Tomorrow night Romney needs to remind America of one thing....

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
When obama starts bragging about ending the Iraq war Romney needs to pounce and remind everyone of this.

The exit strategy and timeline for the Iraq war was Bush's NOT Obama's. In fact Obama tried to negotiate with Iraq to keep our troops there beyond the deadline for withdrawl but FAILED in his negotiations.

He should also comment on Obama's eagerness to blame Bush for every failure yet never give him credit when its Bush's policies that led to success.
When obama starts bragging about ending the Iraq war Romney needs to pounce and remind everyone of this.

The exit strategy and timeline for the Iraq war was Bush's NOT Obama's. In fact Obama tried to negotiate with Iraq to keep our troops there beyond the deadline for withdrawl but FAILED in his negotiations.

He should also comment on Obama's eagerness to blame Bush for every failure yet never give him credit when its Bush's policies that led to success.

It's nice to see someone besides me knows that little fact about the Iraq withdraw.
Romney said it was a tragedy that we didn't get a deal so we could stay there longer.

His best bet would be to quietly try to change the subject.
The guy is going to show everyone just how much he sucks at foreign policy, certainly he will be able to second guess everything the President has done with the benefit of hindsight but when the discussion turns to what he WILL do different all he can do to distinguish himself will be to talk tough and rattle the saber.
Well if you read the papers and listen and just pay attention and have a brain
and are honest when asked about it you would say that.

I don't know if Democrats know this.
I do know we never hear them say it.
The liberal talkers on radio and TV give Obama credit for ending the war in Iraq.
Obama said HE ended the war in Iraq...
Maybe that's why a lot of people feel that way.

This was Bush all the way.
Well, the choice is pretty clear at this point. You want more of this misery, you vote Obama. You want something different, you vote Romney. I guess we'll see what the People decide.
Romney said it was a tragedy that we didn't get a deal so we could stay there longer.

His best bet would be to quietly try to change the subject.

On the contrary. The president will want to say Romney's positions are extreme so pointing out that they had the same thoughts on the subject will make Obama look foolish.
The guy is going to show everyone just how much he sucks at foreign policy, certainly he will be able to second guess everything the President has done with the benefit of hindsight but when the discussion turns to what he WILL do different all he can do to distinguish himself will be to talk tough and rattle the saber.

It's physically IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to suck at foreign policy more than Obama.
When obama starts bragging about ending the Iraq war Romney needs to pounce and remind everyone of this.

The exit strategy and timeline for the Iraq war was Bush's NOT Obama's. In fact Obama tried to negotiate with Iraq to keep our troops there beyond the deadline for withdrawl but FAILED in his negotiations.

He should also comment on Obama's eagerness to blame Bush for every failure yet never give him credit when its Bush's policies that led to success.

Bush had six years to win his blunder of a war

It was far from "Mission Accomplished"

EVERYONE should blame Bush for his disastrous foreign policy decisions

looks like Romney wants to double down
The guy is going to show everyone just how much he sucks at foreign policy, certainly he will be able to second guess everything the President has done with the benefit of hindsight but when the discussion turns to what he WILL do different all he can do to distinguish himself will be to talk tough and rattle the saber.

It's physically IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to suck at foreign policy more than Obama.

Two wars?

Both screwed up? Engaging in TORTURE?

You call that foreign policy?
The guy is going to show everyone just how much he sucks at foreign policy, certainly he will be able to second guess everything the President has done with the benefit of hindsight but when the discussion turns to what he WILL do different all he can do to distinguish himself will be to talk tough and rattle the saber.

It's physically IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to suck at foreign policy more than Obama.

Two wars?

Both screwed up? Engaging in TORTURE?

You call that foreign policy?

The people brutalized by Saddam's Baathist regime and the Taliban do.
Romney said it was a tragedy that we didn't get a deal so we could stay there longer.

His best bet would be to quietly try to change the subject.

On the contrary. The president will want to say Romney's positions are extreme so pointing out that they had the same thoughts on the subject will make Obama look foolish.

Romney is going to want to make Obama's positions out to be extreme, so he's not going to be pointing this out either.
The guy is going to show everyone just how much he sucks at foreign policy, certainly he will be able to second guess everything the President has done with the benefit of hindsight but when the discussion turns to what he WILL do different all he can do to distinguish himself will be to talk tough and rattle the saber.

It's physically IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to suck at foreign policy more than Obama.

Not sure you grasp the mine field that the middle east has presented the last couple of years, a republican would have made it a hundred times worse with their habit of issuing ultimatums and whole-heartedly supporting dictators.

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