Trudeau Meltdown! From Bunker Contradicts Police Chief, Accuses Convoy of “Hateful Rhetoric” and “Violence Toward Citizens”

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Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The man has cracked. He is stark raving mad. WTF is he talking about? Ottawa police chief going "huh?"

Trudeau Meltdown! From Bunker Contradicts Police Chief, Accuses Convoy of “Hateful Rhetoric” and “Violence Toward Citizens”

Trudeau Meltdown! From Bunker Contradicts Police Chief, Accuses Convoy of “Hateful Rhetoric” and “Violence Toward Citizens” #FreedomConvoy2022


Left, #Freedom2022; Right, Justin Trudeau in black face, one of of at least 3 separate instances.

Looking haggard and like he has gained weight, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showed a clear loss of touch and political instinct, when he lashed out at what all Canadians can see is the longest, overwhelmingly most peaceful convoy in history.

Trudeau spoke of “hateful rhetoric” and “violence toward citizens,” after the Ottawa police chief said there were zero injuries and no instances of violence in four days.

The convoy and their supporters are not “anti-vaccination,” but are demanding that the COVID injections be a matter of personal choice, and that vaccine “passports,” mandates, and other COVID-related restrictions be abolished. In recent months, evidence on the lethal toxicity of the injections has emerged, reported by world-renown pathologists who have conducted systematic autopsies on people who have died soon after the injections.

In addition, a former Chief Science Officer and VP for Pfizer has reported that a small number of the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J batches are far more lethal than the rest, and seem to be deployed in a manner aimed at gauging the lethality of various doses.

Some media and instigator attempts to link the movement to “white supremacy,” by focusing on lone images of provocateurs with offensive symbols, the truth is in the streets.

Anti-mandate protesters remain vigilant against such instigators, in once instance calling out a man who was completely masked and holding a Confederate flag (Canada was not part of the US Civil War) and asked to leave, below. The man was suspected of being a government agent sent to discredit the movement.

Canada has a Parliamentary system where legislators may motion for a vote of “no confidence.”

In an official statement on its Facebook, convoy organizers sent out a message of “Peace, Love, and Unity” and condemned all violence (below.)

In a video last week, the organizer explained the goals of the movement.

Organizer Explains Goals, #FreedomConvoy2022

Demands:- We will not go home until:

– Either Trudeau steps down OR– All experimental mRNA injection mandates (“vaccines”) are lifted, for all of Canada and for all Canadians, and Canadians are free again. No mandates means: No mandatory vaccine, no vaccine passport, no discrimination, no fine regulations/programs, and no segregation.

– The trucking convoy is NOT anti vaccination. It is anti government mandates. Many of us are vaccinated. We simply believe that every Canadian should be free to choose and face no discrimination or restrictions on their freedom due to their choice.

– Truckers will NOT block emergency vehicles at any point, ever, and will even assist any person in need at any point in the convoy or protest. Safety plans are in place. Drivers have been briefed and signed documents at their respective checkpoints.

Twitter hashtag: #FreedomConvoy2022

For full official mission statement see official website: “Memorandum of Understanding”: M.O.U.

The official Freedom Convoy 2022 Facebook page

Trudeau a Member of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Elite​

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has instituted some of the world’s harshest measures in the purported name of fighting COVID, a 99.9% recovery rate virus related to the common cold, is a member of Klaus Schwab’s inner circle, the founder of the private elite think-tank the World Economic Forum. The Forum meets every year in the posh chalet village of Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the future direction of the world. Trudeau was named by Schwab, earlier in his political career, to Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” program.

Others who have been named to that program by Schwab are Bill Gates, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Lynn Forester de Rothschild (whose family is a major owner of the mass media through Blackrock Investments.)

Trudeau has close ties to Blackrock Investments, considered the most powerful private investment group in the world, controlled by the world’s wealthiest families such as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Bushes. BlackRock’s Brian Deese is the top economic adviser to Joe Biden.

It was Schwab who wrote that COVID was an “opportunity” for a “reset” of, among other things, the economic relationship between labor and capital. Even though any negative connotation to Schwab’s Reset is the subject of “debunks,” calling these “conspiracy theories,” it was Schwab himself who wrote, with no help from conspiracy theorists, that in the future, people would be tracked and monitored like commodities.

