Too good to be true...Black middle schooler slams Barack Obama in epic YouTube speech


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.
This young man is just too erudite. Too passionate. Too real to be true.
Obama... now this is what you meant when you said..."well-mannered young black man" but is ANGRY!

So when Obama wrote from his "Dreams from My Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

“President Obama, You don’t love America. If you really did love America, you would call ISIS what it really is: an assault on Christianity, an assault on America and downright hate for the American values that our country holds. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion and every single thing that our country stands for.”

He adds, “I hope that one day people will get enough guts to speak out against your downright hatred for this nation.”
WATCH Black middle schooler slams Barack Obama in epic YouTube speech The American Mirror
I am sure that the preponderance of those people Obama's hired advisor J. Gruber called"Stupidity of American Voters" will
respond by attacking this brave young ANGRY black man!
Poor middle schooler will be attacked by every Obamatron as well as the black community as a Uncle Tom Junior!
So sad these people don't comprehend what this young black man does... that most Americans are not what Obama
portrays...racists, hateful, bigots. Thank goodness for this young man's parents and please over them!
If Obama loved America he wouldn't be so hell bent on fundamental transformation of America. A sane person doesn't change that to which they love. I love America, Obama does not.

Let me help out the left.

Sad to see the Koch brothers get to another American.

Racism in such a young man is never pretty.

Here it is for those who don't want redirected:

I am sure that the preponderance of those people Obama's hired advisor J. Gruber called"Stupidity of American Voters" will
respond by attacking this brave young ANGRY black man!
Poor middle schooler will be attacked by every Obamatron as well as the black community as a Uncle Tom Junior!
So sad these people don't comprehend what this young black man does... that most Americans are not what Obama
portrays...racists, hateful, bigots. Thank goodness for this young man's parents and please over them!

I don't think so. They will do what they do and ignore him and anyone who brings him up will be the ones attacked. Libs will be on here telling us that anyone who even quotes this young man are racist. They won't respond to HIM because they can't.
I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.
This young man is just too erudite. Too passionate. Too real to be true.
Obama... now this is what you meant when you said..."well-mannered young black man" but is ANGRY!

So when Obama wrote from his "Dreams from My Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

“President Obama, You don’t love America. If you really did love America, you would call ISIS what it really is: an assault on Christianity, an assault on America and downright hate for the American values that our country holds. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion and every single thing that our country stands for.”

He adds, “I hope that one day people will get enough guts to speak out against your downright hatred for this nation.”
WATCH Black middle schooler slams Barack Obama in epic YouTube speech The American Mirror

Ouch! That is not supposed to happen.
"I mean, you got the XXXX second mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
"I mean, you got the XXXX second mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Good point! And the young angry black man is not resorting to "tricks" and tactics"!
He is pointing out how absolutely Stepin Fetchit Obama has been.... "tricks" and "tactics" fooling us.
Well thank God for this new young black hero of MINE and I'm 71 year old white guy!

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