To:‭ ‬President Biden and His Administration,‭ ‬House Speaker,‭ ‬Nancy Pelosi,‭ ‬and Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬Chuck Schumer‭


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
To:‭ ‬President Biden and His Administration,‭ ‬House Speaker,‭ ‬Nancy Pelosi,‭ ‬and Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬Chuck Schumer‭

This nation cannot afford to forgive OR forget the January‭ ‬6th coup attempt,‭ ‬or fail to hold all those involved accountable.

The new administration cannot ignore what took place on January‭ ‬6th of this year.‭ ‬To permit the traitors to go unpunished would be a slap in the face to the over‭ ‬80‭ ‬million voters the insurrectionists planned to silence.

His GOP enablers can use any euphemism they want,‭ ‬but nothing changes the fact that,‭ ‬on January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump encouraged armed insurgents to breach the Capitol and threaten the safety of all in Congress.‭ ‬This act was committed as an attempted coup to enable the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump to circumvent constitutional law to hold onto the presidency,‭ ‬which to fully accomplish would demand he make himself dictator.‭

The unprecedented rampage resulted in five dead,‭ ‬including a Capitol Hill police officer who was injured when he tangled with the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s mob of insurrectionists.‭ ‬The country is lucky,‭ ‬the damage could have been far worse.

That the attempted coup failed in no way means the American people should‭ “‬forgive or forget‭”‬,‭ ‬the damage done to the United States and its people is much too serious to simply dismiss.‭ ‬The importance of holding those responsible fully accountable cannot be overemphasized.

The now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's culpability is beyond dispute.‭ "‬There's no question the president formed the mob,‭ ‬the president incited the mob,‭ ‬the president addressed the mob.‭ “‬He lit the flame,‭” ‬said Rep.‭ ‬Elizabeth Cheney,‭ ‬the third-highest ranking Republican in the House.‭ ‬Of course,‭ ‬such uncommon honesty from a Republican lawmaker put her on the GOP’s sh!tlist.

The hours of recorded evidence of those involved in the coup attempt before,‭ ‬during,‭ ‬and after the fact cannot be denied or ignored.‭ ‬With this volume of evidence,‭ ‬there should be little delay in convening a Senate trial to easily convict the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump.‭ ‬He must never be permitted to seek the presidency, or any public office again,‭ ‬to to do so would imply that attempted coups have become an acceptable part of the American system.

Following his conviction in a Senate trial,‭ ‬the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump should then be arrested and tried in federal court for inciting violence and sedition‭ (‬along with donny jr.‭ ‬and Rudy‭ "‬trial-by-combat‭" ‬Giuliani‭)‬.

Those who attacked the Capitol were not protesting,‭ ‬their violent crimes cannot be justified in any way,‭ ‬so they must also be prosecuted.‭ ‬Regardless of the many reinterpretations of constitutional law by the right-wingers,‭ ‬the insurrectionists have no First Amendment right to try to overthrow the U.S.‭ ‬government.

Two Republican accomplices during the run-up to the assault on Capitol Hill,‭ ‬Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Missouri Senator Josh Hawley,‭ ‬should be forced to resign.‭ ‬These two traitors knew all along the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s allegations of voting fraud were bullsh!t,‭ ‬Cruz and Hawley nonetheless led an attempt to exclude Biden electors,‭ ‬even after the storming of the Capitol.

No amount of conservative reinterpretation of the United States Constitution can alter the provision that says,‭ "‬no Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress‭" ‬who‭ "‬shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against‭" ‬the Constitution,‭ "‬or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.‭"

The political ambitions of both Cruz and Hawley include runs for the presidency in‭ ‬2024.‭ ‬Their complicity in the coup attempt and in the scheme to defraud‭ ‬80‭ ‬million voters demands they be barred from running.

