Tiny Heroes of Capitalism: Leviathan


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Capitalism globalizing makes for terrific human etiquette folklore (e.g., The Wolf of Wall Street, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps).

How did America 'evolve' from the days of The Wizard of Oz (when gold and silver valuation in an emerging American empire was making talk of commerce seem almost 'spiritual') to today's psychiatry-centric Hollywood making civics-piracy films such as the comics-adapted Ant-Man and the Wasp?

Did the development of world capitalism make us much more 'machine-like' in our contemplation of networking/industry?

Here's a modern media/marketing omen inspired by Jerry Maguire and referencing the Seattle Seahawks (NFL) and the 'demonic leviathan' of capitalism itself(!).




Americans prepared to celebrate the 4th of July, as Hollywood and the Trump Administration commemorated the release of a new Marvel's Avengers superhero film honouring the contributions of great modern-day American patriots/crusaders working to make capitalism much more democratic (so America would be the world's official 'Big Brother'). As the film was being released, the real-life heroes the movie was inspired by were deciding what to do about the threat of the terrorist organization ISIS and their declaration of an intention to destroy Fort Knox in Kentucky.


Americans know capitalism is about fortune and prosperity and education and investments. Capitalism feeds the American Dream which draws in immigrants hungry to work for the nation and contribute to production and eventually the GDP/GNP. Capitalism is therefore a sort of 'economic tunnel' which leads to all kinds of 'investment realms.' It's no wonder Americans are fascinated by incredible images of fantastic lands of fortune and adventure (and piracy!). Many American kids enjoyed the Pirates of the Caribbean fantasy-adventure film-series (starring the great Johnny Depp) representing this modern social fascination with treasure-hunting (and the fantasy of wealth!). Was this Utopian or demonic?


As the Seattle Seahawks planned an incredible 2018 NFL season, with numerous games broadcasted on national television networks, ISIS terrorists plotted to insert terrorism-messages amidst all this socio-media 'fanfare.' The terrorists wanted to drop chemical-gas grenades from a hijacked Goodyear blimp soaring above the Seahawks football stadium on a foggy and cool NFL Sunday afternoon. The patriots/crusaders the film Marvel's Avengers was based on now had to step up and deal with this truly anti-American threat! Who would praise these 'tiny heroes of capitalism' who tackled the leviathan of modern terrorism?


Americans love making movies and celebrating daydreams of great courage, patriotism, friendship, political intrigue, globalization, and commercial traffic/work! American movie superstars, known as 'super-celebrities', were part of these 'tiny heroes of capitalism' working to make civilians/voters more optimistic about the defense of global capitalism liberties in this modern era of emerged/realized global commerce (e.g., Wall Street, World Bank). Tom Cruise, for example, made films about ex-patriate thinkers (The Last Samurai), U.S. army veterans (Born on the 4th of July), American statesmen (Lions for Lambs), and urban underworlds (Collateral). Cruise was part of a new 'dialogue aesthetic' which ISIS simply despised...


American imagineers invented great and strange symbolic beings/creatures and 'aliens' who represented our modern paranoia about evolution dangers in a world exploding with incredible commerce and globalization and technology. Sci-fi films presented stories about consuming parasitic aliens who preyed on humanity's raw modern instinct to flourish and procreate. ISIS terrorists viewed themselves as these 'wondrous predatory aliens' as they hatched their scheme to disrupt the Seattle Seahawks NFL game in front of live TV cameras(!). Was this the apocalypse?


American toy-makers invented nifty 'relics' of consumerism which would become 'trophies' of general capitalism. American toy companies (Fisher-Price, Mattel, Hasbro, Toys 'R Us) were committed to seeing American imagination dominate the global toy industry, to parallel the global appeal of Hollywood and its generation of modernism-relevant pro-human daydreams/fantasies. This was the success of geo-capitalism, and the leviathan of terrorism undermined the basic interest in securely developing commerce-based political networks (e.g., European Union). Disney wrist-watches were popular with kids around the world, and ISIS despised such 'consumerism frills.'


