Travel Plans in Limbo?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
This is the time of year when my wife and I (both retired) would normally be making plans for a couple of summer and fall vacations. As indicated elsewhere in this forum I'm kicking around the idea of a car tour around the Great Lakes, and I am actually laying that out now.

But for anything else, I'm feeling completely hamstrung. Can't plan anything. Nobody knows when the travel constraints will be lifted; nobody knows if any of the cruise lines will even survive; nobody knows if any of the usual vacation venues will be irreparably damaged. Will European countries open their borders to travelers as they have in the past? Who knows?

Anybody else feeling this low-level anxiety about travel planning?
I'll be royally pissed if the Kings Royal week at El Dora Speedway is cancelled. It's a bucket list item my youngest son and I have planned- he's already reserved a parking place for his travel trailer-
As indicated elsewhere in this forum I'm kicking around the idea of a car tour around the Great Lakes, and I am actually laying that out now.

Anybody else feeling this low-level anxiety about travel planning?

Last year I had a conversation with my grown daughter. She turned 33 last May.

I've been a good Dad, but the sad reality is that I just don't know what to get a 33 (soon to be 34) year old woman for her birthday. So, last year I told her we were starting a new tradition. Every year for her birthday I'm going to take her on a trip. Anywhere in the world she wants to go, we go (assuming it's relatively safe). Last year we went to Scotland and had an absolute blast.

This year she chose Belgium. Hey, I'm game. I've never been there. Her birthday is at the end of May, so towards the end of December I started looking into it; where to stay, what to do, where to go; typical touristy bullshit. The plan was to book the trip by the end of February.

And then the proverbial shit hit the fan.

Since I haven't booked anything, I'm not really feeling any great deal of angst about the whole thing. If I can't take her for her birthday in May, I'll take her for mine in July. Or maybe we'll go in August and celebrate the fact that my ex-wife will be celebrating her birthday here in the states while we run around Europe.

Europe's been there a really long fuckin' time, so I know it'll be there when we're able to go. Like wise, for you, the Great Lakes aren't going anywhere. They'll still be there when you get there...
There are a number of fulltime RVs that are wondering what to do. Most head north when it gets warm south but there are private and state parks closing. Some are taught up in travel restrictions.
We have friends that work camp in the summer at a South Dakota state park they are not sure if the park will be open. They have not heard a definitive word.
Some fulltime RVs have elected to stay in the park that we have elected to stay in. We could not get into certain parks that are closed. So we are staying put. They are doing the same. Looks as if we became permanent residents at least for a year.
I used to be the photographer at a summer camp in the Poconos in northeastern Pennsylvania. They run from the third week of June until the third week of August. While they're accepting enrollments online, nothing on their website says a word about the current situation. When things are normal the place is a veritable petri dish. I can't imagine what it would be like to bring kids from all over the east coast and plunk them all down in that one spot...
I'll be royally pissed if the Kings Royal week at El Dora Speedway is cancelled. It's a bucket list item my youngest son and I have planned- he's already reserved a parking place for his travel trailer-
Get ready for disappointment. I wanted to go up to my trailer on lake erie this week end. I have buddies hitting thier daily bag liits in under an hour and my camp ground is closed can't get to my boat or my camper. I was supposed to captain my first head boat of the season on sunday. Did not go out because of social distancing. To make a long story short I have about 2 mill in boats stting at dock during my hottest part of the season. All I think about all winter is the fishing season it is not just how I pay the bills it is a way of life. It is what I live for.
This is the time of year when my wife and I (both retired) would normally be making plans for a couple of summer and fall vacations. As indicated elsewhere in this forum I'm kicking around the idea of a car tour around the Great Lakes, and I am actually laying that out now.

But for anything else, I'm feeling completely hamstrung. Can't plan anything. Nobody knows when the travel constraints will be lifted; nobody knows if any of the cruise lines will even survive; nobody knows if any of the usual vacation venues will be irreparably damaged. Will European countries open their borders to travelers as they have in the past? Who knows?

Anybody else feeling this low-level anxiety about travel planning?
I know you were planning on yacking. Let me know if ya get around port clinton. I have a couple of fishing yacks. the portage and turtle creek is some good yacking area. I am normally bogged down with fishing charters but that may not be the case this year with the virus. I may have time to use those yacks this summer. I yacked like crazy around orlando and punta gorda florida this winter. ya, wanna try walleye or perch fishing I can get ya on a head boat for 47$ or on a trolling six pack for 625$ for six people. I have an interview with the jet express, I might run the fairy this year in case I can not fill my boats. Not as much fun as fishing but at least it's an income.
This is the time of year when my wife and I (both retired) would normally be making plans for a couple of summer and fall vacations. As indicated elsewhere in this forum I'm kicking around the idea of a car tour around the Great Lakes, and I am actually laying that out now.

But for anything else, I'm feeling completely hamstrung. Can't plan anything. Nobody knows when the travel constraints will be lifted; nobody knows if any of the cruise lines will even survive; nobody knows if any of the usual vacation venues will be irreparably damaged. Will European countries open their borders to travelers as they have in the past? Who knows?

Anybody else feeling this low-level anxiety about travel planning?

I’m supposed to be in the United States right now. I don’t know when the Americans are going to lift the travel ban on flights from Europe.
I'll be royally pissed if the Kings Royal week at El Dora Speedway is cancelled. It's a bucket list item my youngest son and I have planned- he's already reserved a parking place for his travel trailer-
Get ready for disappointment. I wanted to go up to my trailer on lake erie this week end. I have buddies hitting thier daily bag liits in under an hour and my camp ground is closed can't get to my boat or my camper. I was supposed to captain my first head boat of the season on sunday. Did not go out because of social distancing. To make a long story short I have about 2 mill in boats stting at dock during my hottest part of the season. All I think about all winter is the fishing season it is not just how I pay the bills it is a way of life. It is what I live for.
you got it really bad in Michigan thanks to that Nazi whitmere.she is evil,i heard they are arresting people in that state for going to a neighbors house,are they doing that as well if you go outside and violate social distancing?:mad-61:

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