Also on the list of henchmen to the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s traitorous actions:‭
-‭ ‬Senator Lindsey Graham,‭ ‬quickly became one of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s a$$-kissing attack dogs‭ (‬more like a sour little poodle‭)‬,‭ ‬trying to use his office to intimidate state election officials to change voting tallies.‭ ‬For his part,‭ ‬Graham should be forced to resign,‭ ‬failing that,‭ ‬he should be censured and stripped of his membership on the Senate Judiciary Committee.‭

-‭ ‬Mitch McConnell,‭ ‬as Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬remained silent as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump lied and bullied his way through the weeks leading up to the Capitol assault,‭ during that period, ‬McConnell refused to contradict any of the lies and false allegations of election fraud,‭ ‬or to challenge their credibility.‭ ‬McConnell should also resign or be censured and stripped of committee assignments.

-‭ ‬Mike Pence,‭ ‬the Vice President spent his last four years as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s obedient yes-man.‭ ‬He,‭ ‬like McConnell,‭ ‬lied with his silence,‭ ‬always unwilling to refute the constant lies coming out of the White House.‭ ‬For his perpetual inaction,‭ ‬Pence should be barred from any future public office.‭

-‭ ‬Elaine Chao,‭ ‬as Transportation secretary Chao was the first rat to abandon the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s sinking ship following the insurrection attempt at the Capitol.‭ ‬Her parting comment concerning the failed coup,‭ ‬it was‭ "‬entirely avoidable.‭"

-‭ ‬Betsy DeVos,‭ ‬immediately behind Chao,‭ ‬the education secretary was the second rat to dive over the railing of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s sinking ship.‭ ‬Before she hit the water,‭ ‬DeVos told the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump,‭ ‬there was‭ "‬no mistake the impact your rhetoric had.‭"

-‭ ‬Other,‭ ‬less significant rats are said to be jumping ship as well,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬like DeVos and Chao,‭ ‬before January sixth,‭ ‬all these rats helped the now twice impeached, former president trump undermine their agencies while bragging about the great job being done by the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump.‭ ‬Hopefully,‭ ‬their complicity will be a long and heavy drag on their reputations, and any hope of future employment.

Additional faces on this rogues gallery of accomplices to the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s treason include:

-‭ ‬Mark Zuckerberg,‭ ‬CEO of Facebook,‭ ‬Jack Dorsey,‭ ‬CEO of Twitter,‭ ‬and Sundar Pichai,‭ ‬CEO of Alphabet,‭ ‬YouTube's parent company.

Over the past four years,‭ ‬Facebook,‭ ‬Twitter,‭ ‬and YouTube have functioned as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's platforms to help spread every lie and rant he dreamed up while taking a crap.‭ ‬When public pressure finally won out to remove his bullsh!t about election fraud,‭ ‬their dismal response was to tell subscribers the posted material had been...‭ ‬disputed.

Any more drastic actions taken by these companies to penalize the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump,‭ ‬are too little and too late.

Last on the list of accessories before,‭ ‬during,‭ ‬and after the fact in the January coup attempt are the hosts,‭ ‬writers,‭ ‬producers,‭ ‬and management at FOX Noise.‭ ‬Their broadcasts began showing video of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s claims of election rigging from the day they began in‭ ‬2017.‭ ‬After November‭ ‬3rd it was‭ ‬24/7‭ ‬lies that the election had been stolen.‭

Now,‭ ‬FOX Noise is claiming the attempted coup was,‭ "‬understandable‭", ‬because the weasel-in-chief’s devoted cultists believed the election was stolen.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬the United States Constitution doesn’t provide exemptions for committing treason based on a‭ “‬belief‭” ‬held by a mob,‭ ‬regardless of size.‭ ‬FOX Noise and its personnel are equally responsible for their part in encouraging the attempted insurrection.‭‭‭‭

Betsy DeVos, Elaine Chao accused of resigning to dodge 25th Amendment calls

To:‭ ‬President Biden and His Administration,‭ ‬House Speaker,‭ ‬Nancy Pelosi,‭ ‬and Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬Chuck Schumer‭

This nation cannot afford to forgive OR forget the January‭ ‬6th coup attempt,‭ ‬or fail to hold all those involved accountable.

