Today is a referendum on the survival of Western Civilization

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Today is a Referendum on the Survival of Western Civilization

Indeed it is. It won't end if the Criminal is elected but the final war to decide who will live and thrive and who will be exterminated will be coming soon after. Russia should know whites here will stand with them over a corrupt banana republic regime in DC if they decide to strike.

Мы приветствуем вас с распростертыми объятиями, товарищ!
Dubya had to go to the Supreme Court in 2000 to get into office, and he won despite Gore getting the popular vote. And we survived his vanity wars and the worst financial crisis since 1929. Those two things alone got Obama into office.

So if America goes with Fuckface von ClownStick he will be voted out in four years. Hopefully he won't do too much damage like his GOP predecessor before we can impeach the bastard.
Люди, которые не хотят, чтобы Сорос продолжал рулить Америкой и крушить судьбы и страны ещё 4 года, - за Трампа!

The people who don't want Soros to keep ruling the USA and destroying the world are supporting Trump.

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