To Those Who Love America


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
We cannot deny that we are in a civil war. 10 months of violence by the democrats and their Brown Shirt henchmen of ANTIFA and BLM have spilled out of the cities and now threaten to consume the nation.

The democrat controlled press is engaged in the most vile demagoguery since Hitler's regime. The openly fascist propaganda slanders and libels enemies of the party with no pretense of facts. The democrat party is drunk with power and is engaged in fascism, seeking to destroy anyone who opposes or threatens the party.

The burning down of Parler by the omnipotent state and their big tech Nazi thugs shows the utter and complete contempt the fascists have for liberty, free speech, and America.

The acts of the fascists, the Nazi democrats, have created much righteous anger. The democrats and their press smear election fraud in the face of America and then slander us for using the courts to redress grievance. The well deserved anger spilled over into violence; albeit extremely subdued violence (despite the lies of the little Goebbels), last week. I have condemned this violence and continue to do so. The acts weren't just wrong, they were stupid.

I'm not going to lie to people and say that violence isn't the answer. In 1776 violence was the answer to gaining our independence and becoming a nation. in 1861 violence was the answer to subduing the democrats who waged war against this nation. democrats again wage war against America, and violence is very likely the answer to them.

But not the mindless and aimless violence we saw last week. IF the protests next week degrade into that sort of violence, it only empowers the fascists, it gives the democrats justification for crushing liberty and imposing the tyranny they seek on America.

We must be smart, we must be focused, we must be calm, we must be just - all of what the fascists are not. There will be a time when we must subdue the democrats with force of arms, but this is not that time. The fascist will engage in atrocities, we all know it, and when they do, we must respond with force of arms. But until that time, we must be the people of justice, the people of peace, the people of order.

Protest by all means. Condemn the fascists, expose them. Boycott Amazon and Apple. Petition the courts to break up the Google monopoly.

This is the time to show America that we are the people of rationality and peace. When the fascists become violent, respond overwhelmingly - but do not be the instigator.
We cannot deny that we are in a civil war. 10 months of violence by the democrats and their Brown Shirt henchmen of ANTIFA and BLM have spilled out of the cities and now threaten to consume the nation.

The democrat controlled press is engaged in the most vile demagoguery since Hitler's regime. The openly fascist propaganda slanders and libels enemies of the party with no pretense of facts. The democrat party is drunk with power and is engaged in fascism, seeking to destroy anyone who opposes or threatens the party.

The burning down of Parler by the omnipotent state and their big tech Nazi thugs shows the utter and complete contempt the fascists have for liberty, free speech, and America.

The acts of the fascists, the Nazi democrats, have created much righteous anger. The democrats and their press smear election fraud in the face of America and then slander us for using the courts to redress grievance. The well deserved anger spilled over into violence; albeit extremely subdued violence (despite the lies of the little Goebbels), last week. I have condemned this violence and continue to do so. The acts weren't just wrong, they were stupid.

I'm not going to lie to people and say that violence isn't the answer. In 1776 violence was the answer to gaining our independence and becoming a nation. in 1861 violence was the answer to subduing the democrats who waged war against this nation. democrats again wage war against America, and violence is very likely the answer to them.

But not the mindless and aimless violence we saw last week. IF the protests next week degrade into that sort of violence, it only empowers the fascists, it gives the democrats justification for crushing liberty and imposing the tyranny they seek on America.

We must be smart, we must be focused, we must be calm, we must be just - all of what the fascists are not. There will be a time when we must subdue the democrats with force of arms, but this is not that time. The fascist will engage in atrocities, we all know it, and when they do, we must respond with force of arms. But until that time, we must be the people of justice, the people of peace, the people of order.

Protest by all means. Condemn the fascists, expose them. Boycott Amazon and Apple. Petition the courts to break up the Google monopoly.

This is the time to show America that we are the people of rationality and peace. When the fascists become violent, respond overwhelmingly - but do not be the instigator.
We cannot deny that we are in a civil war. 10 months of violence by the democrats and their Brown Shirt henchmen of ANTIFA and BLM have spilled out of the cities and now threaten to consume the nation.

The democrat controlled press is engaged in the most vile demagoguery since Hitler's regime. The openly fascist propaganda slanders and libels enemies of the party with no pretense of facts. The democrat party is drunk with power and is engaged in fascism, seeking to destroy anyone who opposes or threatens the party.

