Titus (Movie Fan-Fiction)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a fun and dramatic movie fan-fiction of the highly-crafted Titus (Anthony Hopkins), which I hope you'll read and enjoy. Finally signing off,


A young boy in a brown-paper bag mask plays with his lunch food and dolls. Suddenly, he's carried off into the field outside his palace. The Roman army has just returned triumphant, and this boy, Lucius (Jr.) is raised up by the soldiers for the cheering. The army is commanded by the legendary general Titus, and the paper bag masked Lucius (Jr.) has become his fan.


TITUS: Many great warriors I've seen, and I've lost my soldier sons, and may peace and honor find them here!


The spoils of Titus' victory include the evil queen Tamora and her vile sons. Titus has her eldest son executed in front of her, despite her pleas. Then, Tamora and her other two vile sons, Chiron and Demetrius are carried off as remaining prisoners of Rome. This is high art and high drama in the ancient world.


Caesar is dead and his son Saturninus is the new Emperor. Saturninus seeks to marry General Titus' beautiful daughter Lavinia, but she's engaged to Saturninus' brother Bassianus who steals Lavinia away to keep her as his intended bride. Saturninus is a ruthless emperor in Rome and vows indulgence someday.


TITUS: My daughter is more dear to me than the leaves of the war-field that have crowned me as the king of blues.


Lavinia adores her father and is a great maiden, and Bassianus loves her dearly but fears the ambition of his Emperor brother Saturninus. We should get the feeling now that Lavinia must be cherished and protected at all costs, even in the maelstrom that can become Rome. Lavinia is very beautiful.


Bassianus tries everything to keep Lavinia at his side and hopes and dreams that he'll spend eternity with this lovely young woman!


However, with every tide of great mist, there is the menace of an advancing phantom. That phantom is the vengeful Tamora, the evil queen who was brought before General Titus at the beginning of our incredible story as a trophy and spoil of victory. Tamora vowed vengeance after her eldest son was executed by Titus' loyal band of soldiers in front of her. Tamora has now seduced the Emperor Saturninus and her two evil sons Chiron and Demetrius have risen in power suddenly alongside their dark mother, the new Empress.


CHIRON: We'll raise hell.
DEMETRIUS: Mother has commanded us to go hunt Bassianus and Lavinia with the help of the Moor, Aaron.


Aaron the Moor aids Chiron and Demetrius in sabotaging Bassianus and Lavinia in the forest, in front of the cruel and merciless Empress, Tamora. Aaron drools and sneers, as the evil Chiron and Demetrius ruthlessly rape the helpless Lavinia, beautiful daughter of the esteemed General Titus, after they've killed Lavinia's beau, the helpless Bassianus. Aaron the Moor is delighted by the chaos.


LAVINIA: I've become the image of suffering in a woman, despite my inability to speak, for my tongue is now gone to rape.


Titus finds Lavinia ravished and destroyed and barely alive. Bassianus has been buried dead. Titus vows revenge on all of Rome. Will he succeed?


Lucius (Jr.) tries to keep Lavinia's spirits up by reading to her and letting her read his books, and Lavinia has become a big fan of his books, especially that of the mute Philomena, much to the paper-bag masked Lucius (Jr.)'s delight!


TITUS: This is no longer a time of warmth and patience, and my son Lucius will raise a revenge army among our enemy, the Goths!


The Goths and Lucius, Titus' valiant son and father of Lucius (Jr.) march on Rome with blood on their minds. Tamora and Chiron and Demetrius plead to Titus once more to request this Goth army be retreated. Titus refuses but invites Tamora and the Emperor and her two sons Chiron and Demetrius to a negotiation feast inside Rome. During the feast, Tamora and Saturninus are pulled into a separate palace room where they get to dine alone in candle-light. As they're eating meat pies, delicious, Titus reveals to them that he's broken the neck of his long-suffering tragic daughter Lavinia and knows she was raped by Tamora's sons. Tamora demands to know immediately where her sons are at this moment, and Titus horrifyingly reveals he's murdered them and cooked them and prepared the meat pies that their mother herself, Tamora, alongside the Emperor, Saturninus, have eaten without knowledge! This has been a Roman feast of ultimate vengeance. What a story, folks!


Lucius, father of Lucius (Jr.) triumphs over Rome with his revenge-army of Goths. They bury the dead bodies of Titus and Lavinia. Titus was killed after he disposed of Tamora and the Emperor more or less. Lucius vows to seek a more holy republic now that the evil has set and evaporated! He carried the body of a lively infant and pledges that Rome might accomplish its dream of someday becoming a place of simple education!


The message of this story is that Rome is a place of both drama...and danger! Feast on,


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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