The new administration cannot ignore what took place on January‭ ‬6th of this year.‭ ‬To permit the traitors to go unpunished would be a slap in the face to the over‭ ‬80‭ ‬million voters the insurrectionists planned to silence.

His GOP enablers can use any euphemism they want,‭ ‬but nothing changes the fact that,‭ ‬on January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump encouraged armed insurgents to breach the Capitol and threaten the safety of all in Congress.‭ ‬This act was committed as an attempted coup to enable the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump to circumvent constitutional law to hold onto the presidency,‭ ‬which to fully accomplish would demand he make himself dictator.‭

The unprecedented rampage resulted in five dead,‭ ‬including a Capitol Hill police officer who was injured when he tangled with the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s mob of insurrectionists.‭ ‬The country is lucky,‭ ‬the damage could have been far worse.

That the attempted coup failed in no way means the American people should‭ “‬forgive or forget‭”‬,‭ ‬the damage done to the United States and its people is much too serious to simply dismiss.‭ ‬The importance of holding those responsible fully accountable cannot be overemphasized.

The now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's culpability is beyond dispute.‭ "‬There's no question the president formed the mob,‭ ‬the president incited the mob,‭ ‬the president addressed the mob.‭ “‬He lit the flame,‭” ‬said Rep.‭ ‬Elizabeth Cheney,‭ ‬the third-highest ranking Republican in the House.‭ ‬Of course,‭ ‬such uncommon honesty from a Republican lawmaker put her on the GOP’s sh!tlist.

The hours of recorded evidence of those involved in the coup attempt before,‭ ‬during,‭ ‬and after the fact cannot be denied or ignored.‭ ‬With this volume of evidence,‭ ‬there should be little delay in convening a Senate trial to easily convict the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump.‭ ‬He must never be permitted to seek the presidency, or any public office again,‭ ‬to to do so would imply that attempted coups have become an acceptable part of the American system.

Following his conviction in a Senate trial,‭ ‬the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump should then be arrested and tried in federal court for inciting violence and sedition‭ (‬along with donny jr.‭ ‬and Rudy‭ "‬trial-by-combat‭" ‬Giuliani‭)‬.

Those who attacked the Capitol were not protesting,‭ ‬their violent crimes cannot be justified in any way,‭ ‬so they must also be prosecuted.‭ ‬Regardless of the many reinterpretations of constitutional law by the right-wingers,‭ ‬the insurrectionists have no First Amendment right to try to overthrow the U.S.‭ ‬government.

Two Republican accomplices during the run-up to the assault on Capitol Hill,‭ ‬Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Missouri Senator Josh Hawley,‭ ‬should be forced to resign.‭ ‬These two traitors knew all along the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s allegations of voting fraud were bullsh!t,‭ ‬Cruz and Hawley nonetheless led an attempt to exclude Biden electors,‭ ‬even after the storming of the Capitol.

No amount of conservative reinterpretation of the United States Constitution can alter the provision that says,‭ "‬no Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress‭" ‬who‭ "‬shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against‭" ‬the Constitution,‭ "‬or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.‭"

The political ambitions of both Cruz and Hawley include runs for the presidency in‭ ‬2024.‭ ‬Their complicity in the coup attempt and in the scheme to defraud‭ ‬80‭ ‬million voters demands they be barred from running.

Also on the list of henchmen to the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s traitorous actions:‭
-‭ ‬Senator Lindsey Graham,‭ ‬quickly became one of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s a$$-kissing attack dogs‭ (‬more like a sour little poodle‭)‬,‭ ‬trying to use his office to intimidate state election officials to change voting tallies.‭ ‬For his part,‭ ‬Graham should be forced to resign,‭ ‬failing that,‭ ‬he should be censured and stripped of his membership on the Senate Judiciary Committee.‭

-‭ ‬Mitch McConnell,‭ ‬as Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬remained silent as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump lied and bullied his way through the weeks leading up to the Capitol assault,‭ during that period, ‬McConnell refused to contradict any of the lies and false allegations of election fraud,‭ ‬or to challenge their credibility.‭ ‬McConnell should also resign or be censured and stripped of committee assignments.

