Today is the 98th anniversary of the greatest miracle of modern times


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Today is the 98th anniversary of the great miracle of the sun, prophesied to occur 90 days in advance by three young Portuguese children. For those who claim there are no miracles or there are no well-documented miracles testified to by secular, sound, unswayed minds, here is evidence to the contrary. The first few paragraphs is my own summary. The much longer account is given by Dr. Peter Chojnowski at the 2007 Fatima conference. What he does it quotes from testimonies of eye witnesses including scientists and doctors. He pulls excerpts from a very long testimony by Dr. Almeida Garrett, professor of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. He also provides the testimony of news journalist Avelino de Almeida, the Editor in Chief of O Seculo, a liberal, anti-clerical, and Masonic daily in Lisbon. He along with many other professional skeptics was there to mock the event. Initially.

A brief summary:

October 13th 70,000 people are present in this Portuguese countryside sitting in a downpour and muddy ground waiting for this alleged miracle. The three shepherd children arrive around noon, say the rosary, and then Lucia points to the sky. The gray clouds part and the sun bursts on to the scene easily stared at by all without causing eye damage. The sun defies cosmic laws and starts to twirl, bounce and dance. It shoots off multi colored rays across the whole landscape changing the color of the people's faces, blue, green, yellow etc. This astounds the crowd and many are now on their knees. It last about 12 minutes and then the sun grows in great size, turns blood red and charges the earth. All are terrified, but just as suddenly the sun stops and recedes to its proper state and all is peaceful. The very muddy ground and drenched clothes are bone dry!

No one can explain what just happened even the marxist journalists for Lisbon paper 'O Seculo' there presumably to mock this prophecy are dumfounded and reluctantly report the truth in their paper. Only a small number claim they did not see anything (God is free to do as he pleases), but the vast majority all claim to have seen the very same thing! This solar miracle is also seen by a number of eye witnesses within a 25 radius of the gathering. Countless testimonies are recorded on film and in print including those of secular scientists and non-religious. It is clearly a miracle sent by God to bolster the faith of the faithful and challenge the skeptics. An exact prediction 90 days in advance by three shepherd children, ages 7 – 9, comes true the very day they said Mary told them there would be a great sign for all to see!

One other very noteworthy item. In July the child Lucia asks the Virgin Mary if her recently deceased aunt was in heaven. Lucia told the others that Mary told her their aunt was guilty of many unrepentant sins and would be in purgatory for a very long time. In purgatory! Or was 9 year old Lucia so clever and devious to make this part up?

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Read on if you have interest of a well-documented miracle from God. Testimony to the reality of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, divine intervention, the reality of purgatory, the reality of hell, the need for prayer and repentance, the reality that God can do as He pleases for only those He so chooses.

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Online Transcripts: The Miracle of the Sun

The Miracle of the Sun as Proclamation of the Universal Queenship of Mary

by Dr. Peter Chojnowski

Editor’s Note: This past October 13 was the 90th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. Presented here is a thought-provoking speech on the subject given by Dr. Peter Chojnowski at the “Fatima: Only Way to World Peace” conference in Brazil, August 2007.

I appreciate the invitation to speak about an event which has great significance for the entire world and for me personally. What always surprises me about this great miracle, perhaps the greatest miracle since the Resurrection, is how little it is known in the world at large. It should shake the very world itself. It should shake our governments; it should shake our media; it should shake our own souls.

And, yet, for how many does it have this profound effect? To quote the famous French rationalist and skeptic Renan, “Miracles do not take place where they ought to. A miracle in Paris before so many of the learned would put an end to so many doubts. But, alas, that never happens. No miracle ever took place before those who could discuss and make critical judgments on it.” To this challenge and doubt, we can offer the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima on October 13, 1917.

That is why this miracle is so important. Not only does this miracle disprove Renan; it is also an absolute proof of the authenticity and the importance of the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. It is at this point that we can mention our thesis. This specific miracle — God, of course, does nothing in “general” — is meant uniquely for our times; for our “modern” times. This miracle is a unique antidote to the specific intellectual diseases in our time.

At the end of this lecture I will mention the specific intellectual diseases which this miracle is an antidote to. Those diseases are philosophical skepticism, theological ambiguity, and political secularism.

There is also no doubt that this miracle was intended to be an absolute proof of Our Lady’s Universal Queenship. It was meant to be the initiation of the Universal Reign of Our Lady as Queen over the world.