The burning down of Parler by the omnipotent state and their big tech Nazi thugs shows the utter and complete contempt the fascists have for liberty, free speech, and America.

The acts of the fascists, the Nazi democrats, have created much righteous anger. The democrats and their press smear election fraud in the face of America and then slander us for using the courts to redress grievance. The well deserved anger spilled over into violence; albeit extremely subdued violence (despite the lies of the little Goebbels), last week. I have condemned this violence and continue to do so. The acts weren't just wrong, they were stupid.

I'm not going to lie to people and say that violence isn't the answer. In 1776 violence was the answer to gaining our independence and becoming a nation. in 1861 violence was the answer to subduing the democrats who waged war against this nation. democrats again wage war against America, and violence is very likely the answer to them.

But not the mindless and aimless violence we saw last week. IF the protests next week degrade into that sort of violence, it only empowers the fascists, it gives the democrats justification for crushing liberty and imposing the tyranny they seek on America.

We must be smart, we must be focused, we must be calm, we must be just - all of what the fascists are not. There will be a time when we must subdue the democrats with force of arms, but this is not that time. The fascist will engage in atrocities, we all know it, and when they do, we must respond with force of arms. But until that time, we must be the people of justice, the people of peace, the people of order.

Protest by all means. Condemn the fascists, expose them. Boycott Amazon and Apple. Petition the courts to break up the Google monopoly.

This is the time to show America that we are the people of rationality and peace. When the fascists become violent, respond overwhelmingly - but do not be the instigator.

Don't you ever get tired of constantly throwing out the "Nazi" references? No one takes you seriously. Like the boy who cried wolf.
We cannot deny that we are in a civil war.

I can deny it. Of course we're not in a civil war yet: not enough deaths, or organized troops on both sides opposing each other. A civil war does kind of imply an actual WAR!

We're at the beginning of a rebellion, possibly a revolution, with luck, and the Dems are trying desperately to stuff it back in its bottle. That can develop into a civil war if the left isn't successful in stuffing it, but we'll see. This summer may be interesting.
We cannot deny that we are in a civil war. 10 months of violence by the democrats and their Brown Shirt henchmen of ANTIFA and BLM have spilled out of the cities and now threaten to consume the nation.

The democrat controlled press is engaged in the most vile demagoguery since Hitler's regime. The openly fascist propaganda slanders and libels enemies of the party with no pretense of facts. The democrat party is drunk with power and is engaged in fascism, seeking to destroy anyone who opposes or threatens the party.

The burning down of Parler by the omnipotent state and their big tech Nazi thugs shows the utter and complete contempt the fascists have for liberty, free speech, and America.

The acts of the fascists, the Nazi democrats, have created much righteous anger. The democrats and their press smear election fraud in the face of America and then slander us for using the courts to redress grievance. The well deserved anger spilled over into violence; albeit extremely subdued violence (despite the lies of the little Goebbels), last week. I have condemned this violence and continue to do so. The acts weren't just wrong, they were stupid.

I'm not going to lie to people and say that violence isn't the answer. In 1776 violence was the answer to gaining our independence and becoming a nation. in 1861 violence was the answer to subduing the democrats who waged war against this nation. democrats again wage war against America, and violence is very likely the answer to them.

But not the mindless and aimless violence we saw last week. IF the protests next week degrade into that sort of violence, it only empowers the fascists, it gives the democrats justification for crushing liberty and imposing the tyranny they seek on America.

We must be smart, we must be focused, we must be calm, we must be just - all of what the fascists are not. There will be a time when we must subdue the democrats with force of arms, but this is not that time. The fascist will engage in atrocities, we all know it, and when they do, we must respond with force of arms. But until that time, we must be the people of justice, the people of peace, the people of order.

Protest by all means. Condemn the fascists, expose them. Boycott Amazon and Apple. Petition the courts to break up the Google monopoly.

This is the time to show America that we are the people of rationality and peace. When the fascists become violent, respond overwhelmingly - but do not be the instigator.

Sorry...violence is the nature of the blob supporter. It has been from day one and it continues today.
We cannot deny that we are in a civil war. 10 months of violence by the democrats and their Brown Shirt henchmen of ANTIFA and BLM have spilled out of the cities and now threaten to consume the nation.

The democrat controlled press is engaged in the most vile demagoguery since Hitler's regime. The openly fascist propaganda slanders and libels enemies of the party with no pretense of facts. The democrat party is drunk with power and is engaged in fascism, seeking to destroy anyone who opposes or threatens the party.

