To establishment republicans and democrats...why we support Trump...bigly....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a column written to peggy noonan and all the other asshat republicans who just can't bring themselves to support Trump...because he is too beneath them.....

So many of us with conservative leanings have long respected the prose and insight of Peggy Noonan, now a prominent Wall Street Journal columnist, but initially admired for her work as a Reagan speechwriter. But her recent columns show she’s come to exemplify the ruling class elitism that simply doesn’t grasp the groundswell in the American heart that elected Donald Trump president.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama claiming authority to fundamentally transform America. He didn’t admit to this mission until very late in his first campaign; there is no way in hell the majority of the American people who voted for him supported a fundamental transformation of this country.

I resented the hell out of the Eric Holder DOJ deliberately running guns to Mexican cartels so that ensuing violence could be traced to American gun manufacturers and morphed into an anti-2nd Amendment media narrative in America. I resented the hell out of the fact that no one was held accountable for this government-initiated, subvert-the-Constitution deceit.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama brazenly lying to the American people 27 times about ‘keep your doctor’ and ‘keep your plan’ when he knew he was lying about the facts, intent and design of Obamacare. I resented the hell out of Nancy Pelosi making a mockery of the legislative process by telling Democrats they needed to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it.

I resented the hell out Chief Justice John Roberts making a joke out of the Supreme Court and the rule of law by upholding Obamacare as a tax when it was expressly not a tax. And all for the purpose of not upsetting whatever Barack Obama wanted to do in fundamentally transforming the country.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama telling a Russian official to encourage Putin to be patient until after Obama’s re-election, when he could be more flexible. I resent the hell out of the fact that to this day, this episode is ignored by those trying to paint President Trump as a Russian asset.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama exploiting the Trayvon Martin tragedy to stoke racial tensions in America when there was absolutely no race angle whatsoever to the case, and the prosecutors engaged in blatant, documented, proven fraud with the false witness Rachel Jeantel. I resent the hell that to this day, Democrats prop up these lies, as well as the proven lie of “hands up, don’t shoot”, to paint and foment an incendiary picture of race relations in America.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton escaping all accountability for their abject lying and malfeasance in connection with the Benghazi attack. That attack was not caused by an anti-Muslim video, and everyone in this country knows it. I resent the hell out of the fact that everyone in the executive branch of government, and senior military officers loyal to Obama and not the American people, just brazenly lied about it and figured we the people wouldn’t notice, and wouldn’t remember.

Probably most of all, I resent the hell out of a media and a Republican Party that would do absolutely nothing about any of these things because Barack Obama was the first President of color, and so these elites decided to pat Americans on the head, tell them to shut up with their concerns, and understand that Obama gets a free pass to destroy this country in the name of transforming it in accord with his leftist ideology. In President Trump’s words, this is b*****t. We the people are not too stupid to see what was done, and we don’t forget who did it.

So as the evidence started to come out of the Obama/CIA/FBI/DOJ coup attempt against candidate Trump and then President Trump—and any moderately intelligent and objective observer knows that the evidence has continued accumulating and is now overwhelming and irrefutable in establishing the complete corruption and dishonesty of a federal government totally weaponized against the incumbent’s political opponents and under the direction of Barack Obama—then, yeah, Peggy,

I have gone from cautious tolerance of President Trump to a 1,000% Trump supporter; I despise the ruling class behavior of both parties in DC; I respect President Trump as a fighter and disrupter of an absolutely rotten, entrenched elite and I don’t care what he tweets in furtherance of calling these people out.

This is a column written to peggy noonan and all the other asshat republicans who just can't bring themselves to support Trump...because he is too beneath them.....

So many of us with conservative leanings have long respected the prose and insight of Peggy Noonan, now a prominent Wall Street Journal columnist, but initially admired for her work as a Reagan speechwriter. But her recent columns show she’s come to exemplify the ruling class elitism that simply doesn’t grasp the groundswell in the American heart that elected Donald Trump president.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama claiming authority to fundamentally transform America. He didn’t admit to this mission until very late in his first campaign; there is no way in hell the majority of the American people who voted for him supported a fundamental transformation of this country.

I resented the hell out of the Eric Holder DOJ deliberately running guns to Mexican cartels so that ensuing violence could be traced to American gun manufacturers and morphed into an anti-2nd Amendment media narrative in America. I resented the hell out of the fact that no one was held accountable for this government-initiated, subvert-the-Constitution deceit.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama brazenly lying to the American people 27 times about ‘keep your doctor’ and ‘keep your plan’ when he knew he was lying about the facts, intent and design of Obamacare. I resented the hell out of Nancy Pelosi making a mockery of the legislative process by telling Democrats they needed to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it.

I resented the hell out Chief Justice John Roberts making a joke out of the Supreme Court and the rule of law by upholding Obamacare as a tax when it was expressly not a tax. And all for the purpose of not upsetting whatever Barack Obama wanted to do in fundamentally transforming the country.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama telling a Russian official to encourage Putin to be patient until after Obama’s re-election, when he could be more flexible. I resent the hell out of the fact that to this day, this episode is ignored by those trying to paint President Trump as a Russian asset.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama exploiting the Trayvon Martin tragedy to stoke racial tensions in America when there was absolutely no race angle whatsoever to the case, and the prosecutors engaged in blatant, documented, proven fraud with the false witness Rachel Jeantel. I resent the hell that to this day, Democrats prop up these lies, as well as the proven lie of “hands up, don’t shoot”, to paint and foment an incendiary picture of race relations in America.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton escaping all accountability for their abject lying and malfeasance in connection with the Benghazi attack. That attack was not caused by an anti-Muslim video, and everyone in this country knows it. I resent the hell out of the fact that everyone in the executive branch of government, and senior military officers loyal to Obama and not the American people, just brazenly lied about it and figured we the people wouldn’t notice, and wouldn’t remember.

Probably most of all, I resent the hell out of a media and a Republican Party that would do absolutely nothing about any of these things because Barack Obama was the first President of color, and so these elites decided to pat Americans on the head, tell them to shut up with their concerns, and understand that Obama gets a free pass to destroy this country in the name of transforming it in accord with his leftist ideology. In President Trump’s words, this is b*****t. We the people are not too stupid to see what was done, and we don’t forget who did it.

So as the evidence started to come out of the Obama/CIA/FBI/DOJ coup attempt against candidate Trump and then President Trump—and any moderately intelligent and objective observer knows that the evidence has continued accumulating and is now overwhelming and irrefutable in establishing the complete corruption and dishonesty of a federal government totally weaponized against the incumbent’s political opponents and under the direction of Barack Obama—then, yeah, Peggy,

I have gone from cautious tolerance of President Trump to a 1,000% Trump supporter; I despise the ruling class behavior of both parties in DC; I respect President Trump as a fighter and disrupter of an absolutely rotten, entrenched elite and I don’t care what he tweets in furtherance of calling these people out.

as expected,,,not a single mention of the constitution,,,

its all just more the other guy is bad so vote for me crap,,,

I particularly like how he trolls the shit out of the left, including the media, and reveals them for the unhinged freaks that they are.

I also like how he has revealed the establishment republicans for being the weak, feckless, double-dealing, closet progressive jobbers that they are.

Outside of that, he's nearly indistinguishable from what used to be a "moderate" democrat, like William Proxmire or Eugene McCarty....A mixed bag at best.
I have gone from cautious tolerance of President Trump to a 1,000% Trump supporter; I despise the ruling class behavior of both parties in DC; I respect President Trump as a fighter and disrupter of an absolutely rotten, entrenched elite and I don’t care what he tweets in furtherance of calling these people out.


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