'trigger warning' has been banned by Brandeis University for 'it's association with guns' along with 'picnic', 'rule of thumb', 'take a shot at it'

I just saw a report on FOX this morning.

If I am not mistaken, the university also ruled that one must NOT use the noun "African American" but "Black" instead.

I had always thought that the longer term was more courteous than the rather curt shorter term.

How interesting.

When I was young (I am 84), everyone used the term "Negro."

Then we started using "African American" or the shorter "Black" (now capitalized).

If the university's order becomes popular, then maybe "African American" will become a term that is considered offensive.

Most people already, however, use "Black" because it is shorter to say and write.

I guess that we will have to wait until what some prominent African American / Black leaders have to say about this interesting turn of events.

Until then, I shall continue to use "African American," for I feel that it is more gentle than the shorter term. (Just as I always say "Jewish person" instead of the three-letter word, which I personally find too curt.)

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