True Christians and True Muslims shall unite themselves against satanic NWO & Gates depopulation 'vaccine' plan.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Why Islam is strong? Because it has as Fundament Holy Quran and almost no hierarchy. Believers can pray everywhere without middlemen.In difference Christians depends on opinion of priests who are oft apostatical, corrupt and traitorous.Christians are not allowed to communicate with God by Prayer and Holy Bible alone.A church is always necessary.
But even to the Apostle Paul time many churches were already either dead or almost dead.
Why Christians can not do the same, to communicate with God without an institution, just by praying and reading the Holy Scripture?
We live today in the Last Time, are gonna to receive forced 'vaccine' and die due to the depopulation Agenda of some completely insane satanists.
It would be today probably a good thing when true Christian and Muslim believers stop fight each other and unite themselves against the common enemy Satan and his worshipers

Informative..... but seems super logical to me that's why they US says UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!!! 7 WE ARE FALLING QUICKLY! Start with Soros........... Massive starvation iis coming my friend get prepared.

Therefore the True Christianity and the True Islam shall stand up together against the Army of Darkness
The Church, as is the Bible, and "God's words" are man made- not to say they don't some good. Even a blind squirrel will find nuts-
I do think, from what little I've read, that Christians and Islamist do have more in common, in the religious aspect, than do Jews and Christians- which blows my mind when the world, except Islam, idolizes Jewry- I just don't get it and I've yet to see it explained logically.
Example: Why do Christians buy the holacaust and tremble with fear at the mention of maybe it's an inaccurate depiction, or deny the comparison when the question of why the near genocide of native people's here are relegated to; well, we're sorry and that wasn't true or real Christian acts- well duh- but, Hitler was Satan, but a "Christian nation" just isn't true or real Christian and not Satan- me thinks there may be a bit of confu- er, propaganda amongst the sheep-
According to a report by Bloomberg, the Trump administration is organizing a Manhattan Project-style effort to drastically cut the time needed to develop a coronavirus vaccine, with the goal of making enough doses for most Americans by year’s end. Instead of eliminating the police state and tyranny, Trump is doing the opposite. He’s now sided with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci making him complicate in the removal of people’s basic human rights.

Some never bother to find the truth...........
Why Islam is strong? Because it has as Fundament Holy Quran and almost no hierarchy. Believers can pray everywhere without middlemen.In difference Christians depends on opinion of priests who are oft apostatical, corrupt and traitorous.Christians are not allowed to communicate with God by Prayer and Holy Bible alone.A church is always necessary.
But even to the Apostle Paul time many churches were already either dead or almost dead.
Why Christians can not do the same, to communicate with God without an institution, just by praying and reading the Holy Scripture?
We live today in the Last Time, are gonna to receive forced 'vaccine' and die due to the depopulation Agenda of some completely insane satanists.
It would be today probably a good thing when true Christian and Muslim believers stop fight each other and unite themselves against the common enemy Satan and his worshipers

Tell em all Baron...
I’m staring to wonder if Baron thinks he’s starring in They Live. Or that it’s a documentary. :lol:
" Sabotaged Purveyors Of The Disparaged Public "

* Notion Of The Hisbah Mob Rules *

Therefore the True Christianity and the True Islam shall stand up together against the Army of Darkness
Learn the distinctions between torahnism , qurayshism , antinomianism and fictional ishmaelism .

" Accepting Responsibility Of Self Ownership And Self Determination "

* A Clause For The Value Of Life *

The adult meaning of an after life , a chance for eternal life , reincarnation , resurrection , being born again , transmutation of soles is that all are metaphors for passing on ones genetic identity through ones offspring where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribe the metaphors of eternal damnation and final judgment .

One passes on their genetic identity in gametes one haploid at a time to their children so that another - both literally and figuratively as themselves - may have an opportunity to experience life as they themselves had .

* Deontology To Improve Assurances Of Survival *

Torahnism is a genetic religion for preservation of the patriarchal lineage of eponymous isaac , where the tenets , cultural traditions and city state laws as proposed in the torah would only apply within israel .

Qurayshism is a genetic religion for preservation of the patriarchal lineage of eponymous ishmael , where the tenets , cultural traditions and city state laws as proposed in the qurayn would only apply within hejaz ( the barrier ) .

* Caveats Of Limited Scope *

No pretense exists that torahnism would apply outside of israel , and to improve an opportunity for a chance of eternal life , the lineal descendants of isaac are directed to immigrate to israel to establish the religious polity of torahnism .

Any pretense that qurayshism would apply outside of hejaz is debase and termed fictional ishmaelism , even though its adherents are directed to emigrate , to strive with their property and lives , to manifest the religious polity of fictional ishmaelism over all others .

" Consequentialism To Improve Assurances Of Survival "

Now christianity is based upon antinomianism , which is a paradox , meaning that by no name will a law be made and includes an expectation for all written laws to be removed from society which is a standard required when mammon is a law unto itself .

* Epistomology Of Non Violence *

By definition , violence is illegitimate aggression , while self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

A provisional definition of illegitimate aggression could be credible threats to commit aggression , or acts of aggression , which violate self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) or self determination ( private property , willful intents - contracts ) that are core elements of individualism .

Murder violates the core elements of individualism .

