Top Trump Ally Warns of 'Rebellion' Over Possible Chief of Staff Pick


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Donald Trump has a problem, how to form the necessary alliance with the Republican establishment to impress the Republican members of Electoral College, and still keep the undying support of his Trump-bots.

The electors are not impartial, and have no legal obligations to vote to match their home states' results

His supporters elected him because he is not a political insider, they think he is a rebel who is with them in their right wing cause (which varies from day to day and right-winger to right-winger).

His friend, political consultant Roger Stone has warned Trump that he could face a “rebellion by the voter base” if he chooses RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, or any other establishment Republican as his chief of staff.

But in just the short time since Clinton conceded, Stone's prediction of rebellion has been proven wrong. Trump has already surrounded himself with Old Guard Republicans as his transition team and there has been no uproar from any of his millions of sheep.

The Donald has also proven his policies are not really any different from those of the GOP establishment. Trump has the typical tax cuts for the super-rich, the usual dismantling of safety net programs, the elimination of regulations that protect workers, consumers, the environment, etc., and the same empty Republican promises of bringing back the millions of jobs that past decades of GOP legislation provided funding to outsource.

The Trump-bots’ dreams of “making American white again”, inspired by The Donald’s assurances that there would be a wall built between the U.S. and Mexico, and the banning of Muslims entering the country are just too expensive to implement. Such expenses would dip deeply into the money Republicans need to start more needless (but profitable) wars.

The Republican establishment and The Donald know that continuing Muslim immigration is necessary to keep the Trump-bots terrified of terrorists, and the illegal immigrants coming in through Mexico are needed by the fat cats as cheap labor for jobs that cannot be outsourced.

As far as Stone’s warning of a rebellion, Trump’s sheep would never think of criticizing their new King. To do so, they would be forced to admit their own ignorance and stupidity, and face the truth they were scammed by an expert con-man.

In the coming months as Trump turns his back on them, his sheep will not only deny he has abandoned them in favor of the Washington establishment, they will defend everything he does and says. If that doesn’t prove they are gullible, ignorant suckers, their vote to reelect him in 2020 will.

Four years of getting screwed over by their savior will be quickly forgotten, as they bend over and demand four more. It will be a repeat of the Bush/Cheney administration, recessions, wars, the return to high unemployment, more bank closures, home foreclosures, etc.

It’s going to be funny to watch the Trump-bots tap-dance to defend The Donald's and his Republican Congress' many coming disasters.

Top Trump Ally Warns of 'Rebellion' Over Possible Chief of Staff Pick

hhhmmmm... Make America white again. That's not a bad idea, there, Bertram. In fact, that might be the only way to avoid the bloodbath George Soros is panting for.

And just imagine: we could leave our doors unlocked again when we went away on vacation. Elections wouldn't be tribal tugs-of-war over a spoils system, we could go back to debating real issues and deciding for ourselves how we would vote (you know, like free men and women) instead of letting our skin color dictate our vote. We could have a huge middle class again and a society where, while the factory owner was wealthier than his workers and drove a nicer car, their wives shopped in the same stores, and their kids went to the same schools. A young person could "pay his dues" and get that four-year engineering degree and raise a family in his own home secure in the knowledge his employer wasn't going to import a 22-year-old to replace him at half the cost and force him, in order to even get a month's severance, to train his replacement and then throw him out on the street at age 50 with no way to pay his mortgage, and college tuition for his kids. And if America were white again, those same engineers would lead the world in industry and invention and we would lead the world in wealth and be a respected country others tried to emulate rather than a country the whole world hates and fears and despises. We would trust our government again and we would be proud of our judicial system again. Our infrastructure would be the best in the world. Our education system would be the best in the world. And we wouldn't have young white junkies panhandling on every corner. And we would lynch the fuck out of George Soros.

Damn, Bertram, I think you've really hit on something. Thank you.
If that doesn’t prove they are gullible, ignorant suckers, their vote to reelect him in 2020 will.
"Keep hope alive!"

I think hecsaid he intends to be a one-termer -- by choice. He'll be 78! He doesn't intend to run. He'll leave it in good hands with Pence.
hhhmmmm... Make America white again. That's not a bad idea, there, Bertram. In fact, that might be the only way to avoid the bloodbath George Soros is panting for.