But, as Catholics who value and understand the validity of reason and evidence, we must ask ourselves what lends credibility to this Miracle of the Sun. When we ask this question and begin to do the research, we are amazed at how much evidence there is to support the validity of the claims of this miracle. There are so many contemporary testimonies. I can mention only some of the basic sources which testify to the truth of this miracle.

The contemporary press is the first of these sources. Indeed, it was the anti-clerical, Masonic press in Portugal which reported on the Miracle first.

Masonic Press Testifies to Truth of Miracle

When looking for reliable sources concerning historical events, it is always best to consult those who have no “bias” or “vested interest” in the events. If they testify to the truth of the historical claim, the claim is bolstered immeasurably. If, however, the witnesses are professionally hostile and yet testify to the truth of the claims of their opponents, the testimony is of incalculable worth. We have this kind of testimony in the account of Avelino de Almeida, the Editor in Chief of O Seculo, a liberal, anti-clerical, and Masonic daily in Lisbon. Mr. de Almeida was actually a witness to the events at the Cova da Iria.

To this testimony of the anti-Catholics, we add the testimony of the Church. The official investigation into the miracle itself began in November 1917. Monsignor Vidal, who was directing the diocese of Lisbon, instructed the parish priest to launch an immediate investigation into the case. So the Church, from the beginning, was investigating the claims and interviewing the witnesses. This investigation came to fruition when Bishop da Silva of Fatima officially approved the apparition as worthy of belief. This could not have been difficult, since, unlike most historical events, the events on October 13th at Fatima had innumerable witnesses, whose testimony agree, and who have left innumerable documents.

These innumerable accounts of the events that October day were meticulously documented from the beginning until our own time. These accounts of the events came out in the decades when eyewitnesses were still alive, leaving open the possibility that the accounts could be refuted by the eyewitnesses. They could have objected when the reports came out, but no one did. In fact, on the 60th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, there were some 30 eyewitnesses who could still testify to the events on that day.

What also adds to the veracity claims concerning the Miracle of the Sun is the fact that the miracle itself was witnessed by some 70,000 people that day. Their testimony is unanimous. However, who were these witnesses, other than our Masonic newspaperman Avelino de Almeida, were there only Portuguese Catholic peasants who attended this anticipated miracle?

The answer here is, of course, no. The Portuguese historian, Leopoldo Nuñes, who was present on the scene on October 13th, says, “At the moment of the great miracle there were present some of the most illustrious men of letters, in the arts and the sciences, and almost all were unbelievers coming out of curiosity, led by the prediction of the seers. Even the Minister of Education of the Masonic government was there.”

So we see here how Renan is refuted, because exactly the men whom he said are not present at miracles were present at Fatima at the moment of the miracle. Here we have Our Lady, at the request of Lucy, who sought to prove the authenticity of Her Fatima Message to the unbelievers.

Again, we return to the account of the miraculous events on the day of the 13th given us by Avelino de Almeida, the self-professed anti-Catholic witness. It is worth noting that the editors of the other anti-clerical newspapers attacked de Almeida for his report. But even in the face of such criticism by his comrades he did not retreat from his testimony. In fact, 15 days after his original account of the miracle, he published another story about the events, this time illustrating it with 12 pictures taken of the crowd in the midst of the Miracle of the Sun. Throughout this article, de Almeida just kept repeating, “I saw it … I saw it … I saw it.”

Testimony of Dr. Almeida Garrett

Let us follow the account of Avelino de Almeida, adding to it that of another eyewitness Dr. Almeida Garrett, professor of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Coimbra, obtained by Fr. Formigao.

The story for de Almeida begins on October 12th, 1917, when he arrives at Fatima to “see” the non-fulfillment of the prophecy of a miracle. Here, the unbeliever — who was obviously impressed with the faith of the believers, says, “On the road, we encounter the first groups which are on their way to the holy place, a good 13 miles away … Men and women are for the most part barefoot, the latter carrying their shoes in bags on their heads, while the men lean on thin sticks and are also prudently armed with umbrellas. Apparently indifferent to what is going on around them they do not seem to notice the countryside nor their fellow-travelers, but murmur the Rosary as they go immersed in thought … A woman recites the first part of the Ave Maria and immediately her companions continue the second part in chorus. They move rhythmically and rapidly in order to reach the place of the apparitions by nightfall. Here, under the stars they will sleep, keeping the first and best places near the little tree.”

What a moving account. He must have been profoundly moved by what he saw. We can only wonder about his attitude. Perhaps it was one of pity for what he thought were the pathetic hopes of the people.

