Tree Find Confirms Alps Warming at Twice Global Rate


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Tree Find Confirms Alps Warming at Twice Global Rate

Tree Find Confirms Alps Warming at Twice Global Rate | Climate Central
LONDON – It was only a single, withered conifer needle, but it told a dramatic story of climate change. Glaciologists found it in a set of ice cores drilled through a glacier on top of Mount Ortles, in the Italian Alps.

It lay about 80 meters (262 feet) below the glacial surface, encased in solid ice, and carbon dating confirmed that it had blown from the branches of Larix decidua, the European larch, 2,600 years earlier.

It was found about 30 kilometers (19 miles) from a far more dramatic exposure: the body of Ötzi the Iceman, a mummified Bronze Age corpse revealed by a melting glacier in 1991.

Both finds deliver the same uncompromising message: for at least 5,000 years – because Ötzi perished around that time – the Italian Alps had continued to stay frozen throughout the year.

As they drilled into the glacier, the research scientists from six nations found that the first 30 meter (98 feet) layer was composed of grainy compacted snow that had partly melted. Below that was nothing but solid, enduring ice all the way down to frozen bedrock.

They could be sure that nothing had changed in this permanent layer of ice for at least 2,600 years, because it had preserved a larch needle from a tree that must have grown at least 2,000 years after Ötzi had perished in the same complex of Alpine glaciers.

“The leaf supports the idea that prehistoric ice is still present at the highest elevations of the region,” Gabrielli said.

This is solid evidence that within Europe it hasn't been warmer. Tell me how a needle and a ice man could remain preserved if NOT?
Cherry picking an article to prove your gospel is not helping your cause, just shows that you are desperate to covert people via the AGW inquisition.
Tree Find Confirms Alps Warming at Twice Global Rate

Tree Find Confirms Alps Warming at Twice Global Rate | Climate Central
LONDON – It was only a single, withered conifer needle, but it told a dramatic story of climate change. Glaciologists found it in a set of ice cores drilled through a glacier on top of Mount Ortles, in the Italian Alps.

It lay about 80 meters (262 feet) below the glacial surface, encased in solid ice, and carbon dating confirmed that it had blown from the branches of Larix decidua, the European larch, 2,600 years earlier.

It was found about 30 kilometers (19 miles) from a far more dramatic exposure: the body of Ötzi the Iceman, a mummified Bronze Age corpse revealed by a melting glacier in 1991.

Both finds deliver the same uncompromising message: for at least 5,000 years – because Ötzi perished around that time – the Italian Alps had continued to stay frozen throughout the year.

As they drilled into the glacier, the research scientists from six nations found that the first 30 meter (98 feet) layer was composed of grainy compacted snow that had partly melted. Below that was nothing but solid, enduring ice all the way down to frozen bedrock.

They could be sure that nothing had changed in this permanent layer of ice for at least 2,600 years, because it had preserved a larch needle from a tree that must have grown at least 2,000 years after Ötzi had perished in the same complex of Alpine glaciers.

“The leaf supports the idea that prehistoric ice is still present at the highest elevations of the region,” Gabrielli said.

This is solid evidence that within Europe it hasn't been warmer. Tell me how a needle and a ice man could remain preserved if NOT?

What most on the right fail to understand is the issue has little to do with GCC. The issue has to do with the fact that pumping and dumping toxic materials and waste into the biosphere is fundamentally a bad idea – whether GCC is occurring or not.
Tree Find Confirms Alps Warming at Twice Global Rate

What most on the right fail to understand is the issue has little to do with GCC. The issue has to do with the fact that pumping and dumping toxic materials and waste into the biosphere is fundamentally a bad idea – whether GCC is occurring or not.

Actually that is incorrect, it is the far left AGW cultists that uses a religion to force governments to bend to their religious will.
Cherry picking an article to prove your gospel is not helping your cause, just shows that you are desperate to covert people via the AGW inquisition.

You can't dispute that a ice man and a needle was preserved over many thousand years. This shows that the medieval, roman and Holocene wasn't warmer then today.

No it does not!

Then why were they preserved over thousands of years?:eusa_whistle:
From your article:

The problem for all climate scientists – and for glaciologists in particular – is that direct measurements are relatively recent: the oldest thermometer readings date back little more than three centuries, and consistent world coverage began only in the 20th century.

Like I said cherry picking!
More from your cherry picked article:

Since climates undergo natural cycles of change on a scale of centuries, measurements over a short period are not, in themselves, of much use. Glaciers, in particular, are a problem: retreat or advance would have been imperceptible to the small populations likely ever to have observed them.
Cherry picking an article to prove your gospel is not helping your cause, just shows that you are desperate to covert people via the AGW inquisition.

You can't dispute that a ice man and a needle was preserved over many thousand years. This shows that the medieval, roman and Holocene wasn't warmer then today.

It doesn't prove anything. BTW what if the medieval warming wasn't the warmest than what you are talking about? The medieval warming period is still warmer than it is now. So back to the drawing board.
Cherry picking an article to prove your gospel is not helping your cause, just shows that you are desperate to covert people via the AGW inquisition.

You can't dispute that a ice man and a needle was preserved over many thousand years. This shows that the medieval, roman and Holocene wasn't warmer then today.

It doesn't prove anything. BTW what if the medieval warming wasn't the warmest than what you are talking about? The medieval warming period is still warmer than it is now. So back to the drawing board.


the ice man and the needle would of turned to dust if that was so....
You can't dispute that a ice man and a needle was preserved over many thousand years. This shows that the medieval, roman and Holocene wasn't warmer then today.

It doesn't prove anything. BTW what if the medieval warming wasn't the warmest than what you are talking about? The medieval warming period is still warmer than it is now. So back to the drawing board.


the ice man and the needle would of turned to dust if that was so....

It's irrelevant what their condition would be. The relevant part is the medieval warming period is warmer or was warmer than it is now.
That's the relevancy of the point and the difference that debunks your argument.

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