-‭ ‬Mike Pence,‭ ‬the Vice President spent his last four years as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s obedient yes-man.‭ ‬He,‭ ‬like McConnell,‭ ‬lied with his silence,‭ ‬always unwilling to refute the constant lies coming out of the White House.‭ ‬For his perpetual inaction,‭ ‬Pence should be barred from any future public office.‭

-‭ ‬Elaine Chao,‭ ‬as Transportation secretary Chao was the first rat to abandon the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s sinking ship following the insurrection attempt at the Capitol.‭ ‬Her parting comment concerning the failed coup,‭ ‬it was‭ "‬entirely avoidable.‭"

-‭ ‬Betsy DeVos,‭ ‬immediately behind Chao,‭ ‬the education secretary was the second rat to dive over the railing of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s sinking ship.‭ ‬Before she hit the water,‭ ‬DeVos told the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump,‭ ‬there was‭ "‬no mistake the impact your rhetoric had.‭"

-‭ ‬Other,‭ ‬less significant rats are said to be jumping ship as well,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬like DeVos and Chao,‭ ‬before January sixth,‭ ‬all these rats helped the now twice impeached, former president trump undermine their agencies while bragging about the great job being done by the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump.‭ ‬Hopefully,‭ ‬their complicity will be a long and heavy drag on their reputations, and any hope of future employment.

Additional faces on this rogues gallery of accomplices to the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s treason include:

-‭ ‬Mark Zuckerberg,‭ ‬CEO of Facebook,‭ ‬Jack Dorsey,‭ ‬CEO of Twitter,‭ ‬and Sundar Pichai,‭ ‬CEO of Alphabet,‭ ‬YouTube's parent company.

Over the past four years,‭ ‬Facebook,‭ ‬Twitter,‭ ‬and YouTube have functioned as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's platforms to help spread every lie and rant he dreamed up while taking a crap.‭ ‬When public pressure finally won out to remove his bullsh!t about election fraud,‭ ‬their dismal response was to tell subscribers the posted material had been...‭ ‬disputed.

Any more drastic actions taken by these companies to penalize the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump,‭ ‬are too little and too late.

Last on the list of accessories before,‭ ‬during,‭ ‬and after the fact in the January coup attempt are the hosts,‭ ‬writers,‭ ‬producers,‭ ‬and management at FOX Noise.‭ ‬Their broadcasts began showing video of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s claims of election rigging from the day they began in‭ ‬2017.‭ ‬After November‭ ‬3rd it was‭ ‬24/7‭ ‬lies that the election had been stolen.‭

Now,‭ ‬FOX Noise is claiming the attempted coup was,‭ "‬understandable‭", ‬because the weasel-in-chief’s devoted cultists believed the election was stolen.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬the United States Constitution doesn’t provide exemptions for committing treason based on a‭ “‬belief‭” ‬held by a mob,‭ ‬regardless of size.‭ ‬FOX Noise and its personnel are equally responsible for their part in encouraging the attempted insurrection.‭‭‭‭

Betsy DeVos, Elaine Chao accused of resigning to dodge 25th Amendment calls

Uniting America the Nazi way . Way to go.
Justice Roberts notified the senate that he will NOT be presiding in Nancy's sham impeachment.
He must see that the protest got out of control by a few goobers who wanted Congress to know that they do NOT accept the stolen election.
To:‭ ‬President Biden and His Administration,‭ ‬House Speaker,‭ ‬Nancy Pelosi,‭ ‬and Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬Chuck Schumer‭

This nation cannot afford to forgive OR forget the January‭ ‬6th coup attempt,‭ ‬or fail to hold all those involved accountable.

The new administration cannot ignore what took place on January‭ ‬6th of this year.‭ ‬To permit the traitors to go unpunished would be a slap in the face to the over‭ ‬80‭ ‬million voters the insurrectionists planned to silence.

