Today’s Electoral College Map

Today, the arithmetic at FiveThirtyEight is predicting Obama's largest lead in the electoral college race:
Obama --- 320.1
Romney -- 217.9 and-----and FiveThirtyEight has the President's chance of winning a second term at 85.7%.
The only issue I have with that Map is that it decides to award the states to only one or the other, and doesn't allow for the fact that some states are close enough to flip either way. shows the "barely leans". Take those states out and you get: Obama 275, Romney 191 with 72 electoral votes in states barely leaning one way or another.

Yeah, Obama is in pretty good shape right now. Romney needs to make a move and actually flip some states away from Obama. He can no longer win by just focusing on battleground states. There just isn't enough left. Rasmussen is showing a result that isn't that different.

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