Traitors and treason

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Much has been said about the death of LaVoy Finicum. Some here are even trying to make a hero and martyr out of him. So let us review what led up to his death.

And armed occupation of a Federal Installation is not just a protest, it is an act of sedition. Had it been a protest, they would have gone in without weapons, and made the law carry them out, as the Civil Rights protesters did. And they would not have been putting out calls for people to come with guns and full body armor. Their rhetoric and actions all spoke of impending violence, violence they were actively working to provoke. They outright stated that they hoped to bring on a civil war.

Do we really want the US to look like Syria? Is that the wishes of the fruitloops on this board and in these militias? Evidently so, and that brands them for what they are, Traitors actively engaged in treason.

So why should we mourn the death of someone that stated that they wanted to die rather than face the consequences of their actions? Finicum was engaged in treasonous acts, and armed. He had written out his fantasies of killing other humans. No loss to this nation at all.
Patrick Henry was engaged in treasonous acts. He was hanged much to the delight of the patriotic tories.

This governnent has stopped acting for the benefit of the people. It acts for its own benefit and has the support of collaborators.
Patrick Henry, if hanged, was a dead man when he served as Virginia's governor in the 1780s.

Do you mean Nathan Hale, the spy?
Yes darn it, I got them mixed. Nathan Hale, treasonous spy.

We have an evil government. It exists only for itself. To that end it encourages sycophants and collaborators. That's the basic division.
"Do we really want the US to look like Syria? Is that the wishes of the fruitloops on this board and in these militias? Evidently so, and that brands them for what they are, Traitors actively engaged in treason."

Or maybe it was actions by members of a corrupt government that show them to be "traitors actively engaged in treason".
Assigning behaviors as traitorous or treasonous depends on which side wins. Since what LaVoy Finicum did was done without the participation or consent of the locals and they were sick of his group, he's the traitor.
This government, the obama government abandoned its duty and obligation to govern. Instead it became an agent for social change, exactly what obama said he would do. Opposition to this corrupt and evil invasive entity is the highest form of patriotism.

Direct confrontation, such as what happened in Oregon is useless and fruitless. Undermining, burrowing into the foundations and weakening the struts is much more effective. Edward Snowden was much more effective and he is still alive.
Rioting and burning private property, while declaring, "no justice, no peace", is sedition as well.

The difference between the Oregon dustup and the black lives matter riots, is the protesters in Oregon didn't harm anyone, or anyone's property.
"Do we really want the US to look like Syria? Is that the wishes of the fruitloops on this board and in these militias? Evidently so, and that brands them for what they are, Traitors actively engaged in treason."

Or maybe it was actions by members of a corrupt government that show them to be "traitors actively engaged in treason".

Patrick Henry, if hanged, was a dead man when he served as Virginia's governor in the 1780s.

Do you mean Nathan Hale, the spy?

Nathan Hale (June 6, 1755 – September 22, 1776) was an American soldier and spy for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He volunteered for an intelligence-gathering mission in New York City but was captured by the British and executed. His last words before being hanged were purported to be "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."[1] Hale has long been considered an American hero and, in 1985, he was officially designated the state hero of Connecticut.[2]

Nathan Hale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Assigning behaviors as traitorous or treasonous depends on which side wins. Since what LaVoy Finicum did was done without the participation or consent of the locals and they were sick of his group, he's the traitor.

They were not also sick of actions of the government? Who said any side won? You hear a fat lady?
Patrick Henry, if hanged, was a dead man when he served as Virginia's governor in the 1780s.

Do you mean Nathan Hale, the spy?
Yes darn it, I got them mixed. Nathan Hale, treasonous spy.

We have an evil government. It exists only for itself. To that end it encourages sycophants and collaborators. That's the basic division.
You would have loved Nathan Hale hanging. He was a school teacher.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.
Rioting and burning private property, while declaring, "no justice, no peace", is sedition as well.

The difference between the Oregon dustup and the black lives matter riots, is the protesters in Oregon didn't harm anyone, or anyone's property.
They didn't harm anyone's property? Then who paved a road through the refuge, took fences down and removed security cameras?
Rioting and burning private property, while declaring, "no justice, no peace", is sedition as well.

The difference between the Oregon dustup and the black lives matter riots, is the protesters in Oregon didn't harm anyone, or anyone's property.
They didn't harm anyone's property? Then who paved a road through the refuge, took fences down and removed security cameras?

Who burned down buildings, assaulted and murdered innocent citizens in Baltimore and Ferguson?
Not a good ending, I am all for protesting and taking the penalty for protesting. To use a gun to protest is wrong. Occupying the building was fine, to bring in weapons is asking for a showdown and someone is going to die.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.
Patrick Henry was engaged in treasonous acts. He was hanged much to the delight of the patriotic tories.

This governnent has stopped acting for the benefit of the people. It acts for its own benefit and has the support of collaborators.
Patrick Henry was not hanged. You must have been home schooled.
That's true I got my patriots mixed which does not affect the results in the slightest. Both Patrick Henry and Nathan Hale were fighting against an evil government that had ceased in its obligation to govern. The obama regime has never felt an obligation to govern. We also have our patriots. One was just shot in Oregon and is dead. The other is in exile in Russia. The one in exile has been more effective than the one that was shot.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

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