The burning down of Parler by the omnipotent state and their big tech Nazi thugs shows the utter and complete contempt the fascists have for liberty, free speech, and America.

The acts of the fascists, the Nazi democrats, have created much righteous anger. The democrats and their press smear election fraud in the face of America and then slander us for using the courts to redress grievance. The well deserved anger spilled over into violence; albeit extremely subdued violence (despite the lies of the little Goebbels), last week. I have condemned this violence and continue to do so. The acts weren't just wrong, they were stupid.

I'm not going to lie to people and say that violence isn't the answer. In 1776 violence was the answer to gaining our independence and becoming a nation. in 1861 violence was the answer to subduing the democrats who waged war against this nation. democrats again wage war against America, and violence is very likely the answer to them.

But not the mindless and aimless violence we saw last week. IF the protests next week degrade into that sort of violence, it only empowers the fascists, it gives the democrats justification for crushing liberty and imposing the tyranny they seek on America.

We must be smart, we must be focused, we must be calm, we must be just - all of what the fascists are not. There will be a time when we must subdue the democrats with force of arms, but this is not that time. The fascist will engage in atrocities, we all know it, and when they do, we must respond with force of arms. But until that time, we must be the people of justice, the people of peace, the people of order.

Protest by all means. Condemn the fascists, expose them. Boycott Amazon and Apple. Petition the courts to break up the Google monopoly.

This is the time to show America that we are the people of rationality and peace. When the fascists become violent, respond overwhelmingly - but do not be the instigator.
View attachment 441845
We cannot deny that we are in a civil war. 10 months of violence by the democrats and their Brown Shirt henchmen of ANTIFA and BLM have spilled out of the cities and now threaten to consume the nation.

The democrat controlled press is engaged in the most vile demagoguery since Hitler's regime. The openly fascist propaganda slanders and libels enemies of the party with no pretense of facts. The democrat party is drunk with power and is engaged in fascism, seeking to destroy anyone who opposes or threatens the party.

The burning down of Parler by the omnipotent state and their big tech Nazi thugs shows the utter and complete contempt the fascists have for liberty, free speech, and America.

The acts of the fascists, the Nazi democrats, have created much righteous anger. The democrats and their press smear election fraud in the face of America and then slander us for using the courts to redress grievance. The well deserved anger spilled over into violence; albeit extremely subdued violence (despite the lies of the little Goebbels), last week. I have condemned this violence and continue to do so. The acts weren't just wrong, they were stupid.

I'm not going to lie to people and say that violence isn't the answer. In 1776 violence was the answer to gaining our independence and becoming a nation. in 1861 violence was the answer to subduing the democrats who waged war against this nation. democrats again wage war against America, and violence is very likely the answer to them.

But not the mindless and aimless violence we saw last week. IF the protests next week degrade into that sort of violence, it only empowers the fascists, it gives the democrats justification for crushing liberty and imposing the tyranny they seek on America.

We must be smart, we must be focused, we must be calm, we must be just - all of what the fascists are not. There will be a time when we must subdue the democrats with force of arms, but this is not that time. The fascist will engage in atrocities, we all know it, and when they do, we must respond with force of arms. But until that time, we must be the people of justice, the people of peace, the people of order.

Protest by all means. Condemn the fascists, expose them. Boycott Amazon and Apple. Petition the courts to break up the Google monopoly.

This is the time to show America that we are the people of rationality and peace. When the fascists become violent, respond overwhelmingly - but do not be the instigator.

Don't you ever get tired of constantly throwing out the "Nazi" references? No one takes you seriously. Like the boy who cried wolf.
"Nazi", "commie", "Marxist".

They just blurt it out without worrying about accuracy or context.

Kind of a political version of Tourette's.
Sorry...violence is the nature of the blob supporter. It has been from day one and it continues today.

After 10 months of nonstop violence by you democrats, your lies don't carry much weight.

And this is my warning to the Constitutionalists, don't become like the democrats, do not become violent the way democrats are.

Your party is a terrorist party. You have spent the time of the Wuhan Designer Virus spreading terror through your non-stop violence. Patriots stand in contrast to you.
We cannot deny that we are in a civil war. 10 months of violence by the democrats and their Brown Shirt henchmen of ANTIFA and BLM have spilled out of the cities and now threaten to consume the nation.

