True:under Obama oil production up; BUT....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
BUT.. FACTCHECK says almost ALL on Private- owned land!!!
AND during the last 3 years Obama approved Federal land leases 300% LESS then Bush in a 3 year period...Bush 15,095 leases on Federal Lands... Obama 5,568 Leases!

Federal lands, which the president controls, produced 31.8 percent of domestic oil last year, slightly below the nine-year average of 33.4 percent, according to an EIA report.
The increase in production last year came on state and privately-owned lands, which yielded almost 150 million barrels more than 2010.

In contrast, 2011 production on federal lands dropped by 83 million from a nine-year high mark achieved in 2010.

Obama’s commercial is accurate in saying domestic oil production is at its highest level in eight years. The suggestion of the ad, however, overstates the administration’s role in achieving these results. Much of the increase in production during under Obama has come from state and private lands that the president does not control.

And the facts are:

In FY 2009, however, the number of new leases issued fell to 2,072, according to the Bureau of Land Management. In FY 2010, the number was lower still at 1,308; and in FY 2011, the number was 2,188. In every year of the Obama administration, the number of new leases issued was lower than in Bush’s last year.

In 3 years new leases under Obama 5,568 new leases..
Under Bush.. from 2006 to 2008 15,095 new leases!

NEARLY 3 times the new Federal Leases under Bush then Obama !
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yeah, I love the way they tout the figures as being up, yet never once clarify that on federal lands it is way down.
Let's use up all of our strategic in the ground reserves for short term gain of the oil companies, sell it on the world market and then what? Do you think that all the oil we drill stays here or has the potential to lower prices? You know better.
The oil companies hold hundreds of leases on public land that they're not using.

AGAIN... whole story.. IS YES YOU ARE RIGHT...


That’s because these leased lands that don’t contain productive drilling operations likely are not lying idle as Obama implies.
There are a lot of steps and procedures involved in setting up a productive oil well on leased land, both onshore and off. The Bureau of Land Management’s Web site lists the regulatory hurdles that need to be cleared as part of the larger five-step life cycle of a well. The path to setting up an offshore drilling operation is even longer, as shown in a large flow chart developed by the MMS.
And there is a lot of activity occurring on leased lands that does not qualify as "production."
That’s a total of more than 15,000 holes that were being proposed, started or finished that do not count as "productive" holes. : Unused Offshore Potential?

PLEASE quit using tired, out of date cliches... like "not using leases"!!!!
So quaint you have to rely on a meme that is so proven FALSE!!!
How can you have 300% less approval?

Is not 100% less zero? Or am I reading the op wrong?
The oil companies hold hundreds of leases on public land that they're not using.

AGAIN... whole story.. IS YES YOU ARE RIGHT...


That’s because these leased lands that don’t contain productive drilling operations likely are not lying idle as Obama implies.
There are a lot of steps and procedures involved in setting up a productive oil well on leased land, both onshore and off. The Bureau of Land Management’s Web site lists the regulatory hurdles that need to be cleared as part of the larger five-step life cycle of a well. The path to setting up an offshore drilling operation is even longer, as shown in a large flow chart developed by the MMS.
And there is a lot of activity occurring on leased lands that does not qualify as "production."
That’s a total of more than 15,000 holes that were being proposed, started or finished that do not count as "productive" holes. : Unused Offshore Potential?

PLEASE quit using tired, out of date cliches... like "not using leases"!!!!
So quaint you have to rely on a meme that is so proven FALSE!!!

You didn't prove anything false. You're a long winded troll.

What is false is your foolish notion that the oil companies want to flood the market with oil and drive down gas prices.
Does it mean that for every well Bush approved, Obama took away 3 permissions during his term??
How can you have 300% less approval?

Is not 100% less zero? Or am I reading the op wrong?

OK let's try it again!
Under Bush he approved 15,085 leases on Federal land in 3 years
Under Obama he approved 5,568 leases in 3 years.

How many MORE leases were approved under Bush then Obama... 3 times as many or 300%

I mean Bush approved 3 leases for every 1 lease by Obama... meaning 300% MORE leases approved!

That should clarify it for a 5th grade level comprehension!

Seriously I wonder if I would show my lack of cognitive skills by asking that question!
How can you have 300% less approval?

Is not 100% less zero? Or am I reading the op wrong?

OK let's try it again!
Under Bush he approved 15,085 leases on Federal land in 3 years
Under Obama he approved 5,568 leases in 3 years.

How many MORE leases were approved under Bush then Obama... 3 times as many or 300%

I mean Bush approved 3 leases for every 1 lease by Obama... meaning 300% MORE leases approved!

That should clarify it for a 5th grade level comprehension!

Seriously I wonder if I would show my lack of cognitive skills by asking that question!