His GOP enablers can use any euphemism they want,‭ ‬but nothing changes the fact that,‭ ‬on January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump encouraged armed insurgents to breach the Capitol and threaten the safety of all in Congress.‭ ‬This act was committed as an attempted coup to enable the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump to circumvent constitutional law to hold onto the presidency,‭ ‬which to fully accomplish would demand he make himself dictator.‭

The unprecedented rampage resulted in five dead,‭ ‬including a Capitol Hill police officer who was injured when he tangled with the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s mob of insurrectionists.‭ ‬The country is lucky,‭ ‬the damage could have been far worse.

That the attempted coup failed in no way means the American people should‭ “‬forgive or forget‭”‬,‭ ‬the damage done to the United States and its people is much too serious to simply dismiss.‭ ‬The importance of holding those responsible fully accountable cannot be overemphasized.

The now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's culpability is beyond dispute.‭ "‬There's no question the president formed the mob,‭ ‬the president incited the mob,‭ ‬the president addressed the mob.‭ “‬He lit the flame,‭” ‬said Rep.‭ ‬Elizabeth Cheney,‭ ‬the third-highest ranking Republican in the House.‭ ‬Of course,‭ ‬such uncommon honesty from a Republican lawmaker put her on the GOP’s sh!tlist.

The hours of recorded evidence of those involved in the coup attempt before,‭ ‬during,‭ ‬and after the fact cannot be denied or ignored.‭ ‬With this volume of evidence,‭ ‬there should be little delay in convening a Senate trial to easily convict the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump.‭ ‬He must never be permitted to seek the presidency, or any public office again,‭ ‬to to do so would imply that attempted coups have become an acceptable part of the American system.

Following his conviction in a Senate trial,‭ ‬the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump should then be arrested and tried in federal court for inciting violence and sedition‭ (‬along with donny jr.‭ ‬and Rudy‭ "‬trial-by-combat‭" ‬Giuliani‭)‬.

Those who attacked the Capitol were not protesting,‭ ‬their violent crimes cannot be justified in any way,‭ ‬so they must also be prosecuted.‭ ‬Regardless of the many reinterpretations of constitutional law by the right-wingers,‭ ‬the insurrectionists have no First Amendment right to try to overthrow the U.S.‭ ‬government.

Two Republican accomplices during the run-up to the assault on Capitol Hill,‭ ‬Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Missouri Senator Josh Hawley,‭ ‬should be forced to resign.‭ ‬These two traitors knew all along the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s allegations of voting fraud were bullsh!t,‭ ‬Cruz and Hawley nonetheless led an attempt to exclude Biden electors,‭ ‬even after the storming of the Capitol.

No amount of conservative reinterpretation of the United States Constitution can alter the provision that says,‭ "‬no Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress‭" ‬who‭ "‬shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against‭" ‬the Constitution,‭ "‬or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.‭"

The political ambitions of both Cruz and Hawley include runs for the presidency in‭ ‬2024.‭ ‬Their complicity in the coup attempt and in the scheme to defraud‭ ‬80‭ ‬million voters demands they be barred from running.

Also on the list of henchmen to the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s traitorous actions:‭
-‭ ‬Senator Lindsey Graham,‭ ‬quickly became one of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s a$$-kissing attack dogs‭ (‬more like a sour little poodle‭)‬,‭ ‬trying to use his office to intimidate state election officials to change voting tallies.‭ ‬For his part,‭ ‬Graham should be forced to resign,‭ ‬failing that,‭ ‬he should be censured and stripped of his membership on the Senate Judiciary Committee.‭

-‭ ‬Mitch McConnell,‭ ‬as Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬remained silent as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump lied and bullied his way through the weeks leading up to the Capitol assault,‭ during that period, ‬McConnell refused to contradict any of the lies and false allegations of election fraud,‭ ‬or to challenge their credibility.‭ ‬McConnell should also resign or be censured and stripped of committee assignments.