The whole night it rained. This was a change in the weather from what had occurred earlier in the autumn season. It was as if Our Lady was perfectly stage managing the scene to emphasize the miracle. The rain transformed the dusty roads into muddy quagmires. What does de Almeida say concerning the response of the people to these adverse conditions? “They did not lose hope and they did not forget the cause for which they came.”

The day of October 13th arrived. De Almeida continues, “By 10 o’clock the sky was completely hidden behind the clouds and the rain began to fall in earnest. Swept by the strong wind and beating upon the faces of the people, it soaked the pilgrims, often without protection against the weather, to the marrow of their bones … But no one complained or turned back … Hours of waiting …The great mass of people congregate round the oak tree which, according to the children, is Our Lady’s pedestal.”

What amazes us about the Miracle of the Sun is the specificity of Our Lady; just as God Himself is so specific in all that He does. God does not merely create, sustain, or guide “the general.” Our Lady said in July of 1917 that She would perform a miracle at midday on the 13th of October. But it was after noon, how can we say that Our Lady’s promise was being fulfilled? Here it is necessary to say that the Portuguese government, due to its belligerency with France and Britain during World War I, decided that the clocks were to be set 90 minutes ahead so that Portugal would be in the same time zone as her fellow belligerents. On October 13, 1917, 1:30 p.m. was actually midday, sun time.

The hour of the miracle approached. The presence of the seers is announced shortly before the scheduled time of the apparition and miracle; they arrive about one-half hour early. The little girls Jacinta and Lucy, crowned with flowers, are led to the place where the platform has been erected. When Lucy asks them, no, orders them to shut their umbrellas in the drenching rain, something that goes against intuition, the order is transmitted and executed right away without resistance. Then they wait. What if there was no miracle? But there was.

Near the time of 1:30 p.m., a priest, who stood by the children and had been waiting since the evening, began to grow impatient. “Look its midday now. Our Lady does not lie. Well, well.” After a few minutes with nothing happening except the rain pouring down on the uncovered thousands, the priest again looked at his watch and said, “Look, its midday now. Our Lady doesn’t lie. It’s past midday. You see it’s all a delusion. Run along all of you. Go away. It’s a delusion.” In response to this skepticism and doubt, Lucy refused to go. It was midday, so the priest began to push the three children away from the site. Then the simple faith of Lucy took over. She began to cry and said, “If anyone wants to go I shall stay where I am. Our Lady said She would come. She came the other times and She will come this time too.”

At that moment Lucy looked to the east and said to Jacinta, “Jacinta, kneel down. Our Lady is coming. I saw the lightning.” According to Sister Lucy’s account, the impatient priest did not say another word and the children never saw him again. It was at this moment that the miracle commenced. Here are the stages of the Miracle of the Sun:

The Rain Stops

What is truly amazing about this miracle is that Our Lady perfectly “stage managed” the entire event. Each aspect of the miracle was directed to accentuate the miraculous nature of the phenomenon. Dr. Almeida Garrett reports, “The sky, which had been overcast all day, suddenly clears up; the rain stops and it looks like the sun is about to fill with light the countryside that the wintry morning had made so gloomy.” This sudden change of weather surprised all of the witnesses. Dr. Pereira Gens simply reports, “The rain suddenly stopped”; it “suddenly stopped,” of course, at the exact moment which had been predicted for the miracle to take place.

The Vision of the Sun

Why “the vision of the sun”? Because at this moment, contrary to the normal phenomenon, everyone, and this is a unanimous testimony without contradiction, could look at the sun clearly, directly, and without wincing or closing their eyes. No one needed to turn away. This is what the editor of O Seculo says, “Then they saw a unique spectacle, [an] unbelievable spectacle for anyone who did not witness it. From the road … one could see the immense multitude turn towards the sun, which appeared free from clouds and in its zenith. It resembles a dull silver disc, and it is possible to look at it without the least discomfort.” Dr. Garrett, however, had this observation, “I …saw it [the sun] as a disc with a clean cut rim, luminous and shining, but which did not hurt the eyes. I do not agree with the comparison which I have heard made in Fatima — that of a dull silver disc. It was a clearer, richer, brighter color, having something of the luster of a pearl … I felt it to be a living body … It looked like a glazed wheel made of mother of pearl … It was a remarkable fact that one could fix one’s eyes on this brazier of light and heat without any pain in the eyes or blinding of the retina.”

