Top 8 Takeaways from Roe Reversal


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Top 8 Takeaways from Roe Reversal​

Militant rage has nothing to do with rights or reality.
28 Jun 2022 ~~ By Don Feder

[1] The left still insists there’s a non-existent constitutional right to abortion.
[2] For the left, violence is the norm.

As it has been from the French Revolution, to bolshevism, National Socialism, Maoism, the New Left, Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Post Roe, violence in the streets mirrors violence in the womb. Listen to Maxine Waters, AOC and Elizabeth Warren telling us to ignore the court, defy the court and destroy the court by packing it or impeaching justices for voting the wrong way. Instead of trespassing in the halls of Congress, they’re attacking a sovereign branch of government. They are the real insurrectionists.​
[3] The establishment left winks at the violence of the militant left.
[4] Pro-aborts are using the same shopworn cliches. It’s as if they’re stuck in the 1970s.
[5] After the Roe reversal, the nation will be divided along the lines of abortion, like America was on slavery before the Civil War.
[6] Delusional Democrats think abortion will turn the tide in their favor in November.
[7] The logic of the majority opinion is equally applicable to same-sex marriage.
[8] Conservatives take disappointment better than lefties.

Since the Civil War was not about slavery, but more about State Rights versus Federal Rights. Democrat Liberals continue to refuse to believe that we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Representative Democracy.
Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat fanatics stupidly think something has been taken from them. Blood thirsty fanatics, obviously, and mostly dykes. Dykes always think men are taking something from them.
Can anyone tell the difference between the Floyd Riots and the Abortion Riots, except the girls are uglier and the men have become more metrosexual?
They all seem more intent on insulting us and rousing our anger rather than making any logical points.
These Maoist Insurrectionists morons are rioting over something that's still legal but no longer a fake right. The worshipers of Mao Zedong can still murder as many of their babies as they want in Blue States. They want to impose their will on every state instead of just the ones they live in.
That means killing babies is the most important thing to them, not imaginary rights, women's bodies - which aren't murdered in abortions - or health issues, because hundreds of women die annually during abortions but not childbirth, and infanticide in the womb is anything but a health issue. No, these nasty scum just want to be able to do whatever they want whenever they want including infanticide in the womb. Many of them get off on it, as indicated by they perverse bragging on video.
You might be wrong on point six. Seems to me many pro-choice voters who are dissatisfied with dumb old Joe, still vote D in the midterms because of this decision.
That's what this current shiny object was designed to do: distract from the shiny Ukrainian failure. Alito's leak was a Nazi Dem directive. Low IQs lose again.
In the OP, the use of the word "prestidigitation" is dubious considering that there were supposedly high IQs monitoring this crotch-clown jurisprudence. How was the shell game successful for 50 years? Why did SCOTUS ignore all of the masturbation deaths that have occurred and at the same time, arrogantly, continue use of the oxymoronic term, "viability?" Even before the DNA combines, there is always already viability. Just when in this abortion history did SCOTUS decide to do theologian imitations?

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