And just imagine: we could leave our doors unlocked again when we went away on vacation. Elections wouldn't be tribal tugs-of-war over a spoils system, we could go back to debating real issues and deciding for ourselves how we would vote (you know, like free men and women) instead of letting our skin color dictate our vote. We could have a huge middle class again and a society where, while the factory owner was wealthier than his workers and drove a nicer car, their wives shopped in the same stores, and their kids went to the same schools. A young person could "pay his dues" and get that four-year engineering degree and raise a family in his own home secure in the knowledge his employer wasn't going to import a 22-year-old to replace him at half the cost and force him, in order to even get a month's severance, to train his replacement and then throw him out on the street at age 50 with no way to pay his mortgage, and college tuition for his kids. And if America were white again, those same engineers would lead the world in industry and invention and we would lead the world in wealth and be a respected country others tried to emulate rather than a country the whole world hates and fears and despises. We would trust our government again and we would be proud of our judicial system again. Our infrastructure would be the best in the world. Our education system would be the best in the world. And we wouldn't have young white junkies panhandling on every corner. And we would lynch the fuck out of George Soros.

Damn, Bertram, I think you've really hit on something. Thank you.

Like the vast majority of Trump-bots, you really have no understanding of how our government is controlled by the fat cats. The Supreme Court "Citizens United" ruling is proof of this.

The conservatives' fantasy that Trump will rid the country of "brown people", whether Hispanic or Muslim, is just that, a fantasy.

There will be no wall to stop illegal immigrants because the fat cats want that cheap labor readily available; if for no other reason than to keep wages low for American workers.

The Republican leaders also understand, as does Trump, how really terrified right-wingers are of Muslims. That gut wrenching fear by conservatives is another useful political tool that efficiently controls the right-wingers' simple minds.

Unfortunately, conservatives believe their political philosophy is infallible, and it is that belief in their own perfection that enables them to be so easily manipulated by their politicians, and forces them to support policies that damage all average Americans.

hhhmmmm... Make America white again. That's not a bad idea, there, Bertram. In fact, that might be the only way to avoid the bloodbath George Soros is panting for.

And just imagine: we could leave our doors unlocked again when we went away on vacation. Elections wouldn't be tribal tugs-of-war over a spoils system, we could go back to debating real issues and deciding for ourselves how we would vote (you know, like free men and women) instead of letting our skin color dictate our vote. We could have a huge middle class again and a society where, while the factory owner was wealthier than his workers and drove a nicer car, their wives shopped in the same stores, and their kids went to the same schools. A young person could "pay his dues" and get that four-year engineering degree and raise a family in his own home secure in the knowledge his employer wasn't going to import a 22-year-old to replace him at half the cost and force him, in order to even get a month's severance, to train his replacement and then throw him out on the street at age 50 with no way to pay his mortgage, and college tuition for his kids. And if America were white again, those same engineers would lead the world in industry and invention and we would lead the world in wealth and be a respected country others tried to emulate rather than a country the whole world hates and fears and despises. We would trust our government again and we would be proud of our judicial system again. Our infrastructure would be the best in the world. Our education system would be the best in the world. And we wouldn't have young white junkies panhandling on every corner. And we would lynch the fuck out of George Soros.

Damn, Bertram, I think you've really hit on something. Thank you.

Like the vast majority of Trump-bots, you really have no understanding of how our government is controlled by the fat cats. The Supreme Court "Citizens United" ruling is proof of this.

The conservatives' fantasy that Trump will rid the country of "brown people", whether Hispanic or Muslim, is just that, a fantasy.

There will be no wall to stop illegal immigrants because the fat cats want that cheap labor readily available; if for no other reason than to keep wages low for American workers.

The Republican leaders also understand, as does Trump, how really terrified right-wingers are of Muslims. That gut wrenching fear by conservatives is another useful political tool that efficiently controls the right-wingers' simple minds.

Unfortunately, conservatives believe their political philosophy is infallible, and it is that belief in their own perfection that enables them to be so easily manipulated by their politicians, and forces them to support policies that damage all average Americans.

You are the one who said "make America white again". I don't recall Trump or a single Trump-bot saying anything of the sort. Just because you liberals hear that in your fever dreams only reinforces the evidence that it is your race-obsessed bigotries the reads race into everything. Not ours.

As for fat cats, ALL the fat cats were behind your witch.


Donald Trump has a problem, how to form the necessary alliance with the Republican establishment to impress the Republican members of Electoral College, and still keep the undying support of his Trump-bots.