One cannot exchange self ownership to satisfy an obligation of debt incurred through self determination , such than slavery violates the core elements of individualism .

Valid contracts include informed consent that are a basis of statutory laws .

Adultery violates self ownership by depriving another of resources expended for progeny and violates self determination by depriving another of informed consent validity of contract .
Why Islam is strong? Because it has as Fundament Holy Quran and almost no hierarchy. Believers can pray everywhere without middlemen.In difference Christians depends on opinion of priests who are oft apostatical, corrupt and traitorous.Christians are not allowed to communicate with God by Prayer and Holy Bible alone.A church is always necessary.
But even to the Apostle Paul time many churches were already either dead or almost dead.
Why Christians can not do the same, to communicate with God without an institution, just by praying and reading the Holy Scripture?
We live today in the Last Time, are gonna to receive forced 'vaccine' and die due to the depopulation Agenda of some completely insane satanists.
It would be today probably a good thing when true Christian and Muslim believers stop fight each other and unite themselves against the common enemy Satan and his worshipers

I admire David Icke,he is a hero.he was banned by those facists commies Facebook and youtube for exposi g bill gates what a criminal he is,gates make Josef Stalin look like a fucking choirboy he is so fucking evil :14:
Gates. Indeed is a fucking Devil worshipper.robert f Kennedy juniour has courage for exposing him as well.he is a here and true patriot to put his life on the line like he has. All the people who have laughed at you are stupid ass motherfucker trolls. Bill gates makes Stalin and hitler look like a couple of choir boys he is so fucking demonic and evil.this vaccine is definitely going to be for depopulation control indeed,do not fucking take it
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So now a vaccine against the coronavirus will be a satanic conspiracy led on Earth by Bill Gates.

Yes, I realize this is pretty funny, but I hate to tell you that this kind of stuff isn't all that isolated.
If you dont
According to a report by Bloomberg, the Trump administration is organizing a Manhattan Project-style effort to drastically cut the time needed to develop a coronavirus vaccine, with the goal of making enough doses for most Americans by year’s end. Instead of eliminating the police state and tyranny, Trump is doing the opposite. He’s now sided with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci making him complicate in the removal of people’s basic human rights.

Some never bother to find the truth...........
do my eyes deceive me.? Has a sock gotten a hold of your account.?:biggrin: This can’t be the real mind wars.i think almost fell out of my chair in shock when I saw this post of yours.this is the first time I ever remember you saying one negative word on trump. it looks like you have finally seen the light on trump,that he is no different than bush or Obama.hear take this napkin,it’s time for you to wipe that egg off your face now for ignoring the evidence I gave you the past two years how evil he really is:abgg2q.jpg: I did try and tell you many times he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing giving you examples but you were in denial modE.when you get that high up in office,you don’t stay alive if you dont serve the bankers and corporations which it is clear that’s what he is doing going aLong with their depopulation agenda being their willing puppet for them. Same as bush and obama. I can’t believe you could not see what a fraud he was when he did not get rid of the cia,fbi,and fed within three years as he promise he would,same as Obama, a fucking liar,he could have done that a long time ago had he wanted to :uhoh3:
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Informative..... but seems super logical to me that's why they US says UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!!! 7 WE ARE FALLING QUICKLY! Start with Soros........... Massive starvation iis coming my friend get prepared.
That’s whY all this social distancing is for,to divide and conquer,to keep us away from each other and have us all alone which is why all these businesses have closed,they wanted to economically ruin our lives plus get the depopulation agenda going that they have planned for decades.we are one fucking facist dictatorship now, if you make a video on Facebook or YouTube,they delete it,anything that exposes their agenda,they delete it now. The whole world is nazi Germany now.deleting something of someone who has a different opinion than you as fb and youtube do,there is no other word for it than communism.they are servants of the government. For the trolls that think I am wacko,well how come the police arrest you in Michigan if you go and visit your friends house,how come they arrested a guy in California just for. Paddling in a canoe all by himself where he could do no harm to anyone else’s. :uhoh3: or how come in California,you get arrest if you stay out after 8pm. for all you trolls who say that is not a facist dictatership,you all have exposed yourself asthe liars and shills you are
Informative..... but seems super logical to me that's why they US says UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!!! 7 WE ARE FALLING QUICKLY! Start with Soros........... Massive starvation iis coming my friend get prepared.
That’s whY all this social distancing is for,to divide and conquer,to keep us away from each other and have us all alone which is why all these businesses have closed,they wanted to economically ruin our lives plus get the depopulation agenda going that they have planned for decades.we are one fucking facist dictatorship now, if you make a video on Facebook or YouTube,they delete it,anything that exposes their agenda,they delete it now. The whole world is nazi Germany now.deleting something of someone who has a different opinion than you as fb and youtube do,there is no other word for it than communism.they are servants of the government. For the trolls that think I am wacko,well how come the police arrest you in Michigan if you go and visit your friends house,how come they arrested a guy in California just for. Paddling in a canoe all by himself where he could do no harm to anyone else’s. :uhoh3: or how come in California,you get arrest if you stay out after 8pm. for all you trolls who say that is not a facist dictatership,you all have exposed yourself asthe liars and shills you are
And what a great way to control the population. Tell The sheeple they may carry a virus and not show any symptoms.

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