home for cultivating close ties to Trump during his first half year in office, spoke out after the president repeated his view that the white nationalists and counter-protesters were both to blame.

"There's no equivalence, I see no equivalence between those who propound fascist views and those who oppose them and I think it is important for all those in positions of responsibility to condemn far-right views wherever we hear them," May said.

The leader of the centrist Liberal Democrats said May should rescind her invitation to Trump to pay a state visit to Britain.

"After. @realDonaldTrump whitewash of murder and hatred by #WhiteSupremacists why is he still on list of invited official guests to UK?" Vince Cable tweeted.

Politicians in Germany, which has tough laws against hate speech and any symbols linked to the Nazis who murdered 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, expressed shock at the images of people in Charlottesville, Virginia carrying swastikas and chanting anti-Jewish slurs.

Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the "racist, far-right violence".

Her challenger in next month's election called Trump's comments the "confused utterances" of a dangerous man.

"We should not tolerate the monstrosities coming out of the president's mouth," Martin Schulz told the RND newspaper group in an interview.

German Justice Minister Heiko Maas, like Schulz a member of the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) which rules in coalition with Merkel, accused Trump of trivialising anti-Semitism and racism.

His Israeli counterpart, Ayelet Shaked, a member of the ultranationalist Jewish Home party in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, tweeted: "The neo-Nazis in the United States should be prosecuted. This was not what the American constitution was meant for."

In a heated news conference on Tuesday, Trump said there was "blame on both sides" for the violence, which culminated in the death of a 32-year-old woman, Heather Heyer, after a car crashed into anti-racist demonstrators. A 20-year-old Ohio man said to have harboured Nazi sympathies has been charged with her murder.

Trump's remarks were praised by white supremacists like David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, who applauded the president's "honesty and courage".

But in Europe, even far-right parties that have welcomed Trump's nationalist message, were critical of his stance.

"These were white supremacists and racists. They need to be condemned in very clear terms," said Florian Philippot, vice president of France's National Front and the manager of Marine Le Pen's campaign for the French presidency.


For more news videos visit Yahoo View, available now on iOS and Android.

(This story has been refiled to delete typo in paragraph seven)

(Additional reporting by Andrea Shalal and Michael Nienaber in Berlin, Jeffrey Heller in Jerusalem, Richard Lough in Paris, Kirsti Knolle in Vienna, Robert Muller in Prague, Gwladys Fouche in Oslo; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)

No guns were being brandished.

Fake news.
Not everyone, or even most, in this nation, are left or right.

The two sides last weekend were extremes of both.

It's all nonsense...and I still suspect orchestrated
Well ya kinda have to don't you love.

For the last time you befuddled loon, I think you're a fool trolling for effect.

Now scram old man
Just disagreeing darling, that's all.

Go get a hair cut, hippie
More assumptions about things you could never know you consider "knowing". Do go on love ....
Not everyone, or even most, in this nation, are left or right.

The two sides last weekend were extremes of both.

It's all nonsense...and I still suspect orchestrated
Well ya kinda have to don't you love.

For the last time you befuddled loon, I think you're a fool trolling for effect.

Now scram old man
Just disagreeing darling, that's all.

Disagreeing with people who really believe there is a 'deep state' in the USA, and forget Hannity predicted the end of FoxNews for Dummies back in April might be useless.They do not read, and comprehend, they regurgitate catch phrases.
Not everyone, or even most, in this nation, are left or right.

The two sides last weekend were extremes of both.

It's all nonsense...and I still suspect orchestrated
Well ya kinda have to don't you love.

For the last time you befuddled loon, I think you're a fool trolling for effect.

Now scram old man
Just disagreeing darling, that's all.

Disagreeing with people who really believe there is a 'deep state' in the USA, and forget Hannity predicted the end of FoxNews for Dummies back in April might be useless.They do not read, and comprehend, they regurgitate catch phrases.
Oh I know, it's like a tic.

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