Tinmore Was Right All Along


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU
No one with any sense has believed that Israel would ever allow a sovereign Palestinian state to be created.
That fire the Arabs keep alive called the 'Palestinian cause' is about to burn the whole region down. Great work guys.
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU


Its incredible to me that anyone ever actually believed that the Palestinians are capable of any degree of honesty. Islam is based in deceit, it serves one end and one end only: the perpetuation of death and destruction.

There is nothing even potentially honest about EVIL.

What is amazing to me is that someone would expect otherwise.
There is a constitutional procedure to replace a president who leaves.

I bet the US won't let that happen.

Watch this space.
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU


Its incredible to me that anyone ever actually believed that the Palestinians are capable of any degree of honesty. Islam is based in deceit, it serves one end and one end only: the perpetuation of death and destruction.

There is nothing even potentially honest about EVIL.

What is amazing to me is that someone would expect otherwise.
Indeed, Abbas was installed by the US/Israel.

Corruption can only be expected.
This has been in the news for years.
I didn't know that you subscribed to the Hamas newspaper. How often does it cover the corruption in Abbas' government? I doubt if it ever goes over the corruption in their own leadership.
No one with any sense has believed that Israel would ever allow a sovereign Palestinian state to be created.
No one with any sense would believe that the Palestinians would ever let Israel live in peace. The Muslims are greedy since they want all the land in the Middle East under their leadership and want to see Israel destroyed.
There is a constitutional procedure to replace a president who leaves.

I bet the US won't let that happen.

Watch this space.
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU


Its incredible to me that anyone ever actually believed that the Palestinians are capable of any degree of honesty. Islam is based in deceit, it serves one end and one end only: the perpetuation of death and destruction.

There is nothing even potentially honest about EVIL.

What is amazing to me is that someone would expect otherwise.
Indeed, Abbas was installed by the US/Israel.

Corruption can only be expected.
Are you actually trying to tell us Tinmore that there is no corruption going on in Hamas? Perhaps if your good friends in Hamas let you run things, you can do away with all the corruption.
There is a constitutional procedure to replace a president who leaves.

I bet the US won't let that happen.

Watch this space.
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU


Its incredible to me that anyone ever actually believed that the Palestinians are capable of any degree of honesty. Islam is based in deceit, it serves one end and one end only: the perpetuation of death and destruction.

There is nothing even potentially honest about EVIL.

What is amazing to me is that someone would expect otherwise.
Indeed, Abbas was installed by the US/Israel.

Corruption can only be expected.
Are you actually trying to tell us Tinmore that there is no corruption going on in Hamas? Perhaps if your good friends in Hamas let you run things, you can do away with all the corruption.
I am sure that whatever corruption there is in Hamas would be all over the news.

What have you heard?
This has been in the news for years.
I didn't know that you subscribed to the Hamas newspaper. How often does it cover the corruption in Abbas' government? I doubt if it ever goes over the corruption in their own leadership.
Are you implying that Hamas newspapers give better news than the propaganda media in the US?
Well as one of their staunch backers and probably a subscriber for years (after all you have pulled up stuff that we never heard of and all those videos they send you), I am sure you can figure this one out. In fact, look at you on this forum day and night it's almost like they tell you not to take a break let alone a little vacation once in a while.
There is a constitutional procedure to replace a president who leaves.

I bet the US won't let that happen.

Watch this space.
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU


Its incredible to me that anyone ever actually believed that the Palestinians are capable of any degree of honesty. Islam is based in deceit, it serves one end and one end only: the perpetuation of death and destruction.

There is nothing even potentially honest about EVIL.

What is amazing to me is that someone would expect otherwise.
Indeed, Abbas was installed by the US/Israel.

Corruption can only be expected.
Are you actually trying to tell us Tinmore that there is no corruption going on in Hamas? Perhaps if your good friends in Hamas let you run things, you can do away with all the corruption.
I am sure that whatever corruption there is in Hamas would be all over the news.