-‭ ‬Mike Pence,‭ ‬the Vice President spent his last four years as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s obedient yes-man.‭ ‬He,‭ ‬like McConnell,‭ ‬lied with his silence,‭ ‬always unwilling to refute the constant lies coming out of the White House.‭ ‬For his perpetual inaction,‭ ‬Pence should be barred from any future public office.‭

-‭ ‬Elaine Chao,‭ ‬as Transportation secretary Chao was the first rat to abandon the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s sinking ship following the insurrection attempt at the Capitol.‭ ‬Her parting comment concerning the failed coup,‭ ‬it was‭ "‬entirely avoidable.‭"

-‭ ‬Betsy DeVos,‭ ‬immediately behind Chao,‭ ‬the education secretary was the second rat to dive over the railing of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s sinking ship.‭ ‬Before she hit the water,‭ ‬DeVos told the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump,‭ ‬there was‭ "‬no mistake the impact your rhetoric had.‭"

-‭ ‬Other,‭ ‬less significant rats are said to be jumping ship as well,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬like DeVos and Chao,‭ ‬before January sixth,‭ ‬all these rats helped the now twice impeached, former president trump undermine their agencies while bragging about the great job being done by the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump.‭ ‬Hopefully,‭ ‬their complicity will be a long and heavy drag on their reputations, and any hope of future employment.

Additional faces on this rogues gallery of accomplices to the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s treason include:

-‭ ‬Mark Zuckerberg,‭ ‬CEO of Facebook,‭ ‬Jack Dorsey,‭ ‬CEO of Twitter,‭ ‬and Sundar Pichai,‭ ‬CEO of Alphabet,‭ ‬YouTube's parent company.

Over the past four years,‭ ‬Facebook,‭ ‬Twitter,‭ ‬and YouTube have functioned as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's platforms to help spread every lie and rant he dreamed up while taking a crap.‭ ‬When public pressure finally won out to remove his bullsh!t about election fraud,‭ ‬their dismal response was to tell subscribers the posted material had been...‭ ‬disputed.

Any more drastic actions taken by these companies to penalize the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump,‭ ‬are too little and too late.

Last on the list of accessories before,‭ ‬during,‭ ‬and after the fact in the January coup attempt are the hosts,‭ ‬writers,‭ ‬producers,‭ ‬and management at FOX Noise.‭ ‬Their broadcasts began showing video of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s claims of election rigging from the day they began in‭ ‬2017.‭ ‬After November‭ ‬3rd it was‭ ‬24/7‭ ‬lies that the election had been stolen.‭

Now,‭ ‬FOX Noise is claiming the attempted coup was,‭ "‬understandable‭", ‬because the weasel-in-chief’s devoted cultists believed the election was stolen.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬the United States Constitution doesn’t provide exemptions for committing treason based on a‭ “‬belief‭” ‬held by a mob,‭ ‬regardless of size.‭ ‬FOX Noise and its personnel are equally responsible for their part in encouraging the attempted insurrection.‭‭‭‭

Betsy DeVos, Elaine Chao accused of resigning to dodge 25th Amendment calls

To:‭ ‬President Biden and His Administration,‭ ‬House Speaker,‭ ‬Nancy Pelosi,‭ ‬and Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬Chuck Schumer‭

The badass patriots who stormed the Capitol on January 6 are legitimate white Americans with a legitimate axe to grind.
Please ignore their antics on that day and remember what the jungle animals from summer taught us...”A riot is the voice of the unheard.”
encouraged armed insurgents
You are a FCKN LIAR
The unprecedented rampage resulted in five dead,‭ ‬including a Capitol Hill police officer who was injured when he tangled with the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s mob of insurrectionists.
The hours of recorded evidence of those involved in the coup attempt before,‭ ‬during,‭ ‬and after the fact cannot be denied or ignored.‭
Funny you should bring this up. Your thugs in DC are refusing to allow the U.S. CITIZENS they are keeping in a FCKN GULAG in DC to have access to ANY of those 14 THOUSAND hours of video. WHY?