The electors are not impartial, and have no legal obligations to vote to match their home states' results

His supporters elected him because he is not a political insider, they think he is a rebel who is with them in their right wing cause (which varies from day to day and right-winger to right-winger).

His friend, political consultant Roger Stone has warned Trump that he could face a “rebellion by the voter base” if he chooses RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, or any other establishment Republican as his chief of staff.

But in just the short time since Clinton conceded, Stone's prediction of rebellion has been proven wrong. Trump has already surrounded himself with Old Guard Republicans as his transition team and there has been no uproar from any of his millions of sheep.

The Donald has also proven his policies are not really any different from those of the GOP establishment. Trump has the typical tax cuts for the super-rich, the usual dismantling of safety net programs, the elimination of regulations that protect workers, consumers, the environment, etc., and the same empty Republican promises of bringing back the millions of jobs that past decades of GOP legislation provided funding to outsource.

The Trump-bots’ dreams of “making American white again”, inspired by The Donald’s assurances that there would be a wall built between the U.S. and Mexico, and the banning of Muslims entering the country are just too expensive to implement. Such expenses would dip deeply into the money Republicans need to start more needless (but profitable) wars.

The Republican establishment and The Donald know that continuing Muslim immigration is necessary to keep the Trump-bots terrified of terrorists, and the illegal immigrants coming in through Mexico are needed by the fat cats as cheap labor for jobs that cannot be outsourced.

As far as Stone’s warning of a rebellion, Trump’s sheep would never think of criticizing their new King. To do so, they would be forced to admit their own ignorance and stupidity, and face the truth they were scammed by an expert con-man.

In the coming months as Trump turns his back on them, his sheep will not only deny he has abandoned them in favor of the Washington establishment, they will defend everything he does and says. If that doesn’t prove they are gullible, ignorant suckers, their vote to reelect him in 2020 will.

Four years of getting screwed over by their savior will be quickly forgotten, as they bend over and demand four more. It will be a repeat of the Bush/Cheney administration, recessions, wars, the return to high unemployment, more bank closures, home foreclosures, etc.

It’s going to be funny to watch the Trump-bots tap-dance to defend The Donald's and his Republican Congress' many coming disasters.

Top Trump Ally Warns of 'Rebellion' Over Possible Chief of Staff Pick

If anyone wants the actual story click the link instead of trying to read this long winded clowns rant.
Priebus is totally unacceptable. He is part of the swamp that needs to drain...
hhhmmmm... Make America white again. That's not a bad idea, there, Bertram.
America is already 70% white with about half of Hispanics also self identifying as white.

All this hand wringing about whites being the minority is a bunch of hysteria.
BTW Stone is right in that article. Trump picks Priebus I am done. My vote if I even vote in 2020 goes elsewhere. That is NOT the way to start a relationship with the people that elected you by picking an disloyal piece of shit as your Chief Of Staff.
hhhmmmm... Make America white again. That's not a bad idea, there, Bertram.
America is already 70% white with about half of Hispanics also self identifying as white.

All this hand wringing about whites being the minority is a bunch of hysteria.
And headed downwards at a high rate of speed. Also depends on who you claim is white. Arabs and Jews and Latino's are NOT White.
Jews are "white" when the media wants to hide the fact that they are Jewish.

Jefferson Davis was "white" because Jews want Americans to believe he was white not Jewish. He was a JDAAC, a Jew disguised as a Christian, as were most of the Confederate leaders.

Donald Trump has a problem, how to form the necessary alliance with the Republican establishment to impress the Republican members of Electoral College, and still keep the undying support of his Trump-bots.

The electors are not impartial, and have no legal obligations to vote to match their home states' results

His supporters elected him because he is not a political insider, they think he is a rebel who is with them in their right wing cause (which varies from day to day and right-winger to right-winger).

His friend, political consultant Roger Stone has warned Trump that he could face a “rebellion by the voter base” if he chooses RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, or any other establishment Republican as his chief of staff.

But in just the short time since Clinton conceded, Stone's prediction of rebellion has been proven wrong. Trump has already surrounded himself with Old Guard Republicans as his transition team and there has been no uproar from any of his millions of sheep.

The Donald has also proven his policies are not really any different from those of the GOP establishment. Trump has the typical tax cuts for the super-rich, the usual dismantling of safety net programs, the elimination of regulations that protect workers, consumers, the environment, etc., and the same empty Republican promises of bringing back the millions of jobs that past decades of GOP legislation provided funding to outsource.