The democrat controlled press is engaged in the most vile demagoguery since Hitler's regime. The openly fascist propaganda slanders and libels enemies of the party with no pretense of facts. The democrat party is drunk with power and is engaged in fascism, seeking to destroy anyone who opposes or threatens the party.

The burning down of Parler by the omnipotent state and their big tech Nazi thugs shows the utter and complete contempt the fascists have for liberty, free speech, and America.

The acts of the fascists, the Nazi democrats, have created much righteous anger. The democrats and their press smear election fraud in the face of America and then slander us for using the courts to redress grievance. The well deserved anger spilled over into violence; albeit extremely subdued violence (despite the lies of the little Goebbels), last week. I have condemned this violence and continue to do so. The acts weren't just wrong, they were stupid.

I'm not going to lie to people and say that violence isn't the answer. In 1776 violence was the answer to gaining our independence and becoming a nation. in 1861 violence was the answer to subduing the democrats who waged war against this nation. democrats again wage war against America, and violence is very likely the answer to them.

But not the mindless and aimless violence we saw last week. IF the protests next week degrade into that sort of violence, it only empowers the fascists, it gives the democrats justification for crushing liberty and imposing the tyranny they seek on America.

We must be smart, we must be focused, we must be calm, we must be just - all of what the fascists are not. There will be a time when we must subdue the democrats with force of arms, but this is not that time. The fascist will engage in atrocities, we all know it, and when they do, we must respond with force of arms. But until that time, we must be the people of justice, the people of peace, the people of order.

Protest by all means. Condemn the fascists, expose them. Boycott Amazon and Apple. Petition the courts to break up the Google monopoly.

This is the time to show America that we are the people of rationality and peace. When the fascists become violent, respond overwhelmingly - but do not be the instigator.
View attachment 441845

Why would you come to a thread for those who love America?
We cannot deny that we are in a civil war. 10 months of violence by the democrats and their Brown Shirt henchmen of ANTIFA and BLM have spilled out of the cities and now threaten to consume the nation.

The democrat controlled press is engaged in the most vile demagoguery since Hitler's regime. The openly fascist propaganda slanders and libels enemies of the party with no pretense of facts. The democrat party is drunk with power and is engaged in fascism, seeking to destroy anyone who opposes or threatens the party.

The burning down of Parler by the omnipotent state and their big tech Nazi thugs shows the utter and complete contempt the fascists have for liberty, free speech, and America.

The acts of the fascists, the Nazi democrats, have created much righteous anger. The democrats and their press smear election fraud in the face of America and then slander us for using the courts to redress grievance. The well deserved anger spilled over into violence; albeit extremely subdued violence (despite the lies of the little Goebbels), last week. I have condemned this violence and continue to do so. The acts weren't just wrong, they were stupid.

I'm not going to lie to people and say that violence isn't the answer. In 1776 violence was the answer to gaining our independence and becoming a nation. in 1861 violence was the answer to subduing the democrats who waged war against this nation. democrats again wage war against America, and violence is very likely the answer to them.

But not the mindless and aimless violence we saw last week. IF the protests next week degrade into that sort of violence, it only empowers the fascists, it gives the democrats justification for crushing liberty and imposing the tyranny they seek on America.

We must be smart, we must be focused, we must be calm, we must be just - all of what the fascists are not. There will be a time when we must subdue the democrats with force of arms, but this is not that time. The fascist will engage in atrocities, we all know it, and when they do, we must respond with force of arms. But until that time, we must be the people of justice, the people of peace, the people of order.

Protest by all means. Condemn the fascists, expose them. Boycott Amazon and Apple. Petition the courts to break up the Google monopoly.

This is the time to show America that we are the people of rationality and peace. When the fascists become violent, respond overwhelmingly - but do not be the instigator.
View attachment 441845

Why would you come to a thread for those who love America?
And who would those be, the ones who ransacked the seat of our democracy?
Talk radio has lost control of what it created.

No doubt the democrats will burn it down next, as you did to Parler.

You are dedicated to crushing any opposing speech to your filthy fascist party.
But I disagree with what happened to Parler.

You are simply ignorant of my politics.

That isn't my fault. Evidently being ignorant is fine with you.
And who would those be, the ones who ransacked the seat of our democracy?

You mean the democrat Brown Shirts in July who tore down the white house fence and forced the Secret Service to move the President to the nuclear bunker?

Oh, but that's different, because reasons.

You Nazis are such fucking hypocrites.

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