Are you REALLY sure you want to set this precedent? Have a chat with Harry Reid about how this kind of strong arm shit can turn out, YOU FCKN LIAR...
To:‭ ‬President Biden and His Administration,‭ ‬House Speaker,‭ ‬Nancy Pelosi,‭ ‬and Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬Chuck Schumer‭

This nation cannot afford to forgive OR forget the January‭ ‬6th coup attempt,‭ ‬or fail to hold all those involved accountable.

The new administration cannot ignore what took place on January‭ ‬6th of this year.‭ ‬To permit the traitors to go unpunished would be a slap in the face to the over‭ ‬80‭ ‬million voters the insurrectionists planned to silence.

His GOP enablers can use any euphemism they want,‭ ‬but nothing changes the fact that,‭ ‬on January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump encouraged armed insurgents to breach the Capitol and threaten the safety of all in Congress.‭ ‬This act was committed as an attempted coup to enable the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump to circumvent constitutional law to hold onto the presidency,‭ ‬which to fully accomplish would demand he make himself dictator.‭

The unprecedented rampage resulted in five dead,‭ ‬including a Capitol Hill police officer who was injured when he tangled with the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s mob of insurrectionists.‭ ‬The country is lucky,‭ ‬the damage could have been far worse.

That the attempted coup failed in no way means the American people should‭ “‬forgive or forget‭”‬,‭ ‬the damage done to the United States and its people is much too serious to simply dismiss.‭ ‬The importance of holding those responsible fully accountable cannot be overemphasized.

The now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's culpability is beyond dispute.‭ "‬There's no question the president formed the mob,‭ ‬the president incited the mob,‭ ‬the president addressed the mob.‭ “‬He lit the flame,‭” ‬said Rep.‭ ‬Elizabeth Cheney,‭ ‬the third-highest ranking Republican in the House.‭ ‬Of course,‭ ‬such uncommon honesty from a Republican lawmaker put her on the GOP’s sh!tlist.

The hours of recorded evidence of those involved in the coup attempt before,‭ ‬during,‭ ‬and after the fact cannot be denied or ignored.‭ ‬With this volume of evidence,‭ ‬there should be little delay in convening a Senate trial to easily convict the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump.‭ ‬He must never be permitted to seek the presidency, or any public office again,‭ ‬to to do so would imply that attempted coups have become an acceptable part of the American system.

Following his conviction in a Senate trial,‭ ‬the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump should then be arrested and tried in federal court for inciting violence and sedition‭ (‬along with donny jr.‭ ‬and Rudy‭ "‬trial-by-combat‭" ‬Giuliani‭)‬.

Those who attacked the Capitol were not protesting,‭ ‬their violent crimes cannot be justified in any way,‭ ‬so they must also be prosecuted.‭ ‬Regardless of the many reinterpretations of constitutional law by the right-wingers,‭ ‬the insurrectionists have no First Amendment right to try to overthrow the U.S.‭ ‬government.

Two Republican accomplices during the run-up to the assault on Capitol Hill,‭ ‬Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Missouri Senator Josh Hawley,‭ ‬should be forced to resign.‭ ‬These two traitors knew all along the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s allegations of voting fraud were bullsh!t,‭ ‬Cruz and Hawley nonetheless led an attempt to exclude Biden electors,‭ ‬even after the storming of the Capitol.

No amount of conservative reinterpretation of the United States Constitution can alter the provision that says,‭ "‬no Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress‭" ‬who‭ "‬shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against‭" ‬the Constitution,‭ "‬or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.‭"

The political ambitions of both Cruz and Hawley include runs for the presidency in‭ ‬2024.‭ ‬Their complicity in the coup attempt and in the scheme to defraud‭ ‬80‭ ‬million voters demands they be barred from running.