The Dance of the Sun

One would think that this would be enough, being able to look at the sun without having to turn away, but Our Lady wanted to demonstrate Her power in a more convincing way. So this sun that all the witnesses could observe without irritation “danced.” This was called by many of the common folk present, “The Dance of the Sun.” De Almeida says concerning this “dance”: “The sun trembled, the sun made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws — the sun ‘danced’ according to the typical expression of the people. It shook and trembled; it seemed like a wheel of fire.”

Dr. Garrett adds, “The sun’s disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a heavenly body for it spun round upon itself, it made a whirl.” Also, “It spun like a firewheel, taking on all the colors of the rainbow … It looked like a ball of snow, revolving upon itself.” According to Ti Marto, the father of Jacinta and Francisco, “At a certain moment the sun seemed to stop and then began to move and dance … However, the sun stops, only to begin its strange dance all over again after a brief interruption, whirling upon itself, giving the impression of approaching or receding.” This “dance,” which was seen by the 70,000 witnesses, was actually repeated three times during the course of the 10 minute long miracle.

All the Colors of the Rainbow

With the Dance of the Sun something else began to happen. The landscape, and everything in it, began to take on, in succession, all the colors of the rainbow. Dr. Garrett testifies, “During the solar phenomenon … there were changes of color in the atmosphere … I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further afield as far as the horizon, I saw everything an amethyst color. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same color … Soon I heard a peasant who was near me shout out in tones of stupefaction: LOOK, THAT LADY IS ALL YELLOW! And in fact everything both near and far had changed to yellow. People looked as if they were suffering jaundice … My own hand was of the same color.” The exact same report comes from another witness, Maria do Carmo, “The sun took on all the colors of the rainbow. Everything took on the same colors: our faces, our clothes, the earth itself.”

The Falling of the Sun

Now we come to a part of the miracle that made many of those present on the scene of the Cova da Iria believe that the world was ending — such was the fearsomeness of the experience. This was clearly Our Lady’s warning that the Message of Fatima was not only a “message,” but, also, a very grave warning. What happened at that stage of the miracle is called the “falling” of the sun. “Then suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during these moments were terrible.”

Again, “The sun began to move and dance until it seemed that it was being detached from the sky and was falling on us. It was a terrible moment!” “It seemed like a wheel of fire that was about to fall on the people.” Alfredo de Silva Santos reports, “The sun began to move and at a certain moment appeared to be detached from the sky and about to hurtle upon us like a wheel of flame.” Even though many thousands were expecting imminent death and were making their final preparations for that event, the miracle was not the end, but a warning and an indication of the mercy of God and the intercessory power of the Mother of God — because the sun returned to the heavens.

Everybody’s Clothes Were Dry

Then the final miracle, the last manifestation of the intimate knowledge and love that God and His Blessed Mother has for mankind and for the pious faithful. Fr. Lourenço: “This enormous multitude was drenched, for it had rained unceasingly since dawn. But — though this may appear incredible — after the great miracle everyone felt comfortable, and found his garments quite dry, a subject of general wonder … The truth of this fact has been guaranteed with the greatest sincerity by dozens and dozens of persons of absolute trustworthiness, whom I have known intimately from childhood, and who are still alive [1937].” We have it from Dr. Pereira Gens that, “I still remember the delicious sensation that this warm caress of the sun gave me … I [felt] my clothes almost dry now, although they were all wet a few moments ago.”

Implications for Our Lives and Our Times

What do we gain from this great manifestation of God? What should this miracle say to us? What basic truths do these events confirm for our “modern” minds? I would say this. First, that the true God, Master over Heaven and Earth, showed His power over Nature. He brought forward to the modern mind the simple idea that God is omnipotent and yet He is present to us in an intimate and personal way.

When before have we had a miracle which was predicted in advance, down to the very moment of performance? Even the Resurrection itself had been predicted, but, perhaps, only Our Lady was expecting it. With the Miracle of the Sun, 70,000 were in some way expecting the miracle, which had been predicted for three consecutive months, July, August, and September 1917. In response to the simple request of the earnest Lucy, Our Lady said in July, “In October I will work a miracle so that all may see and believe.” Here we have, for the ghost of Renan and for all “virtual” modern men, a miracle which appeals to our senses. It involves our senses working with reason; our senses working with reason and speaking to us about the activity of the Supreme Cause.

