Trent Lott fired by top lobbying firm

Is there ANYTHING that makes LESS sense than allowing former elected officials to become lobbyists?? I mean seriously is there ANYONE who doesn't see how this works

Company "when you leave office we'll pay you an obscene amount of money for little to no work in exchange for putting us above country"

elected asshole "snarf snarf"

It's hilarious that these douches talk about their solemn duty to provide oversight , but no one oversees them or punishes them for their obvious crimes.
I never liked him. In fact aside from Trump and Josh Hawley...I really don't like any of them. It used to be I voted for one or the other side because they were the thinnest of frog hairs better than the other. But now the Leftists have jumped the shark. The dems will only get my vote after I'm dead.

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