To start a dialog/discussion on race and racism???


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
As a rational starting point, may we possibly agree that everything bad that happens to a Black person at the hands of a white person is not presumptively due to the Black person's race?

If a Black person points a gun at a white police officer and the officer shoots the Black gun-wielder, is the shooting caused by his race? Is race even a factor?

The current "demonstrations" are supposedly the result of a Black man dying at the hands of a white police officer. The Black man was high on something (at the time nobody knew what), he had been engaged in illegal - though not violent - acts, and we later learned that he was a felon with a rather long record of illegal conduct, although it is not apparent that the officer knew about that at the time.

Is there any evidence in the public record that the victim's race had anything to do with the police officer's conduct? Has the police officer in question received complaints about his ill-treatment of, for example, white suspects? Is there anything in his record to indicate that he is a racist?

If there were any such evidence, don't you think the NYT or CNN would have discovered it and brought it out by now? It is almost reasonable to conclude that there is no such evidence, and the presumption that Floyd's death was DUE TO RACISM is nothing more than empty speculation.

And the young man in Atlanta yesterday. Do you think that if a white suspect pointed a black thing (probably a TASER) at an armed police officer, the officer would have just shrugged it off and let himself the tazed? There is no rational reason to conclude that the shooting had anything to do with race.

Or maybe white people are just smart enough to know that you don't point black things at armed, agitated cops. Maybe.

The relevant statistics do not support the Narrative of white cops killing Black suspects disproportionately...unless you completely discount the firm and shocking statistics of Black criminality and their consequent number of interactions with police. The relevant statistics do not support any rational fear by innocent Black people of being harmed or shot by police, particularly when that meager data is juxtaposed with the data about Black people shooting and killing each other.

I won't dialog (not a verb, incidentally) with people who ignore the relevant facts and refuse to be logical.

On my local facebook page this black bitch has called nearly everyone in town a racist. It's not going well for her. One guy said it wasn't racism when she came in his pawnshop and tried to pawn a broken microwave, and when he wouldn't take it, she threw a fit!
We need to begin by acknowledging the entire concept of "race" is designed to divide people and it is being used as a political wedge.

There are cultural issues involved, but "race" is a bullshit concept. We are a single human race, none of us that walk on two feet all the time and can speak are of a different species.

Lets just get that out of the way.

The left is bound and determined to keep animosity between people for political expedience. That's why it isn't "common sense" that you..

1. Don't resist arrest.

2. Don't take a weapon from a cop.

3. Don't run away from police.

4. Don't point weapons at police.

If you do any of those things, regardless of your skin tone, you increase your chances of being shot.

As a rational starting point, may we possibly agree that everything bad that happens to a Black person at the hands of a white person is not presumptively due to the Black person's race?
You will not get agreement on this.
Very few people who even read this forum have any interest in rational dialog. The people who post in the Race Relations forum most only see it as a space to vent their own personal prejudice, bias, hatred, and fears.
As a rational starting point, may we possibly agree that everything bad that happens to a Black person at the hands of a white person is not presumptively due to the Black person's race?

If a Black person points a gun at a white police officer and the officer shoots the Black gun-wielder, is the shooting caused by his race? Is race even a factor?

The current "demonstrations" are supposedly the result of a Black man dying at the hands of a white police officer. The Black man was high on something (at the time nobody knew what), he had been engaged in illegal - though not violent - acts, and we later learned that he was a felon with a rather long record of illegal conduct, although it is not apparent that the officer knew about that at the time.

Is there any evidence in the public record that the victim's race had anything to do with the police officer's conduct? Has the police officer in question received complaints about his ill-treatment of, for example, white suspects? Is there anything in his record to indicate that he is a racist?

If there were any such evidence, don't you think the NYT or CNN would have discovered it and brought it out by now? It is almost reasonable to conclude that there is no such evidence, and the presumption that Floyd's death was DUE TO RACISM is nothing more than empty speculation.

And the young man in Atlanta yesterday. Do you think that if a white suspect pointed a black thing (probably a TASER) at an armed police officer, the officer would have just shrugged it off and let himself the tazed? There is no rational reason to conclude that the shooting had anything to do with race.

Or maybe white people are just smart enough to know that you don't point black things at armed, agitated cops. Maybe.

The relevant statistics do not support the Narrative of white cops killing Black suspects disproportionately...unless you completely discount the firm and shocking statistics of Black criminality and their consequent number of interactions with police. The relevant statistics do not support any rational fear by innocent Black people of being harmed or shot by police, particularly when that meager data is juxtaposed with the data about Black people shooting and killing each other.

I won't dialog (not a verb, incidentally) with people who ignore the relevant facts and refuse to be logical.


Race hadn't been a national factor in America for the decades long sweet spot from say 1970 to 2007. And then along came Obama and the following battle cry, "you're racist if you don't vote for me" (paraphrased of course). Obama's rise to the White House was a watershed event that reenergized long dormant race turmoil inert for decades, for the most part. Suddenly Americans viewed themselves by their skin color again.

But that's not the real issue here. Generations of black youth indoctrinated into violent beliefs and culture is the problem. While it's not untrue to observe how many white folk flinch at the sight of a certain type of black youth, they don't do it out racism but rather fear. Their fear is justified—most of the time. In short blacks must be taught that whites are neither out to hunt them and mount them on their parlor walls, nor are whites to blame for their stations in life or condition of living. And whites must learn to stereotype only when appropriate, which can be a risky proposition. Finally, democrat politicians must stop giving blacks preferential treatment that enables their apathy and civilizational morass to fester.

As for rational dialogue with race worshipping BLM folk? Find a brick wall and convince it to move.
I am willing to participate in rational dialog. There are areas in Life where people of Black-African ancestry have legitimate gripes; point them out to me and we will work together to get them remedied.

But in the Big Picture, the harms done to Blacks by white people pale in comparison with (a) the self-inflicted harms done by Blacks to themselves, and (b) the harms done by Blacks to one another - homicide being a case in point.

Jumping on the rare incidents of felonious attacks on Blacks by police (which are much rarer than felonious attacks by Blacks on police, most of which are un-reported or washed away in the course of a plea bargain) as though they were typical or endemic shall I say...bullshit. Blaming Black "inequality" on racism is also bullshit.

It has been DECADES since job discrimination or housing discrimination or academic discrimination have been significant factors in "holding Black people back," and when they occur there are remedies that are available. For every Black who is turned down for something s/he applies for, there are a dozen other sources of that thing where Blacks are more than welcome to apply. If not, document it, and let's fight it together.

Blacks are no worse off generally than whites who bear illegitimate children, drop out of school, engage in petty criminality, and waste what little money they have on bullshit. A kid born into an intact family (mother and father present in the home) is only one fourth as likely to be poor as a white kid of a single mother. How's that white privilege thing working out for THAT white kid?

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