To the "Anti-vaxxers"


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.
Im not sticking experimental technology(that isnt even approved by the FDA) into my body.
I have taken every vaccine I was supposed to my entire laugh... but this wont be one of them.
Nor while i be shamed for not doing it.
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.

Im not sticking experimental technology(that isnt even approved by the FDA) into my body.
I have taken every vaccine I was supposed to my entire laugh... but this wont be one of them.
Nor while i be shamed for not doing it.
You go brother! Don't let them inject you with that DNA that will turn you into a goverment zombi bott and allow them to control you. Don't do it!
Im not sticking experimental technology(that isnt even approved by the FDA) into my body.
I have taken every vaccine I was supposed to my entire laugh... but this wont be one of them.
Nor while i be shamed for not doing it.
Not trying to shame anyone.
I am/would be 100% against even the idea of "forced vaccinations".
It is a choice. But it is a choice that can back fire horribly.
I swear on my father's grave this is true:
Right now there is a husband and wife at the Hospital with covid.
The wife also has cancer, but was recovering well. Till now. She is on a respirator and is one of the 2 I mentioned above that is likely to die. She is not expected to live the next 24 hours. Her husband is also in ICU. He is on a BiPAP currently, which the next step if he doesn't improve is a respirator. If he gets on that, he may very well die.
They have two young children.
You think they wish they got vaccinated now?
Not trying to shame anyone.
I am/would be 100% against even the idea of "forced vaccinations".
It is a choice. But it is a choice that can back fire horribly.
I swear on my father's grave this is true:
Right now there is a husband and wife at the Hospital with covid.
The wife also has cancer, but was recovering well. Till now. She is on a respirator and is one of the 2 I mentioned above that is likely to die. She is not expected to live the next 24 hours. Her husband is also in ICU. He is on a BiPAP currently, which the next step if he doesn't improve is a respirator. If he gets on that, he may very well die.
They have two young children.
You think they wish they got vaccinated now?
I know, I was just speaking in general man. You know how people are with this shit.
Perhaps so. But I dont have cancer. I dont have anything(besides sinuses :rolleyes: ). I am healthy and young. I weighed the consequences and went with no injection.
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.

Since you brought it up, how many of the 'all but two' covid patients are illegal aliens?
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.
Back in 2020, we heard that all we had to do is hunker down for two weeks and flatten the curve. But that wasnt enough to get President Trump approval ratings to tank. Then it was stay locked down, because we had to stem the increases in cases, because if we lock down, the economy of President Trump would tank. That didnt work, because red states already were opening up. Then it was until the vaccine comes out for the Kung Flu that had a 99.95% survivability rate(yes protect the elderly and infirm) but have the rest of the people get it, and it would of been done with. No it had to be slow boiled, also this enable the progs to lie, cheat and steal the election because there was no way in hell, sleepy Joe would win by just being in his basement. Now it looks like the Dems are going to lose the house and senate, so now Kung Flu Delta Farce, is out, spreading all over red states, other illnesses are disappearing again, yet the casualty rate of the Delta Farce, is still about the same. Take the shot, have your DNA changed, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse....
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.

Sorry, but that it ignorant.
What is keeping the epidemic around is "flattening the curve", and it is that we should immediately stop.
The experimental vaccines that are not even FDA approved are no solution at all, sine we could later discover they kill far more than the current epidemic.
The better, faster, and safer way is to just isolate the elderly, and then accelerate infection as quickly as possible, to get it over with, once and for all.
These vaccines are extremely badly made and untested.
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.

I'm asking the same question. Minorities (specifically blacks and hispanics) are the LEAST likely Americans to be vaccinated, but the Big Left machine is focusing all it's attention, hate, and anger on imaginary "white Trump supporters" who refuse to get vaccinated. They are ignoring the actual groups of people (blacks and hispanics) who are getting vaccinated in the smallest numbers, which I can only conclude means the left simply don't give a shit about unvaccinated blacks and hispanics. Basically what I've known all along.
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.


1. You believe the decision not to vax is political

2. You are listening to people who work with critically ill Covid patients, but NOT to, say, GP who work with patients who recover with no adverse effects at home

Do I have that right?
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.

Once politics is left out of this thing it becomes a lot clearer
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.
Thank you
Sorry, but that it ignorant.
What is keeping the epidemic around is "flattening the curve", and it is that we should immediately stop.
The experimental vaccines that are not even FDA approved are no solution at all, sine we could later discover they kill far more than the current epidemic.
The better, faster, and safer way is to just isolate the elderly, and then accelerate infection as quickly as possible, to get it over with, once and for all.
These vaccines are extremely badly made and untested.
I see our Kremlin troll is still trying to encourage people to kill themselves
Point directly at what numbers I gave that is misinformation, or manipulated.
Of the 44 in this major hospital, only one is white and only one is vaccinated.

These are terrible cases and always very sad.

I live in a Covid hotspot. We have been through THREE major surges. I have kept a list of those I know who have had Covid--but it is not exhaustive. In fact, if I had kept up with it, it would be a lot longer. I stopped when the list topped out at over 50

Of those, about 3 were hospitalized and recovered.

My husband knew of one who, tragically, passed away.

People who work in hospitals do not give a full or accurate picture. Do you realize this? You must know from stats that most have an exceedingly high chance of surviving?

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