Also on the list of henchmen to the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s traitorous actions:‭
-‭ ‬Senator Lindsey Graham,‭ ‬quickly became one of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s a$$-kissing attack dogs‭ (‬more like a sour little poodle‭)‬,‭ ‬trying to use his office to intimidate state election officials to change voting tallies.‭ ‬For his part,‭ ‬Graham should be forced to resign,‭ ‬failing that,‭ ‬he should be censured and stripped of his membership on the Senate Judiciary Committee.‭

-‭ ‬Mitch McConnell,‭ ‬as Senate Majority Leader,‭ ‬remained silent as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump lied and bullied his way through the weeks leading up to the Capitol assault,‭ during that period, ‬McConnell refused to contradict any of the lies and false allegations of election fraud,‭ ‬or to challenge their credibility.‭ ‬McConnell should also resign or be censured and stripped of committee assignments.

-‭ ‬Mike Pence,‭ ‬the Vice President spent his last four years as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s obedient yes-man.‭ ‬He,‭ ‬like McConnell,‭ ‬lied with his silence,‭ ‬always unwilling to refute the constant lies coming out of the White House.‭ ‬For his perpetual inaction,‭ ‬Pence should be barred from any future public office.‭

-‭ ‬Elaine Chao,‭ ‬as Transportation secretary Chao was the first rat to abandon the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s sinking ship following the insurrection attempt at the Capitol.‭ ‬Her parting comment concerning the failed coup,‭ ‬it was‭ "‬entirely avoidable.‭"

-‭ ‬Betsy DeVos,‭ ‬immediately behind Chao,‭ ‬the education secretary was the second rat to dive over the railing of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s sinking ship.‭ ‬Before she hit the water,‭ ‬DeVos told the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump,‭ ‬there was‭ "‬no mistake the impact your rhetoric had.‭"

-‭ ‬Other,‭ ‬less significant rats are said to be jumping ship as well,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬like DeVos and Chao,‭ ‬before January sixth,‭ ‬all these rats helped the now twice impeached, former president trump undermine their agencies while bragging about the great job being done by the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump.‭ ‬Hopefully,‭ ‬their complicity will be a long and heavy drag on their reputations, and any hope of future employment.

Additional faces on this rogues gallery of accomplices to the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s treason include:

-‭ ‬Mark Zuckerberg,‭ ‬CEO of Facebook,‭ ‬Jack Dorsey,‭ ‬CEO of Twitter,‭ ‬and Sundar Pichai,‭ ‬CEO of Alphabet,‭ ‬YouTube's parent company.

Over the past four years,‭ ‬Facebook,‭ ‬Twitter,‭ ‬and YouTube have functioned as the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's platforms to help spread every lie and rant he dreamed up while taking a crap.‭ ‬When public pressure finally won out to remove his bullsh!t about election fraud,‭ ‬their dismal response was to tell subscribers the posted material had been...‭ ‬disputed.

Any more drastic actions taken by these companies to penalize the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump,‭ ‬are too little and too late.

Last on the list of accessories before,‭ ‬during,‭ ‬and after the fact in the January coup attempt are the hosts,‭ ‬writers,‭ ‬producers,‭ ‬and management at FOX Noise.‭ ‬Their broadcasts began showing video of the now twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump’s claims of election rigging from the day they began in‭ ‬2017.‭ ‬After November‭ ‬3rd it was‭ ‬24/7‭ ‬lies that the election had been stolen.‭

Now,‭ ‬FOX Noise is claiming the attempted coup was,‭ "‬understandable‭", ‬because the weasel-in-chief’s devoted cultists believed the election was stolen.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬the United States Constitution doesn’t provide exemptions for committing treason based on a‭ “‬belief‭” ‬held by a mob,‭ ‬regardless of size.‭ ‬FOX Noise and its personnel are equally responsible for their part in encouraging the attempted insurrection.‭‭‭‭

Betsy DeVos, Elaine Chao accused of resigning to dodge 25th Amendment calls


A guy wearing a Viking hat and a beaver pelt was the supreme commander of your insurrection hahahahaha

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