The Trump-bots’ dreams of “making American white again”, inspired by The Donald’s assurances that there would be a wall built between the U.S. and Mexico, and the banning of Muslims entering the country are just too expensive to implement. Such expenses would dip deeply into the money Republicans need to start more needless (but profitable) wars.

The Republican establishment and The Donald know that continuing Muslim immigration is necessary to keep the Trump-bots terrified of terrorists, and the illegal immigrants coming in through Mexico are needed by the fat cats as cheap labor for jobs that cannot be outsourced.

As far as Stone’s warning of a rebellion, Trump’s sheep would never think of criticizing their new King. To do so, they would be forced to admit their own ignorance and stupidity, and face the truth they were scammed by an expert con-man.

In the coming months as Trump turns his back on them, his sheep will not only deny he has abandoned them in favor of the Washington establishment, they will defend everything he does and says. If that doesn’t prove they are gullible, ignorant suckers, their vote to reelect him in 2020 will.

Four years of getting screwed over by their savior will be quickly forgotten, as they bend over and demand four more. It will be a repeat of the Bush/Cheney administration, recessions, wars, the return to high unemployment, more bank closures, home foreclosures, etc.

It’s going to be funny to watch the Trump-bots tap-dance to defend The Donald's and his Republican Congress' many coming disasters.

Top Trump Ally Warns of 'Rebellion' Over Possible Chief of Staff Pick


Here's your problem, well one of many:

You have labeled them "trump bots" for so long that you actually believe they aren't thinking rational human beings. In your infinite stupidity, you thought they were nothing but "bots". This explains your bafflement at his win and his presidency. It also leads you to continue to make erroneous statements like the long babbling post above. You will either be totally befuddled by what actually happens or you will find more ways to fool yourself. Either way, reality will continue to disagree with you.

Donald Trump has a problem, how to form the necessary alliance with the Republican establishment to impress the Republican members of Electoral College, and still keep the undying support of his Trump-bots.

The electors are not impartial, and have no legal obligations to vote to match their home states' results

His supporters elected him because he is not a political insider, they think he is a rebel who is with them in their right wing cause (which varies from day to day and right-winger to right-winger).

His friend, political consultant Roger Stone has warned Trump that he could face a “rebellion by the voter base” if he chooses RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, or any other establishment Republican as his chief of staff.

But in just the short time since Clinton conceded, Stone's prediction of rebellion has been proven wrong. Trump has already surrounded himself with Old Guard Republicans as his transition team and there has been no uproar from any of his millions of sheep.

The Donald has also proven his policies are not really any different from those of the GOP establishment. Trump has the typical tax cuts for the super-rich, the usual dismantling of safety net programs, the elimination of regulations that protect workers, consumers, the environment, etc., and the same empty Republican promises of bringing back the millions of jobs that past decades of GOP legislation provided funding to outsource.

The Trump-bots’ dreams of “making American white again”, inspired by The Donald’s assurances that there would be a wall built between the U.S. and Mexico, and the banning of Muslims entering the country are just too expensive to implement. Such expenses would dip deeply into the money Republicans need to start more needless (but profitable) wars.

The Republican establishment and The Donald know that continuing Muslim immigration is necessary to keep the Trump-bots terrified of terrorists, and the illegal immigrants coming in through Mexico are needed by the fat cats as cheap labor for jobs that cannot be outsourced.

As far as Stone’s warning of a rebellion, Trump’s sheep would never think of criticizing their new King. To do so, they would be forced to admit their own ignorance and stupidity, and face the truth they were scammed by an expert con-man.

In the coming months as Trump turns his back on them, his sheep will not only deny he has abandoned them in favor of the Washington establishment, they will defend everything he does and says. If that doesn’t prove they are gullible, ignorant suckers, their vote to reelect him in 2020 will.

Four years of getting screwed over by their savior will be quickly forgotten, as they bend over and demand four more. It will be a repeat of the Bush/Cheney administration, recessions, wars, the return to high unemployment, more bank closures, home foreclosures, etc.

It’s going to be funny to watch the Trump-bots tap-dance to defend The Donald's and his Republican Congress' many coming disasters.

Top Trump Ally Warns of 'Rebellion' Over Possible Chief of Staff Pick

O god...what are we to do?

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