Schwab wrote in “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Thus the “Fourth” industrial revolution is not so much as a new one, as a throwback to previous ones, in which workers had no rights to organize, this time enforced by total tracking and surveillance at every minute of the day. Contact tracing software will enable governments to know whom one has met with, when, where, and for how long. But without a rationale such as endless, mandated “vaccination,” a global digital ID system, tied to an single world database cannot be implemented. For more information: The official Freedom Convoy 2022 Facebook page

Below, Manitoba, Canada COVID isolation camp, with barbed wire fence (source: “A Look At A Secret Canadian COVID Camp)


Below: Bill Gates arriving at the World Economic Forum in December, 2019

Pfizer Scientist’s Criminal Complaint Charging Gates, Schwab, et al with Crimes Against Humanity, Coming Vaccine Deaths of “Biblical Proportions”

We should be sending guns to the Canadians, they have some, compared with the totally helpless and disarmed Australians, but the ones they have are all, or mostly all politically correct government approved nonsense, which is an excellent example of why NOT to allow any government of man to so much as talk dirty about the absolute God given rights of men to defend themselves against evil totalitarian fascists, such as Biden/Harris/Fauci, & Trudeau. Currently in USA, they have absolutely no chance of ever implementing any further gun infringements, indeed in USA we have over 45-million new, first time gun owners just since 2018, and they know damn good and well those millions of Americans didn't add those weapons to households for fear of Donald Trump and MAGA.....
The man has cracked. He is stark raving mad. WTF is he talking about? Ottawa police chief going "huh?"

Trudeau Meltdown! From Bunker Contradicts Police Chief, Accuses Convoy of “Hateful Rhetoric” and “Violence Toward Citizens”

Trudeau Meltdown! From Bunker Contradicts Police Chief, Accuses Convoy of “Hateful Rhetoric” and “Violence Toward Citizens” #FreedomConvoy2022

View attachment 595407
Left, #Freedom2022; Right, Justin Trudeau in black face, one of of at least 3 separate instances.

Looking haggard and like he has gained weight, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showed a clear loss of touch and political instinct, when he lashed out at what all Canadians can see is the longest, overwhelmingly most peaceful convoy in history.

Trudeau spoke of “hateful rhetoric” and “violence toward citizens,” after the Ottawa police chief said there were zero injuries and no instances of violence in four days.

The convoy and their supporters are not “anti-vaccination,” but are demanding that the COVID injections be a matter of personal choice, and that vaccine “passports,” mandates, and other COVID-related restrictions be abolished. In recent months, evidence on the lethal toxicity of the injections has emerged, reported by world-renown pathologists who have conducted systematic autopsies on people who have died soon after the injections.

In addition, a former Chief Science Officer and VP for Pfizer has reported that a small number of the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J batches are far more lethal than the rest, and seem to be deployed in a manner aimed at gauging the lethality of various doses.

Some media and instigator attempts to link the movement to “white supremacy,” by focusing on lone images of provocateurs with offensive symbols, the truth is in the streets.

Anti-mandate protesters remain vigilant against such instigators, in once instance calling out a man who was completely masked and holding a Confederate flag (Canada was not part of the US Civil War) and asked to leave, below. The man was suspected of being a government agent sent to discredit the movement.

Canada has a Parliamentary system where legislators may motion for a vote of “no confidence.”

In an official statement on its Facebook, convoy organizers sent out a message of “Peace, Love, and Unity” and condemned all violence (below.)

In a video last week, the organizer explained the goals of the movement.

Organizer Explains Goals, #FreedomConvoy2022

Demands:- We will not go home until:

– Either Trudeau steps down OR– All experimental mRNA injection mandates (“vaccines”) are lifted, for all of Canada and for all Canadians, and Canadians are free again. No mandates means: No mandatory vaccine, no vaccine passport, no discrimination, no fine regulations/programs, and no segregation.

– The trucking convoy is NOT anti vaccination. It is anti government mandates. Many of us are vaccinated. We simply believe that every Canadian should be free to choose and face no discrimination or restrictions on their freedom due to their choice.

