Tokyo vs NYC


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?


But my idea is that the Japanese are very clean people. OTOH, here in US, President Trump advised the American people to wash their hands after using the can to avoid disease. New Yorkers hate Trump, and said "Not my president. I do what I please, I'm not going to wash my hands to satisfy the orange man"

We saw the result, and the number of COVID deaths in New York far exceeded those in Tokyo, Hermitage, Calcutta or other great world cities.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?


But my idea is that the Japanese are very clean people. OTOH, here in US, President Trump advised the American people to wash their hands after using the can to avoid disease. New Yorkers hate Trump, and said "Not my president. I do what I please, I'm not going to wash my hands to satisfy the orange man"

We saw the result, and the number of COVID deaths in New York far exceeded those in Tokyo, Hermitage, Calcutta or other great world cities.

some truth to that. The streets in Tokyo are immaculately clean. They have cleaning crews on them every morning.

but the Chinese were losing the economic war, they had to do something to reverse that. then the virus was released------------intentionally, accidentally? we need to know.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?


But my idea is that the Japanese are very clean people. OTOH, here in US, President Trump advised the American people to wash their hands after using the can to avoid disease. New Yorkers hate Trump, and said "Not my president. I do what I please, I'm not going to wash my hands to satisfy the orange man"
I agree with that!
I have never been to Japan but I've seen some videos about that country. It looks like Japan is cleaner than Switzerland :D
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?


But my idea is that the Japanese are very clean people. OTOH, here in US, President Trump advised the American people to wash their hands after using the can to avoid disease. New Yorkers hate Trump, and said "Not my president. I do what I please, I'm not going to wash my hands to satisfy the orange man"
I agree with that!
I have never been to Japan but I've seen some videos about that country. It looks like Japan is cleaner than Switzerland :D

Singapore is also supposed to be very clean as well. They used to cane people for littering, they didn't mess around.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

You can't realistically compare the two populations for a multitude of reasons.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

You can't realistically compare the two populations for a multitude of reasons.

what are those reasons? both are big cities, both are crowded, both were exposed to the Chinese virus. One had disasterous results the other did not. Can't wait to hear your reasons why that happened.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

We know part of the reason for this already. NYC ordered that elderly patients with Covid go back to the nursing homes with care.

Covid is ridiculously more contagious than the flu. So sending Covid patients into a confined place filled with all the most vulnerable people, was a lethal choice.

Beyond that, I think working makes people stronger, and Japanese work their butts off. They don't have millions of welfare people sitting around sponging off the government, like NYC does.

And lock down made it worse. I am honestly starting to believe that the lock down actually encouraged spread of the disease.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

We know part of the reason for this already. NYC ordered that elderly patients with Covid go back to the nursing homes with care.

Covid is ridiculously more contagious than the flu. So sending Covid patients into a confined place filled with all the most vulnerable people, was a lethal choice.

Beyond that, I think working makes people stronger, and Japanese work their butts off. They don't have millions of welfare people sitting around sponging off the government, like NYC does.

And lock down made it worse. I am honestly starting to believe that the lock down actually encouraged spread of the disease.

I agree on all points. I am also starting to believe that this whole thing was not an accident.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

You can't realistically compare the two populations for a multitude of reasons.

what are those reasons? both are big cities, both are crowded, both were exposed to the Chinese virus. One had disasterous results the other did not. Can't wait to hear your reasons why that happened.

I'm obviously speculating, since I have not seen any conclusively study of comparison, but the Japanese are a homogeneous and very disciplined society. They have better health out comes in general due to healthier lifestyles overall. They take better care of their elderly. They have much lower crime rates and one of the highest living standards in the world.

Compare that to New York City, which is a melting pot of the entire planet. They have a massively diverse population with different cultures and social norms. New Yorkers make poor lifestyle choices: they don't eat right, they don't take care of themselves, have higher rates of crime. There are parts of NYC that look like a war zone in the Middle East.

To try and compare New York to Tokyo is simply apples and oranges. Also take into consideration that a lot of influenza type pandemics have hit Asia far more often than other parts of the world which is why you see so many people in Asian countries wearing face masks even when there isn't a pandemic spreading. Those societies are more prepared for this kind of thing, whereas NYC was set up for the brink of disaster.
I thought this thread was about Rollerball ...

NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

We know part of the reason for this already. NYC ordered that elderly patients with Covid go back to the nursing homes with care.

Covid is ridiculously more contagious than the flu. So sending Covid patients into a confined place filled with all the most vulnerable people, was a lethal choice.

Beyond that, I think working makes people stronger, and Japanese work their butts off. They don't have millions of welfare people sitting around sponging off the government, like NYC does.

And lock down made it worse. I am honestly starting to believe that the lock down actually encouraged spread of the disease.

I agree on all points. I am also starting to believe that this whole thing was not an accident.

I'm not going there. When I see evidence this was a biological weapon that escaped from China.... then I'll believe. Until then, I'm not going to jump to conclusions without evidence.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

You can't realistically compare the two populations for a multitude of reasons.

what are those reasons? both are big cities, both are crowded, both were exposed to the Chinese virus. One had disasterous results the other did not. Can't wait to hear your reasons why that happened.

