Total National Overhead Is Way Too High


Feb 3, 2010
Our National Overhead is the total cost of doing our business.

It includes all the costs associated with, or tacked on, in the process of meeting our actual needs. It is the overhead cost of our doing our business.

This calculation is so embarrassing, it is not commonly done, but calculating it, is a good indication of the health of our nation as a going concern.

Things like food, shelter, Education, Health Care, Defense, and Infrastructure such as Roads, Rails, Waterways, and Airports are things we mostly need, but, in general, the cost of providing these things is way too high. There is way too much waste, fraud, abuse, and even profit, built into the process.

Take taxes for an example: We must collect taxes, but the cost of collection would be called overhead, and it could easily be reduced by probably 80%, saving us many billions a year. That kind of excess overhead is eating us alive. It is large and growing in every area of our national life.

It is even growing inside companies, though they are the most efficient at reducing it, due to stiff competition they face, but it is running wild in Government at all levels, and and in quasi governmental entities like Transit Authorities, and the Post Office.

And so-called non-profits are often nearly all overhead, as they produce very little, if any, of the goods and services that we actually need.

But, clearly, the worst wasters of overhead are governments at all levels. The next worst offenders are the so-called non-profits, and then business, while still an offender, is the least wasteful of overhead costs.

Lawyers are a typical example of a whole profession that is almost entirely overhead, and almost entirely a waste of national resources. This overhead is the so-called "fat" in our system as opposed to the lean muscle that we need more of.

Employee pensions, benefits and perks at every level in every category are one of the greatest wastes we have and represent an enormous tax on every single one of us. Technically, no one "needs" to retire, as by any logical standard everyone can, and should, work for the entirety of their lives. We were not put on the earth to sit around and be idle, thus every single person in this society can, and should, work. If any person can lift a fork to their mouth to eat they can, and should, do some kind of work to pay for that food. That seems simple logic.

The problem is, selfish Interests, and near criminal Special Interests think the rest of us owe them a living even though they are not producing much of anything. These "Interests" range from people on welfare of various sorts, to the wealthiest and most powerful Americans. They constitute a large and growing parasite class :evil: that feeds off of the rest of us.

We need a powerful national resolve that NO ONE gets a free ride at anyone else's expense, period.
Lots of yap-yap, no figures or referances to sources.

I do no one's research for them. Even children should not be spoon-fed information. If you want information you go get it. I'm not your research assistant. What I am saying is correct. If you think it is not, then find the proof, citations, links and references to prove it. I'm just pointing out a problem, which is THE problem, that no one seems interested in knowing about, much less talking about.

Maybe you don't give a damn, (which is likely) in which case you would be opposed to any reduction in wasted resources. Likely you don't care about anything but your own worthless ego.
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