It was not, however, just a manifestation of the omnipotence of God Himself. The Miracle of the Sun occurred while Lucy and the other children were viewing the apparition. Lucy indicated that in the apparition, Our Lady extended Her hands and it was the light coming from Her own hands which reflected on the sun at the moment of the miracle. The sun danced for Our Lady, the Ark of the New Covenant, just as David danced before the Ark of the Old Covenant. This miracle speaks about Our Lady’s all-powerful intercession. The obviousness of this fact is the reason why there is such shock and bemusement when the witnesses are asked “what did you think at the moment of the miracle?” Ti Marto answered such a query by saying, “What did I think? That it was the power of God. And if you ask me again, what do you think now? I think the same thing. How God is great.”

Another amazing aspect of this miracle was the response of the faithful. During the miracle they were praying, saying the Act of Contrition, pleading for Our Lord and Our Lady’s mercy for their sins because they believed, perhaps, that this was the end of their lives. They also, however, saw this miracle as a great triumph for them — a great consolation from Our Lady. In the face of persecution, in the face of mockery by the press, by the government, by the intellectuals of the Catholic Faith, that faith was affirmed in a miraculous way that no one could deny. It was a confirmation of all of their hopes.

We are moved when we read of the shock which the faithful felt, after the miracle occurred, when they saw that some of the other witnesses had their heads covered with their hats. This was a sacred event; hence, their outrage. There was an old man who was throughout the apparition reciting the Creed. He turned to another group, unbelievers, who had seen the same thing that he had seen and he violently protested and requested that they take off their hats before such an extraordinary manifestation of the existence of God. Believing ladies responded in the same way to the sacrilegious rudeness of the unbelievers. They cried out, as if suffocated with emotion, “what a pity, there are still men who do not uncover themselves before such a stupefying spectacle.” Even our friend, Avelino de Almeida, Editor of O Seculo left shaken in his unbelief.

Antidote for Our Times

How is this event an antidote for our times?

  1. Philosophical Skepticism: No one believed, at the scene of the miracle, in the self-sufficient mind of Immanuel Kant. Everyone recognized that we could make an inference from our experience to the reality and existence of a transcendent cause. To the Nihilists and the Agnostics, the Creator showed that He was all-powerful and yet completely present to man in their bodies, in their desires, and in their hopes.

  2. Theological Ambiguity: At the beginning of a century known for its theological ambiguity, Catholic doctrines were unambiguously proclaimed at Fatima. The need for grace in order to achieve salvation. The existence of the four Last Things: Heaven, Hell, Death, and Judgment; the primacy of the Pope; the existence of Purgatory; the need to convert to the True Faith; Transubstantiation; and the role of Our Lady as Mediatrix of All Graces. We, also, learn that the purpose of Divine Revelation is not to mystify but to make clear to man the full picture of the Order of things, the one that he lives in, both the Created and the Uncreated Orders, and to indicate to him his true path to his final end and ultimate perfection.

  3. Political Secularism: How does this miracle address political secularism? The Miracle of the Sun was meant to give strength to the Pope who was instructed by Our Lady and Our Lord, through Sister Lucy, to enter into the national affairs of one nation — Russia. He was to use a supernatural means to enter into the very life of this nation, so that it would achieve national rejuvenation through the Consecration to Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. This would bring Peace, true Order, and Stability to the whole world. This Consecration would be a great triumph for the Papacy, for Russia, and for the indirect jurisdiction of the Church in the affairs of nations. And the world would stand in awe.
    Our Lady was here. Remember Her words, “On October 13th I will work a miracle.”

    She proclaimed the miracle to proclaim Our Lord Jesus Christ’s universal Kingship and Her own universal Queenship. In this act, to the amazement of all, She participated in the very sovereignty of God. The sun “playing the fool,” in humility, danced before its Sovereign Queen.

Good OP.
There are many reasons for that to happen.
Steuart Campbell, writing for the edition of Journal of Meteorology in 1989, postulated that a cloud of stratospheric dust changed the appearance of the sun on 13 October, making it easy to look at, and causing it to appear to be yellow, blue, and violet, and to spin. In support of his hypothesis, Mr. Campbell reported that a blue and reddened sun was reported in China as documented in 1983

Kevin McClure claims that the crowd at Cova da Iria may have been expecting to see signs in the sun, since similar phenomena had been reported in the weeks leading up to the miracle. On this basis, he believes that the crowd saw what it wanted to see. However, none of the previous phenomena had to do with the sun; the focus, for the most part, was on the little tree where the lady was said to appear. Kevin McClure stated that he had never seen such a collection of contradictory accounts of a case in any of the research that he had done in the previous ten years, although he has not explicitly stated what these contradictions were

etc etc etc
This is not well documented proof like you were claiming. It being an act of god or something is completely subjective.
Good OP.
There are many reasons for that to happen.
Steuart Campbell, writing for the edition of Journal of Meteorology in 1989, postulated that a cloud of stratospheric dust changed the appearance of the sun on 13 October, making it easy to look at, and causing it to appear to be yellow, blue, and violet, and to spin. In support of his hypothesis, Mr. Campbell reported that a blue and reddened sun was reported in China as documented in 1983