I'm obviously speculating, since I have not seen any conclusively study of comparison, but the Japanese are a homogeneous and very disciplined society. They have better health out comes in general due to healthier lifestyles overall. They take better care of their elderly. They have much lower crime rates and one of the highest living standards in the world.

Compare that to New York City, which is a melting pot of the entire planet. They have a massively diverse population with different cultures and social norms. New Yorkers make poor lifestyle choices: they don't eat right, they don't take care of themselves, have higher rates of crime. There are parts of NYC that look like a war zone in the Middle East.

To try and compare New York to Tokyo is simply apples and oranges. Also take into consideration that a lot of influenza type pandemics have hit Asia far more often than other parts of the world which is why you see so many people in Asian countries wearing face masks even when there isn't a pandemic spreading. Those societies are more prepared for this kind of thing, whereas NYC was set up for the brink of disaster.

NYC was also targeted by the Chinese, Tokyo was not. Infected Chinese were not allowed to travel within China, but were allowed to travel to every other large city in the world, NY, London, Rome, Paris, etc. and look at the result in those cities.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

We know part of the reason for this already. NYC ordered that elderly patients with Covid go back to the nursing homes with care.

Covid is ridiculously more contagious than the flu. So sending Covid patients into a confined place filled with all the most vulnerable people, was a lethal choice.

Beyond that, I think working makes people stronger, and Japanese work their butts off. They don't have millions of welfare people sitting around sponging off the government, like NYC does.

And lock down made it worse. I am honestly starting to believe that the lock down actually encouraged spread of the disease.

I agree on all points. I am also starting to believe that this whole thing was not an accident.

I'm not going there. When I see evidence this was a biological weapon that escaped from China.... then I'll believe. Until then, I'm not going to jump to conclusions without evidence.

"starting to believe" I should have added, "that this MIGHT" not be an accident. Eventually the world will know the truth. The question is what will the world do with that truth, no matter what it says.
...NYC was also targeted by the Chinese, Tokyo was not. ...
You don't know that. Calm down and stop wallowing in childish conspiracy theories. If hard proof of something emerges, get excited about it then. Right now, you just sound like another nut. Did you stop and consider that far more Chinese tourists visit Japan than the US? And if the CCP were to "target" a foreign country, you don't think maybe they'd choose one much easier to reach and with a historical beef? Put down the tinfoil and pick up a beer.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

You can't realistically compare the two populations for a multitude of reasons.

what are those reasons? both are big cities, both are crowded, both were exposed to the Chinese virus. One had disasterous results the other did not. Can't wait to hear your reasons why that happened.

I'm obviously speculating, since I have not seen any conclusively study of comparison, but the Japanese are a homogeneous and very disciplined society. They have better health out comes in general due to healthier lifestyles overall. They take better care of their elderly. They have much lower crime rates and one of the highest living standards in the world.

Compare that to New York City, which is a melting pot of the entire planet. They have a massively diverse population with different cultures and social norms. New Yorkers make poor lifestyle choices: they don't eat right, they don't take care of themselves, have higher rates of crime. There are parts of NYC that look like a war zone in the Middle East.

To try and compare New York to Tokyo is simply apples and oranges. Also take into consideration that a lot of influenza type pandemics have hit Asia far more often than other parts of the world which is why you see so many people in Asian countries wearing face masks even when there isn't a pandemic spreading. Those societies are more prepared for this kind of thing, whereas NYC was set up for the brink of disaster.

NYC was also targeted by the Chinese, Tokyo was not. Infected Chinese were not allowed to travel within China, but were allowed to travel to every other large city in the world, NY, London, Rome, Paris, etc. and look at the result in those cities.

And you have support for this claim?
NYC was also targeted by the Chinese, Tokyo was not. Infected Chinese were not allowed to travel within China, but were allowed to travel to every other large city in the world, NY, London, Rome, Paris, etc. and look at the result in those cities.

And you have support for this claim?

Of course he doesn't. It's a right wing conspiracy theory.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

You can't realistically compare the two populations for a multitude of reasons.

what are those reasons? both are big cities, both are crowded, both were exposed to the Chinese virus. One had disasterous results the other did not. Can't wait to hear your reasons why that happened.

I'm obviously speculating, since I have not seen any conclusively study of comparison, but the Japanese are a homogeneous and very disciplined society. They have better health out comes in general due to healthier lifestyles overall. They take better care of their elderly. They have much lower crime rates and one of the highest living standards in the world.

Compare that to New York City, which is a melting pot of the entire planet. They have a massively diverse population with different cultures and social norms. New Yorkers make poor lifestyle choices: they don't eat right, they don't take care of themselves, have higher rates of crime. There are parts of NYC that look like a war zone in the Middle East.

To try and compare New York to Tokyo is simply apples and oranges. Also take into consideration that a lot of influenza type pandemics have hit Asia far more often than other parts of the world which is why you see so many people in Asian countries wearing face masks even when there isn't a pandemic spreading. Those societies are more prepared for this kind of thing, whereas NYC was set up for the brink of disaster.

NYC was also targeted by the Chinese, Tokyo was not. Infected Chinese were not allowed to travel within China, but were allowed to travel to every other large city in the world, NY, London, Rome, Paris, etc. and look at the result in those cities.

And you have support for this claim?

the chinese travel restrictions/permissions has been proven for weeks. They allowed people from Wuhan to travel to every city in the world, but would not allow them to travel within China. How do you explain that?

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