– Truckers will NOT block emergency vehicles at any point, ever, and will even assist any person in need at any point in the convoy or protest. Safety plans are in place. Drivers have been briefed and signed documents at their respective checkpoints.

Twitter hashtag: #FreedomConvoy2022

For full official mission statement see official website: “Memorandum of Understanding”: M.O.U.

The official Freedom Convoy 2022 Facebook page

Trudeau a Member of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Elite​

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has instituted some of the world’s harshest measures in the purported name of fighting COVID, a 99.9% recovery rate virus related to the common cold, is a member of Klaus Schwab’s inner circle, the founder of the private elite think-tank the World Economic Forum. The Forum meets every year in the posh chalet village of Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the future direction of the world. Trudeau was named by Schwab, earlier in his political career, to Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” program.

Others who have been named to that program by Schwab are Bill Gates, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Lynn Forester de Rothschild (whose family is a major owner of the mass media through Blackrock Investments.)

Trudeau has close ties to Blackrock Investments, considered the most powerful private investment group in the world, controlled by the world’s wealthiest families such as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Bushes. BlackRock’s Brian Deese is the top economic adviser to Joe Biden.

It was Schwab who wrote that COVID was an “opportunity” for a “reset” of, among other things, the economic relationship between labor and capital. Even though any negative connotation to Schwab’s Reset is the subject of “debunks,” calling these “conspiracy theories,” it was Schwab himself who wrote, with no help from conspiracy theorists, that in the future, people would be tracked and monitored like commodities.

Schwab wrote in “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Thus the “Fourth” industrial revolution is not so much as a new one, as a throwback to previous ones, in which workers had no rights to organize, this time enforced by total tracking and surveillance at every minute of the day. Contact tracing software will enable governments to know whom one has met with, when, where, and for how long. But without a rationale such as endless, mandated “vaccination,” a global digital ID system, tied to an single world database cannot be implemented. For more information: The official Freedom Convoy 2022 Facebook page

Below, Manitoba, Canada COVID isolation camp, with barbed wire fence (source: “A Look At A Secret Canadian COVID Camp)


Below: Bill Gates arriving at the World Economic Forum in December, 2019

Pfizer Scientist’s Criminal Complaint Charging Gates, Schwab, et al with Crimes Against Humanity, Coming Vaccine Deaths of “Biblical Proportions”

Yet another false narrative created by the fake right wing news media. There is no Trudeau meltdown. The Canadian people want these asshole to go home so they can clean up the mess they made.

The police chief gave no such interview and mayor is fed up.

Ottawa paramedics confirmed Monday they had to ask for a police escort this weekend because rocks and verbal abuse were hurled at an ambulance and paramedics.

The crowds and large vehicles have restricted access to downtown Ottawa, closing businesses, service centres, a COVID-19 vaccine clinic and an elementary school. Horns have honked in protest for parts of four days over neighbourhoods where tens of thousands of people live.

Some organizers say the goal is to create a logistics nightmare for the government and force it to act. They haven't said when the protest will end.

The man has cracked. He is stark raving mad. WTF is he talking about? Ottawa police chief going "huh?"

Trudeau Meltdown! From Bunker Contradicts Police Chief, Accuses Convoy of “Hateful Rhetoric” and “Violence Toward Citizens”

Trudeau Meltdown! From Bunker Contradicts Police Chief, Accuses Convoy of “Hateful Rhetoric” and “Violence Toward Citizens” #FreedomConvoy2022

View attachment 595407
Left, #Freedom2022; Right, Justin Trudeau in black face, one of of at least 3 separate instances.

Looking haggard and like he has gained weight, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showed a clear loss of touch and political instinct, when he lashed out at what all Canadians can see is the longest, overwhelmingly most peaceful convoy in history.

Trudeau spoke of “hateful rhetoric” and “violence toward citizens,” after the Ottawa police chief said there were zero injuries and no instances of violence in four days.

The convoy and their supporters are not “anti-vaccination,” but are demanding that the COVID injections be a matter of personal choice, and that vaccine “passports,” mandates, and other COVID-related restrictions be abolished. In recent months, evidence on the lethal toxicity of the injections has emerged, reported by world-renown pathologists who have conducted systematic autopsies on people who have died soon after the injections.