Kevin McClure claims that the crowd at Cova da Iria may have been expecting to see signs in the sun, since similar phenomena had been reported in the weeks leading up to the miracle. On this basis, he believes that the crowd saw what it wanted to see. However, none of the previous phenomena had to do with the sun; the focus, for the most part, was on the little tree where the lady was said to appear. Kevin McClure stated that he had never seen such a collection of contradictory accounts of a case in any of the research that he had done in the previous ten years, although he has not explicitly stated what these contradictions were

etc etc etc
This is not well documented proof like you were claiming. It being an act of god or something is completely subjective.
Ok. Your opinion is accepted.

Of course I strongly disagree. If three little children on July 13th tell those present that the Virgin Mary said she would provide a sign for all to see on exactly October 13th so they will know these words are from God ---- THAT, to me, is as solid evidence of a miracle as you will ever get.

The testimonies of those present are on film. The testimonies are of scientists, medical doctors, lawyers, journalists, communists, atheists, etc., etc. They are not present expecting a miracle. They are present ready to laugh at the faithful. They ended up walking away that day with their jaws open and feeling extremely humble and sinful. They now knew God is real, and not just any God, the Christian God.

This miracle was witnessed 25 miles away by peasants and villagers who chose not to attend the event. How many testimonies does one need to believe what they say they saw, they did see? How many?

How does a sun dance and twirl and charge the earth? 70,000 liars? How does everyone's soaked clothes and muddy ground turn bone dry in 12 minutes? Everyone lied again, including the atheists?

This was 1917, not 1510. The newspaper accounts are available as are the photos of the people. I, for one, need not another miracle or witness to know this had to be God, there is no other explanation. What you have proffered above is hyper-implausible. Such a freaky nature thing occurring just at the very day and moment as prophesied 90 days in advance is virtually mathematically impossible. Plus the sun charged the earth as a red fire ball growing in enormous size. That is not the same as a misty sky changing colors.

No, God provides signs, but many people do not want to believe so they are cavalierly dismissed, IMO. Jesus said it is because of a "sluggish heart." Chesterton put it this way" "When people stop believing in God they then do not believe in nothing, they will believe in anything." Being blunt, I could not agree more with him, IMO.
The earth revolves around the sun. and if the earth stopped spinning, no more earth

“The sun began to move and dance until it seemed that it was being detached from the sky and was falling on us

Optical delsuions

Funny how you man god along with his mother godess shows up in places that are catholic

Its mass induced hysteria

Fatima. For those who still aren't aware it was a fake...
The three 'secrets' written down my Sister Lucia were only written down in the early 1940's after being asked to do so by a Bishop. (The Church needed some 'good' propaganda at the time I guess.)

The first two accurately 'predicted' the end of the first world war and the second world war. Imagine that! Predicting something after the event had already occurred!

The third one was mindless jibberish, interpretable in many ways. Great fodder for the foolish believers.

Also, back when the children were supposed to have seen Mary, a 'great miracle' is said to have happened. Little Lucia, after telling the crowds that there would be a miracle, suddenly exclaims, 'Look at the sun!' and 'some' people claim to have seen it dancing around. Now, if you go out on a bright sunny day, and try looking at the sun, you'll start to see it dancing around too, as your eyes instinctively try to look away. (This is not recommended if you wish to retain your eyesight!)

This is all as is recorded. Look it up if you like.

I believed this lie when I was young. I even denied that the carbon-dating of the shroud of Turin to the 13th century was correct. It took a while for the fact that powerful, well-known people in such positions of authority can flat-out lie to keep their positions. It's disgusting and sad. But so few accept it still. Which is also sad.
illuminating the Fatima "Miracle of the Sun"

Illuminating the Fatima "Miracle of the Sun"

Look. I appreciate someone’s hard work looking for incongruities amongst the words of the seers and the priests or the witnesses. But none of that can argue the facts we all know.

Question: Why would 70,000 people show up at Fatima on this precise day? Especially on an extremely rainy and muddy and inclement weather day? Answer: Because something remarkable had already taken place that caused such a stir within that nation. So much so that the Marxist government imprisoned three children in August for days to scare them to death and have them repent.