You do realize that there is a finite amount of federal land with oil under it, right?

Therefore it is only common sense that over decades of leasing and depleting federal lands, it would be impossible for leasing to continue at the same rate forever...

Plus the drilling gets more expensive as the good oil fields get used up and the drillers have to go to more and more difficult, expensive sources. They're not going to spend more to get the oil out than they can sell it for.
The oil companies hold hundreds of leases on public land that they're not using.

They can't get the permits.

Your post reads as if you couldn't figure out what I said. Either that or you responded to someone else's post in the wrong spot.

Check your work.

No you can't figure it out. Reality eludes you.

You lease a tract of land intending to build a house. Can you just start construction any time you feel like it? Of course not. At the basic necessity you need a building permit. In order to get the building permit, you need reports and permits from any number of governmental agencies. To get a building permit, you have to submit an environmental impact report that will give you a permit to apply for the building permit. That's one, there are dozens of permits necessary before you get a building permit.

We aren't talking about building a house, but drilling for oil. They have the lease, but they also have to get permits to explore to see if there is oil there before they can hope to start drilling. On private land, all they need is permission to explore.

Anyone who has ever opened a business of any kind knows how strangling red tape is. The federal government just strangles a bit more on its own land.
DUH... there is FINITE amount of LAND period but not a FINITE amount of imagination!
Ever hear of FRACKING 40 years as often as we hear now?
Ever hear of " Abiotic Oil"
" Addressing the theory in circulation that oil is not solely of organic origin, but that there may be another mode of origin as well from deeper in the crust, involving magma.
Abiotic Oil -- Reserves Replenished by Process in Earth's Mantle?

You really need to unshackle yourself from the biased MSM. Your sources of information seems lacking in imagination.
You need to think and not let others think for you ...i.e. The Life of Julia — Barack Obama
Do you think civilization will grow and thrive if we have to depend on people that like Obama think THEY know better then you?
I have NO idea what you do for a living... BUT ONE thing I would do is have RESPECT for your vocation's knowledge base, i.e. I assume YOU know when it comes to your work YOU
know what you are doing. I respect and would believe you if you told me something that related to your vocation.

SO I am NOT in the OIL business. As my username "healthmyths" indicates I DO KNOW about health care and specifically Medicare.

AND with that knowledge I know what Obama has spewed about health care is more often wrong then right.
So when ever I read where people are taking Obama at face value I shudder!
DUH... there is FINITE amount of LAND period but not a FINITE amount of imagination!
Ever hear of FRACKING 40 years as often as we hear now?
Ever hear of " Abiotic Oil"
" Addressing the theory in circulation that oil is not solely of organic origin, but that there may be another mode of origin as well from deeper in the crust, involving magma.
Abiotic Oil -- Reserves Replenished by Process in Earth's Mantle?

You really need to unshackle yourself from the biased MSM. Your sources of information seems lacking in imagination.
You need to think and not let others think for you ...i.e. The Life of Julia — Barack Obama
Do you think civilization will grow and thrive if we have to depend on people that like Obama think THEY know better then you?
I have NO idea what you do for a living... BUT ONE thing I would do is have RESPECT for your vocation's knowledge base, i.e. I assume YOU know when it comes to your work YOU
know what you are doing. I respect and would believe you if you told me something that related to your vocation.

SO I am NOT in the OIL business. As my username "healthmyths" indicates I DO KNOW about health care and specifically Medicare.

AND with that knowledge I know what Obama has spewed about health care is more often wrong then right.
So when ever I read where people are taking Obama at face value I shudder!

Natural gas production is so high its price has been rock bottom for ages.
They can't get the permits.

Your post reads as if you couldn't figure out what I said. Either that or you responded to someone else's post in the wrong spot.

Check your work.

No you can't figure it out. Reality eludes you.

You lease a tract of land intending to build a house. Can you just start construction any time you feel like it? Of course not. At the basic necessity you need a building permit. In order to get the building permit, you need reports and permits from any number of governmental agencies. To get a building permit, you have to submit an environmental impact report that will give you a permit to apply for the building permit. That's one, there are dozens of permits necessary before you get a building permit.

We aren't talking about building a house, but drilling for oil. They have the lease, but they also have to get permits to explore to see if there is oil there before they can hope to start drilling. On private land, all they need is permission to explore.

Anyone who has ever opened a business of any kind knows how strangling red tape is. The federal government just strangles a bit more on its own land.

There's an unprecedented boom in oil production in the Dakotas; natural gas is so abundant its low price is closing down coal mining operations through competition - despite the myths that Obama is causing that.

You people sound like idiots trying to manufacture some harebrained 'yeah but' story to downplay the simple fact that energy production in this country under Obama has not gone in the way you people constructed your myth about what you thought would happen.

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