In addition, a former Chief Science Officer and VP for Pfizer has reported that a small number of the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J batches are far more lethal than the rest, and seem to be deployed in a manner aimed at gauging the lethality of various doses.

Some media and instigator attempts to link the movement to “white supremacy,” by focusing on lone images of provocateurs with offensive symbols, the truth is in the streets.

Anti-mandate protesters remain vigilant against such instigators, in once instance calling out a man who was completely masked and holding a Confederate flag (Canada was not part of the US Civil War) and asked to leave, below. The man was suspected of being a government agent sent to discredit the movement.

Canada has a Parliamentary system where legislators may motion for a vote of “no confidence.”

In an official statement on its Facebook, convoy organizers sent out a message of “Peace, Love, and Unity” and condemned all violence (below.)

In a video last week, the organizer explained the goals of the movement.

Organizer Explains Goals, #FreedomConvoy2022

Demands:- We will not go home until:

– Either Trudeau steps down OR– All experimental mRNA injection mandates (“vaccines”) are lifted, for all of Canada and for all Canadians, and Canadians are free again. No mandates means: No mandatory vaccine, no vaccine passport, no discrimination, no fine regulations/programs, and no segregation.

– The trucking convoy is NOT anti vaccination. It is anti government mandates. Many of us are vaccinated. We simply believe that every Canadian should be free to choose and face no discrimination or restrictions on their freedom due to their choice.

– Truckers will NOT block emergency vehicles at any point, ever, and will even assist any person in need at any point in the convoy or protest. Safety plans are in place. Drivers have been briefed and signed documents at their respective checkpoints.

Twitter hashtag: #FreedomConvoy2022

For full official mission statement see official website: “Memorandum of Understanding”: M.O.U.

The official Freedom Convoy 2022 Facebook page

Trudeau a Member of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Elite​

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has instituted some of the world’s harshest measures in the purported name of fighting COVID, a 99.9% recovery rate virus related to the common cold, is a member of Klaus Schwab’s inner circle, the founder of the private elite think-tank the World Economic Forum. The Forum meets every year in the posh chalet village of Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the future direction of the world. Trudeau was named by Schwab, earlier in his political career, to Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” program.

Others who have been named to that program by Schwab are Bill Gates, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Lynn Forester de Rothschild (whose family is a major owner of the mass media through Blackrock Investments.)

Trudeau has close ties to Blackrock Investments, considered the most powerful private investment group in the world, controlled by the world’s wealthiest families such as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Bushes. BlackRock’s Brian Deese is the top economic adviser to Joe Biden.

It was Schwab who wrote that COVID was an “opportunity” for a “reset” of, among other things, the economic relationship between labor and capital. Even though any negative connotation to Schwab’s Reset is the subject of “debunks,” calling these “conspiracy theories,” it was Schwab himself who wrote, with no help from conspiracy theorists, that in the future, people would be tracked and monitored like commodities.

Schwab wrote in “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Thus the “Fourth” industrial revolution is not so much as a new one, as a throwback to previous ones, in which workers had no rights to organize, this time enforced by total tracking and surveillance at every minute of the day. Contact tracing software will enable governments to know whom one has met with, when, where, and for how long. But without a rationale such as endless, mandated “vaccination,” a global digital ID system, tied to an single world database cannot be implemented. For more information: The official Freedom Convoy 2022 Facebook page

Below, Manitoba, Canada COVID isolation camp, with barbed wire fence (source: “A Look At A Secret Canadian COVID Camp)


Below: Bill Gates arriving at the World Economic Forum in December, 2019

Pfizer Scientist’s Criminal Complaint Charging Gates, Schwab, et al with Crimes Against Humanity, Coming Vaccine Deaths of “Biblical Proportions”

The more he squawks like this, the better. By all means, draw the peoples' attention to the movement.
I'm proud of my Justin for what he said. There has indeed been hateful rehtoric and just a limited amount of violence so far. There's no place for that in Canada.

But my Justin's main message was in making it clear that O'toole and Bernier aren't condemning the violence. Bernier would be one to encourage it! He's another Trump wannabe.
The reports of violence by those who are pretending to be truckers are Tru deau.
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