As movie-audiences enjoyed Hollywood films about Ant-Man and the Wasp (a male and female team of tiny superheroes tackling the Goliaths of modern tyranny/corruption) and the fictional 'Xenomorph' alien (from the Alien sci-fi horror-film franchise which represented Orwellian fears of evolutionary obstacles to colonization and farming), ISIS wanted to use 9/11 and the upcoming Seahawks NFL game chemical-weapon attack to generate media hysteria about modern darkness --- a darkness unavoided by new age capitalism-oriented 'world community icons' such as Donald Trump, Tony Blair, and Bill Gates. ISIS also began planning ways to disrupt U.S. Internet networks with carefully-placed super-viruses. However, Tom Cruise made three modern symbolic films about futuristic metaphysics anyway (Minority Report, Oblivion, and Edge of Tomorrow).


American political theorists wondered who would win this modern contest --- capitalism-captains (including media-icons/celebrities) or anti-empire terrorists (including ISIS). This was the Age of Consequences and simultaneously the Era of Etiquette. Everyone had a smartphone and texted and chatted and called friends/associates/family from anywhere around the world with tremendous convenience/efficiency. Internet super-viruses which destabilized the developed modern communications-network comprised the new 'plague.' How would today's 'superheroes' such as Tom Cruise contend with these forces of 'grid darkness'?


Alien: Covenant was a popular new instalment in the Alien sci-fi horror-film franchise, introduced to American audiences in the beginning of the summer of 2017. The film offered us a portrait of a daring young mourning widow and space-explorer (named Daniels) trying to detangle a terrible parasitic plot while engaging with terrifying anti-human 'Xenomorph' aliens. The Xenomorph was the official new Godzilla, and Daniels was the newest 'hero-avatar' in a storytelling mosaic signifying an American fascination with great heroism. Perhaps Daniels symbolized the CIA and the Xenomorph symbolized ISIS. It was great fodder for all kinds of political cartoons (But hey, isn't capitalism a thing of critique?).


American cartoonists and comic book artists invented terrific landscapes in which patriotic servicemen and scientists working for the U.S. government worked closely with beautiful/hypnotic planetary visitors such as Mara (sea-nymph from Hasbro's G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero) and the Silver Surfer (metallic soaring power-philosopher/warrior from Marvel Comics). These storytellers were curious about a 'resurrected' modern fascination with Eugenics-concepts (e.g., genetic transformation in the context of great agricultural/industrial change). Would Tom Cruise's new 'commerce-satyricon' film American Made counter the sort of 'anti-Starbucks cynicism' ISIS terrorists sought to exploit on the 4th of July and during the NFL media-season? Where was Wonder Woman (DC Comics) or Richie Rich (Harvey Comics) or Captain America (Marvel Comics) amidst all this 'teamwork intrigue'?


GOD: Tom Cruise is like Captain America himself!
SATAN: He's definitely a 'modernism diplomat' for sociologists.
GOD: Will terrorism destroy this new age networking imagination?
SATAN: Starbucks is definitely threatened by 9/11.
GOD: Will Planet Hollywood restore community folklore?
SATAN: It all depends on if consumerism is equated to class.
GOD: Access to markets defines the success of capitalism.
SATAN: We have to be sure that networking is democratic!
GOD: Capitalism (Wall Street) creates many pirates.
SATAN: There have to be levels of supervision.
GOD: Is Tom Cruise a worthy supervisor for America?
SATAN: Cruise has support from President Donald Trump!
GOD: Of course he does; but what does Trump think of ISIS?
SATAN: Does Trump care about Microsoft and McDonald's?
GOD: Even conservative Republicans care about the aesthetics of commerce.
SATAN: Did 9/11 shatter America's sense of invincibility?
GOD: In some ways, it was worse than Pearl Harbor(!).
SATAN: Will we see a prophetic 'anti-commerce World War Z'?
GOD: If we do, I hope Cruise/Trump triumph...
SATAN: Hail, Gordon Gekko!




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