Transvestite: "you’re sexist if you’re not biologically bisexual"


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The circle of insanity is now complete. The left started off by denying history. Then they moved to denying reality. Then they moved to denying science. And now they deny biology. The fact that this mentally disturbed, sexually deviant would even use the term "woman with a penis" explains why Republicans control government coast-to-coast as we speak.

There is no such thing as a "woman with a penis". It's like saying "water without wet" or "hot without heat". It's idiotic on an incomprehensible level. And listening to this dude attempt to shame people into being bisexual is equally as idiotic.

Feminist: Some Women “Have Penises,” You’re “CisSexist” If You Disagree
You have some serious sexual hangups and obsessions that could keep a psychiatrist in business for years.
I am sick of this crap being shoved down my throat. Be whatever you want to be, but leave me the hell alone and let me be what I want to be.
I am sick of this crap being shoved down my throat. Be whatever you want to be, but leave me the hell alone and let me be what I want to be.

The only people shoving this crap down your throats is conservatives. Seriously, where do they find these loonies with the notions straight out of Bizarro World. Every time I come here they've scoured the country for the most out there flakes they can find, and then bring them back here. I suppose they seek to distract from what a walking talking dissaster your President is turning out to be.

So far he's issued two executive orders to restrict Muslim immigration, and both were tossed out by the lower courts.

A failed healthcare bill, which would have seen millions lose their health insurance and premiums rise for those who still have policies.

Mexico is not paying for the wall. Not now, not ever. Congress has yet to approve the appropriation and the price has doubled or tripled from his original cost of $12 billion. Oh, and property owners are lining up to fight the confiscation of their lands.

His hand picked NSA Chief was fired for lying to the VP and for financial ties to foreign governments, including the Russians. No one else would take the job. He finally picked a guy who was still in the army and who couldn't refuse the appointment.

The only people shoving this crap down your throats is conservatives

Wrong. We are talking 2 different things. You, politics. Me, merely as one person living in this world. And it all comes from both sides.

AND how you turned MY post into a Trump hate fest is beyond me. :eusa_hand:
I'd rather be sexist than sexually gooey
I am sick of this crap being shoved down my throat. Be whatever you want to be, but leave me the hell alone and let me be what I want to be.

The only people shoving this crap down your throats is conservatives. Seriously, where do they find these loonies with the notions straight out of Bizarro World. Every time I come here they've scoured the country for the most out there flakes they can find, and then bring them back here. I suppose they seek to distract from what a walking talking dissaster your President is turning out to be.

So far he's issued two executive orders to restrict Muslim immigration, and both were tossed out by the lower courts.

A failed healthcare bill, which would have seen millions lose their health insurance and premiums rise for those who still have policies.

Mexico is not paying for the wall. Not now, not ever. Congress has yet to approve the appropriation and the price has doubled or tripled from his original cost of $12 billion. Oh, and property owners are lining up to fight the confiscation of their lands.

His hand picked NSA Chief was fired for lying to the VP and for financial ties to foreign governments, including the Russians. No one else would take the job. He finally picked a guy who was still in the army and who couldn't refuse the appointment.


Well that was a yawn fest
The circle of insanity is now complete. The left started off by denying history. Then they moved to denying reality. Then they moved to denying science. And now they deny biology. The fact that this mentally disturbed, sexually deviant would even use the term "woman with a penis" explains why Republicans control government coast-to-coast as we speak.

There is no such thing as a "woman with a penis". It's like saying "water without wet" or "hot without heat". It's idiotic on an incomprehensible level. And listening to this dude attempt to shame people into being bisexual is equally as idiotic.

Feminist: Some Women “Have Penises,” You’re “CisSexist” If You Disagree

WTF did it just say?
I am sick of this crap being shoved down my throat. Be whatever you want to be, but leave me the hell alone and let me be what I want to be.

The only people shoving this crap down your throats is conservatives. Seriously, where do they find these loonies with the notions straight out of Bizarro World. Every time I come here they've scoured the country for the most out there flakes they can find, and then bring them back here. I suppose they seek to distract from what a walking talking dissaster your President is turning out to be.

So far he's issued two executive orders to restrict Muslim immigration, and both were tossed out by the lower courts.

A failed healthcare bill, which would have seen millions lose their health insurance and premiums rise for those who still have policies.

Mexico is not paying for the wall. Not now, not ever. Congress has yet to approve the appropriation and the price has doubled or tripled from his original cost of $12 billion. Oh, and property owners are lining up to fight the confiscation of their lands.

His hand picked NSA Chief was fired for lying to the VP and for financial ties to foreign governments, including the Russians. No one else would take the job. He finally picked a guy who was still in the army and who couldn't refuse the appointment.

I'm upset that you are besmirching Trump's good name over this but you are right in that conservatives are mostly responsible for this being shoved down peoples throats
I am sick of this crap being shoved down my throat. Be whatever you want to be, but leave me the hell alone and let me be what I want to be.
this is nothing new

gay men think straight men are gay
lesbians think straight women are lesbians
bisexual people think everyone is bisexual
Seems lots of bigoted straight men think all gay men want their bodies, no matter how unattractive they are.
I am sick of this crap being shoved down my throat. Be whatever you want to be, but leave me the hell alone and let me be what I want to be.

The only people shoving this crap down your throats is conservatives. Seriously, where do they find these loonies with the notions straight out of Bizarro World. Every time I come here they've scoured the country for the most out there flakes they can find, and then bring them back here. I suppose they seek to distract from what a walking talking dissaster your President is turning out to be.

So far he's issued two executive orders to restrict Muslim immigration, and both were tossed out by the lower courts.

A failed healthcare bill, which would have seen millions lose their health insurance and premiums rise for those who still have policies.

Mexico is not paying for the wall. Not now, not ever. Congress has yet to approve the appropriation and the price has doubled or tripled from his original cost of $12 billion. Oh, and property owners are lining up to fight the confiscation of their lands.

His hand picked NSA Chief was fired for lying to the VP and for financial ties to foreign governments, including the Russians. No one else would take the job. He finally picked a guy who was still in the army and who couldn't refuse the appointment.

Where do they find them? Are you kidding? You can find theses loonies in every humanities departments in the country. The nonsense coming out of this moron is being taught as established science in every gender and ethnic studies dept in the US.
You have to go to college to be that stupid.
I don't understand this kind of reasoning. If you are transsexual or transvestite ok, but why do you want to judge other people who think different from you?
It's not a very open minded behaviour :dunno:
I don't understand this kind of reasoning. If you are transsexual or transvestite ok, but why do you want to judge other people who think different from you?
It's not a very open minded behaviour :dunno:
A lot of people are really nasty about it. She's not a good speaker though. No Milo.
I don't understand this kind of reasoning. If you are transsexual or transvestite ok, but why do you want to judge other people who think different from you?
It's not a very open minded behaviour :dunno:
Being open minded is how we got into the garbage.
For it to be biological they'd have to find that elusive gay gene.

These people are insane
I am sick of this crap being shoved down my throat. Be whatever you want to be, but leave me the hell alone and let me be what I want to be.
She is leaving you be.
He. It has an adam's apple in it's throat. He. And he is not letting anyone be. He is insisting that anyone who isn't a mentally disturbed, sexual deviant, bisexual is "sexist". Stop denying biology, stupid.

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