Fact: It was rainy and muddy. The phenomenon lasted 12 minutes and all the people’s clothes and the ground became bone dry. Explain that. Or did they all hallucinate?

Fact: The sun broke through the rain and gray clouds right when the children arrived. The sun according virtually anyone you wanted to ask or testify danced, twirled, gave off multi colored rays, turned blood red and charged the earth terrifying everyone! Explain that. Did everyone lie? Did everyone get together and use the same very similar story of what they saw?

For you or your skeptics to try to explain away this very highly documented irrefutable phenomenon by suggesting some quirky act of nature is laughable to the extreme. One, it does not explain all of the motions of the sun. Two, for it to occur exactly on the day foretold exactly when the children arrive is a subject for fantasy movies. It is impossible to suggest such a thing and it discredits both the authors of such baloney and those who buy into it.

I do not care what else transpired since because for every assertion some later words were misused there are an equal number of counter explanations. Stick to the facts above. Three little children predicted a miracle to the exact day, 90 days in advance, and 70,000 witnesses testified to it including untold numbers of atheists and unbelievers present there to mock it!


Everyone sees things in their own way and remembers that part which impressed them most. How could they be that similar if it was all hallucinated?Why so easy for you to discredit the testimony of a secular scientist? Or the account from a Marxist journalist there to mock it, yet humbly, report the facts in the Lisbon paper ‘O Seculo’ of what he witnessed? Kosta de Alhabaite: Ainda Fátima: Jornal "O Século", de Outubro de 1917...

Have you any idea how many eye witness testimonies were recorded in print and on film? Not to mention the testimonies of those who were 10 and 20 miles away from the event?

Excerpt from Wikipedia article quoting the Marxist journalist:
"Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bare-headed, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws — the sun 'danced' according to the typical expression of the people." ― Avelino de Almeida,writing for the Marxist Lisbon newspaper O Século. O Século was Portugal's most widely circulated and influential newspaper. It was pro-government and anti-clerical at the time. Almeida's previous articles had been to satirize the previously reported events at Fátima.

As for other eye witness accounts, begin with Dr. José Maria de Almeida Garrett, professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Coimbra, Portugal. The following is just a small quote. You can read his lengthier testimony at >>> Essentials The Facts The Miracle of the Sun

Dr. Almeida Garrett, PhD (Coimbra University):
“… The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a, heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible.

“… All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind, and without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them.”

Here is an excerpt from >>> Fr. Pio Sciatizzi, professor of algebra and trigonometry at the Gregorian University, Rome, author of Fátima in the Light of Faith and Science in the 1940s wrote this:
“Of the historic reality of this event there can be no doubt whatsoever. That it was outside and against known laws can be proved by certain simple scientific considerations… Given the indubitable reference to God and the general context of the event, it seems that we must attribute to Him alone the most obvious and colossal miracle of history.”

If you go to this website >>> HEAVEN S PROGRAM FOR SALVATION Testimonies to Fatima s Miracle of the Sun you will read excerpts from testimonies including that of a written deposition by Portuguese aristocrat Baron of Alvaiazere, to Church investigators: “. . . An indescribable impression overtook me. I only know that I cried out: I believe! I believe! And tears ran from my eyes. I was amazed, in ecstasy before the demonstration of Divine power . . . converted in that moment.”

Here is another professional testimony of a Dr. Formigao, Professor at Santarem seminary:
“As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendour. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent fire-wheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colours of the rainbow and sending forth multi-coloured flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes.

“The immense multitude, overcome by the evidence of such a tremendous prodigy, threw themselves on their knees. The Creed, the Hail Mary, acts of contrition, burst from all lips, and tears, tears of thanksgiving and repentance sprang from all eyes.”

Then we have that of a lawyer, Carlos Mendes, who declared:
“I saw the sun as if it were a ball of fire, begin to move in the clouds. It had been raining all morning and the sky was full of clouds, but the rain had stopped. It lasted for several seconds, crushingly pressing down on us. Wan faces, standing here, from every side great ejaculations, acts of contrition, of the love of God. An indescribable moment! We feel it. We remain dominated by it. But it is not possible to describe it.”

More written testimonies:

Report of John Carreira, a boy at the time of the miracle, who eventually became a sacristan at the Fátima shrine, serving for 50 years. On 13 October 1917, onlookers in the crowd pressed him against the three visionary children, so that “my knees jammed between Lucia's and Francisco's feet,” he later wrote.

