Trump Approval Highest Since Impeachment, 53%


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I love it, how the Dems keep pushing Trumps numbers up, but they cant see it due to all the lies they are telling everyone. They are eating their own poison and cant stop!

President Donald Trump reached a 53 percent job approval rating on Friday — a figure not seen since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced the impeachment inquiry last September, Rasmussen Reports revealed.
The president’s job approval has been on the upswing in recent weeks, reaching a high of 53 percent on Friday. Of those, 44 percent “strongly” approve. Trump has not experienced a job approval percentage that high since September 24, 2019, the same day Pelosi announced the House’s formal impeachment inquiry — an effort that ultimately failed:
I love it, how the Dems keep pushing Trumps numbers up, but they cant see it due to all the lies they are telling everyone. They are eating their own poison and cant stop!

President Donald Trump reached a 53 percent job approval rating on Friday — a figure not seen since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced the impeachment inquiry last September, Rasmussen Reports revealed.
The president’s job approval has been on the upswing in recent weeks, reaching a high of 53 percent on Friday. Of those, 44 percent “strongly” approve. Trump has not experienced a job approval percentage that high since September 24, 2019, the same day Pelosi announced the House’s formal impeachment inquiry — an effort that ultimately failed:

Only in Rasmussen. Another fake poll.
I love it, how the Dems keep pushing Trumps numbers up, but they cant see it due to all the lies they are telling everyone. They are eating their own poison and cant stop!

President Donald Trump reached a 53 percent job approval rating on Friday — a figure not seen since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced the impeachment inquiry last September, Rasmussen Reports revealed.
The president’s job approval has been on the upswing in recent weeks, reaching a high of 53 percent on Friday. Of those, 44 percent “strongly” approve. Trump has not experienced a job approval percentage that high since September 24, 2019, the same day Pelosi announced the House’s formal impeachment inquiry — an effort that ultimately failed:

Only in Rasmussen. Another fake poll.
Oh look, another fake post by a fake poster in fake parallel universe.
I love it, how the Dems keep pushing Trumps numbers up, but they cant see it due to all the lies they are telling everyone. They are eating their own poison and cant stop!

President Donald Trump reached a 53 percent job approval rating on Friday — a figure not seen since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced the impeachment inquiry last September, Rasmussen Reports revealed.
The president’s job approval has been on the upswing in recent weeks, reaching a high of 53 percent on Friday. Of those, 44 percent “strongly” approve. Trump has not experienced a job approval percentage that high since September 24, 2019, the same day Pelosi announced the House’s formal impeachment inquiry — an effort that ultimately failed:

Only in Rasmussen. Another fake poll.

It won't be long before we know who is full of shit and who is shining the shit with leftist shinola.
"It's the economy stupid"

Wouldn't it be ironic if the communists unleashed the virus to hurt the U.S economy and it actually reinforced support for Trump standing UP to China and bringing back their jobs that are desperately needed in these unprecedented of times?
There is debate if the virus was manufactured, but there is no debate that China let people travel out of China to places like Italy, while prohibiting people from coming it who might also carry the virus.

This means they DID use it as a biological weapon, even if they did not create it.

And yes, they are all Marxists with Biden connections.
"It's the economy stupid"

Wouldn't it be ironic if the communists unleashed the virus to hurt the U.S economy and it actually reinforced support for Trump standing UP to China and bringing back their jobs that are desperately needed in these unprecedented of times?
There is debate if the virus was manufactured, but there is no debate that China let people travel out of China to places like Italy, while prohibiting people from coming it who might also carry the virus.

This means they DID use it as a biological weapon, even if they did not create it.

And yes, they are all Marxists with Biden connections.

Whether developed in a lab or some random bat soup narrative, the Commie bastards had little interest in stopping it. In fact, quite the contrary.

THAT, was not some accident or oversight on their behalf.
Rasmussen via Breitbart?
I LOVE IT - especially later in the summer!

I love it, how the Dems keep pushing Trumps numbers up, but they cant see it due to all the lies they are telling everyone. They are eating their own poison and cant stop!

President Donald Trump reached a 53 percent job approval rating on Friday — a figure not seen since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced the impeachment inquiry last September, Rasmussen Reports revealed.
The president’s job approval has been on the upswing in recent weeks, reaching a high of 53 percent on Friday. Of those, 44 percent “strongly” approve. Trump has not experienced a job approval percentage that high since September 24, 2019, the same day Pelosi announced the House’s formal impeachment inquiry — an effort that ultimately failed:

Only in Rasmussen. Another fake poll.

It won't be long before we know who is full of shit and who is shining the shit with leftist shinola.

We all know from last time that polls don’t mean shit.
Trump will blow the roof off in the election this year!
His base is quiet but gets the job done.....
I love it, how the Dems keep pushing Trumps numbers up, but they cant see it due to all the lies they are telling everyone. They are eating their own poison and cant stop!

President Donald Trump reached a 53 percent job approval rating on Friday — a figure not seen since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced the impeachment inquiry last September, Rasmussen Reports revealed.
The president’s job approval has been on the upswing in recent weeks, reaching a high of 53 percent on Friday. Of those, 44 percent “strongly” approve. Trump has not experienced a job approval percentage that high since September 24, 2019, the same day Pelosi announced the House’s formal impeachment inquiry — an effort that ultimately failed:

Only in Rasmussen. Another fake poll.
Oh look, another fake post by a fake poster in fake parallel universe.

You are the fake. Fake polls are the only way you can fool yourself. You are in a fake universe.
"It's the economy stupid"

Wouldn't it be ironic if the communists unleashed the virus to hurt the U.S economy and it actually reinforced support for Trump standing UP to China and bringing back their jobs that are desperately needed in these unprecedented of times?
There is debate if the virus was manufactured, but there is no debate that China let people travel out of China to places like Italy, while prohibiting people from coming it who might also carry the virus.

This means they DID use it as a biological weapon, even if they did not create it.

And yes, they are all Marxists with Biden connections.

Whether developed in a lab or some random bat soup narrative, the Commie bastards had little interest in stopping it. In fact, quite the contrary.

THAT, was not some accident or oversight on their behalf.

There is no evidence of that. You are biased so it matters little.
Pres. Trump is running unopposed and looks to keep stacking the courts with humans over the next 4 years. I'd like to see him get a little more heavy-handed with the marxist shitstains that want to play with matches, but I look forward to the prosperity and good times.
"It's the economy stupid"

Wouldn't it be ironic if the communists unleashed the virus to hurt the U.S economy and it actually reinforced support for Trump standing UP to China and bringing back their jobs that are desperately needed in these unprecedented of times?

And before the chinese flu, released by joe biden's bosses in China, everyone was happy but likely did not understand how Trump helped the economy. the economy rebounds in real is Trump's and it is coming back........the democrats lied and said it was due to obama...they can't say that anymore.....the rebound is all Trump, as was the boom before the Chinese flu of joe biden......but now, Trump is right there as it comes back......obama can't say crap about it...though he will still try.
Pres. Trump is running unopposed and looks to keep stacking the courts with humans over the next 4 years. I'd like to see him get a little more heavy-handed with the marxist shitstains that want to play with matches, but I look forward to the prosperity and good times.

Only if we keep fighting ....the democrats do not stop...ever......and until Trump is back in office on Nov. 4, and he has replaced ginsburg, and hopefully breyer..this isn't even close to being over....
Only in Rasmussen. Another fake poll.
Rasmussen was closer to correct in 2016 than most other polls.

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