To the rescue ... comes widdle


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
New York Times leftist writer David Brooks to Save
the Biden Adm. Yes,the same widdle nebbish schnook
made famous by declaring how Impressive Barack Obama was
in the Famous meeting at George Will's Chevy Chase mansion a
couple-twee weeks before being sworn-in.The Dinner meeting including
Of course host George Will,and Charles Krauthammer,and firm never
Trumper William Safire { all but Will,firm but compliant of the jewish persuation }
Brooks declaring his amazement at the crease of Obama's Pants.Like how
professional.Brooks maintaing that's all the proof needed that " he would
be ' a very good president ". Then not long after going whole hog with
how me misses Obama's " radiant ethos of Integrity,humanity,good manners and
elegance ". I guess the widdle nebbish N.Y.Times writer done forgot how
casually Obama used the banned word " TeaBa**er " and was never even questioned
about.Most every mortal human being using the word was taken to task.
Not The Great Obama.
So now we have the Nebbish David Brooks out and about writing a column :
- Biden Against the Wounded Extremists -
{ The Shape of his Governing style is coming into Focus }
Making sure to write negatively about Republicans and their " craziness "
while how " plausible " Chuck Schumer's Debt Ceiling compromise.
Complete and utter shamelessness.Like We the People haven't been thru this
hellhole Mill the Democrats have created.Out of whole cloth with more for
the choosing.
Wise Up Folks.This is how Stalinism not only looks but feels.
There a point sandwiched in this drivel?
You need to review the definition of "satire".
" Satire " needs reviewing like Icon Johnny Carson needed
an audience.Carson could indubitably have on a Flea Circus
act and the audience wouldn't squirm a tidbit.
Literal adaptation ... You " squirm " at the drop of one of me
Threads.Some guys are like dat.Like watching Bill Cosby in his heyday
drop the " F " Bomb like Ricard Pryor did throughout his comedy
routine.Wasn't going to happen.
Virtual meaning ... Different Strokes for Different Folks.
I meanie,even a Flea Circus Ringmaster could figger that out.
" The public is wonderfully tolerant.They forgive
everything but genius. " --

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