Trump and the SCOTUS


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

With, as Trump and the cult members continue to say, the evidence of voter fraud that enabled President Elect Biden to steal the election from Trump, is overwhelming, where is the SCOTUS?

What is especially interesting is that the Trump campaign, with Giuliani in the forefront, has filed suit after suit with Republican judges, some appointed by Trump, and been shot down. A suit by Texas, to benefit Trump, was not even granted a hearing by the SCOTUS, a SCOTUS with a Republican majority and three members appointed by Trump.

The leader of the Senate, a Republican, has asked senators to not object to President Biden's victory in the Electoral College when the Senate counts those votes on January 6th.

Even with all of this power standing against Trump and his rigged claims, why does he persist in his so called "fight? It wouldn't be to keep the money from his flock flowing into his coffers, now would it?
I think that the GOP states got swindled by the democrats and Trump wants the GOP states to do elections more like FL, w/o the voter fraud, and with results on election night.

There are a lot of election issues to straighten out.

With, as Trump and the cult members continue to say, the evidence of voter fraud that enabled President Elect Biden to steal the election from Trump, is overwhelming, where is the SCOTUS?

What is especially interesting is that the Trump campaign, with Giuliani in the forefront, has filed suit after suit with Republican judges, some appointed by Trump, and been shot down. A suit by Texas, to benefit Trump, was not even granted a hearing by the SCOTUS, a SCOTUS with a Republican majority and three members appointed by Trump.

The leader of the Senate, a Republican, has asked senators to not object to President Biden's victory in the Electoral College when the Senate counts those votes on January 6th.

Even with all of this power standing against Trump and his rigged claims, why does he persist in his so called "fight? It wouldn't be to keep the money from his flock flowing into his coffers, now would it?
Anti-American, anti-free election, anarchistic stupidity would be my guess.
:auiqs.jpg: Rupubtard voters are easily used as political pawns! :auiqs.jpg:
6 of 9 SCOTUS Justices are Catholic & Abortion is still Legal! :auiqs.jpg:
I think that the GOP states got swindled by the democrats and Trump wants the GOP states to do elections more like FL, w/o the voter fraud, and with results on election night.

There are a lot of election issues to straighten out.

Except...Florida allows counting of mail in and absentee ballots...before election day. So in that respect I agree with you on process. But there was no fraud. Check it out. Pay close attention to the swing state laws. Again, legislatures made these election laws.

I hope the Supreme Court looks into the case where the Pennsylvania judge took it upon himself to decide mail-in ballots had to be postmarked by Election Day and not as the law was written, that ballots had to be received by then. I don't see anything else that's legitimate and they need to concern themselves with.
I think that the GOP states got swindled by the democrats and Trump wants the GOP states to do elections more like FL, w/o the voter fraud, and with results on election night.

There are a lot of election issues to straighten out.
Most notably, it seems, disenfranchising as many voters as possible.

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