“…I saw the sun spinning round and it seemed about to come down on us. It revolved like a bicycle wheel. Afterwards, it returned to its place . . . I wasn't afraid, but I heard people cry out: 'Oh, we are going to die! We are going to die!'”

Antonio de Oliveiro, farmer, said:
“I looked at the sun and saw it spinning like a disc, rolling on itself. I saw people changing colour. They were stained with the colours of the rainbow. The sun seemed to fall down from the sky… The people said that the world was going to end . . . They were afraid and screaming.”

Maria dos Prazeres, widow:
“I saw the sun turn upon itself; it seemed to fall from the sky The people around me were crying that the world was going to end.”

Dominic Reis (in TV interview in the U.S. in l960)
“The sun started to roll from one place to another and changed to blue, yellow -- all colours. Then we see the sun coming towards the children. Everyone was crying out. Some started to confess their sins because there was no priest around there . . . My mother grabbed me to her and started to cry, saying: 'It is the end of the world!' And then we see the sun come right into the trees.”

Maria Candida da Silva

“Suddenly the rain stopped and a great splendour appeared and the children cried: 'Look at the sun!' I saw the sun coming down, feeling that it was falling to the ground. At that moment, I collapsed.”

Rev. Joao Menitra
“I looked and saw that the people were in various colours -- yellow, white, blue. At the same time, I beheld the sun spinning at great speed and very near me. I at once thought: I am going to die.”.

Now we have testimonies from a number of eye witnesses who were not at the Fatima site, but several miles away: They are taken from the website above and also from the website >> Fatima Testimonies in 1917

There may have been many former atheists in Fátima that day, but there were plenty in Portugal, nonetheless, to charge hallucination. For those the Lady provided witnesses who were not at the scene and could not have been subject to collective suggestion.

Joaquim Lourenco, a schoolboy, was in the village of Alburitel, a few miles from Fátima.. He later became canon lawyer of the diocese of Leiria.
“… I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes. Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth.

“Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment. It was a crowd which had gathered outside our local village school, and we had all left classes and run into the streets because of the cries and surprised shouts of men and women who were in the street in front of the school when the miracle began.

“There was an unbeliever there who had spent the morning mocking the 'simpletons' who had gone off to Fátima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. He began to tremble from head to foot, and lifting up his arms, fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to God.

“But meanwhile the people continued to cry out and to weep, asking God to pardon their sins. We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing. During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all colours of the rainbow."

Abano Barros (a building contractor, who later became a U.S. citizen) witnessed the apparition from the village of Minde, eight miles away… “I was watching sheep, as was my daily task, and suddenly, there in the direction of Fátima, I saw the sun fall from the sky. I thought it was the end of the world.”

Poet Alfonso Lopes Viera saw the miracle from a distance of 30 miles at the ocean-side town of San Pedro der Muel: “On that day of October 13, 1917, without remembering the predictions of the children, I was enchanted by a remarkable spectacle in the sky of a kind I had never seen before. I saw it from this veranda...”

Fr. Ignacio Lorenco (Alburitel, 11 miles away): “… I feel incapable of describing what I saw and felt. I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt the eyes. Looking like a ball of snow revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment.

“Near us was an unbeliever who had spent the morning mocking at the simpletons who had gone off to Fátima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed to be paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. Afterwards he trembled from head to foot and lifting up his arms fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to our Lady.

“Meanwhile the people continued to cry out and to weep, asking God to pardon their sins. We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing. During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all the colors of the rainbow. We saw ourselves blue, yellow, red, etc. All these strange phenomena increased the fears of the people. After about ten minutes the sun, now dull and pallid, returned to its place. When the people realized that the danger was over, there was an explosion of joy, and everyone joined in thanksgiving and praise to our Lady.”

Note: The miracle was also seen in Pombal, 32 miles north of Fátima.
The total land-area of visibility, based on witness interviews, was approximately 32 by 20 miles.
No records of the solar phenomena were recorded by any of the world's observatories
The above reports and others were published in 1961 in Meet the Witnesses, by John Haffert, International Lay Delegate of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fátima. (A.M.I. Press, Washington, N.J., U.S.A.).

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You combine the words of eye witnesses both present and several miles away along with the prediction of little children on what day it would occur 90 days in advance, and all of the other phenomena associated with the Fatima events and miraculous claims and you have a sign from God. No other explanation can stand up to it.
Interesting that the town was named for Muhammad's daughter, probably during the Moorish occupation. The town's leaders wisely turned these unfortunate children's (two of them died during the flu epidemic of 1918) hallucinations into one of the biggest tourist destinations in the country.

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