What have you heard?
For one thing, the aid and money to rebuild Gaza from last summers war has been spent on arms and tunnel building and don't ask for a link. I started a thread recently about it.
So now Abbas - a former Mossad agent - is no longer considered as a peace partner by Team Palestine? I can publish again the votes you made last year.
No one with any sense has believed that Israel would ever allow a sovereign Palestinian state to be created.

Never mind your OFF TOPIC ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA do you have anything constructive to say about the military dictatorship that is the P.A. and its treatment of the Palestinian people.
There is a constitutional procedure to replace a president who leaves.

I bet the US won't let that happen.

Watch this space.
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU


Its incredible to me that anyone ever actually believed that the Palestinians are capable of any degree of honesty. Islam is based in deceit, it serves one end and one end only: the perpetuation of death and destruction.

There is nothing even potentially honest about EVIL.

What is amazing to me is that someone would expect otherwise.
Indeed, Abbas was installed by the US/Israel.

Corruption can only be expected.

You keep saying this but have not yet produced any evidence of this apart from ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA sources. Now why haven't the ruling party called for elections, could it be that they would lose to the moderates and see themselves tied up in red tape banning their terrorism. This is what you and the rest of the ISLAMONAZIS fear a moderate government making a deal with Israel, Egypt and Jordan thus ending the last 100 years of violence against the Jews. It would mean having to join IS or AQ to fulfil your need for violence.
There is a constitutional procedure to replace a president who leaves.

I bet the US won't let that happen.

Watch this space.
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU


Its incredible to me that anyone ever actually believed that the Palestinians are capable of any degree of honesty. Islam is based in deceit, it serves one end and one end only: the perpetuation of death and destruction.

There is nothing even potentially honest about EVIL.

What is amazing to me is that someone would expect otherwise.
Indeed, Abbas was installed by the US/Israel.

Corruption can only be expected.

You keep saying this but have not yet produced any evidence of this apart from ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA sources. Now why haven't the ruling party called for elections, could it be that they would lose to the moderates and see themselves tied up in red tape banning their terrorism. This is what you and the rest of the ISLAMONAZIS fear a moderate government making a deal with Israel, Egypt and Jordan thus ending the last 100 years of violence against the Jews. It would mean having to join IS or AQ to fulfil your need for violence.
Oh ye who cannot connect dots...

I have posted many times the events of 2007 with links. You need to get your face out of Israeli propaganda and start following the truth.

Ellen Rosser, Professor of English and a veteran peace activist, maintained an office in downtown Gaza from September 2006 to June 2007. During that period she was an eyewitness to the events which eventually culminated in the violent clashes between Fatah and Hamas in the summer of 2007, ending with Hamas routing Fatah's American- armed militias and ousting them from the Gaza Strip.

In a recent testimony on her experience in Gaza, Rosser asked herself the following question: Did Hamas stage a coup, a planned overthrow of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the Gaza Strip? She gave a straightforward answer: "Definitely no."

Sister Ellen, as she is known, is neither pro-Hamas nor anti-Fatah so her "third party" testimony sheds light on the highly-contentious claims of guilt and innocence made by both groups, claims that continue to have a detrimental effect across Palestinian politics.

Did Hamas carry out a coup in Gaza in 2007
It has long been known that following Hamas’ victory in Palestinian Authority legislative elections in January 2006, Israel and its allies, particularly the United States, worked to undermine the Hamas-led government. Their aim was to restore the authority of the Fatah movement led by Mahmoud Abbas, which had controlled the PA since it was created in 1994 after the Oslo accords were signed the previous year.

In February 2007, after months of clashes between their supporters, Fatah and Hamas agreed to form a “national unity government” headed by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. Enraged by this, the US government hatched a plot, along with Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan, to engage Hamas militarily in Gaza. But the plot failed and in June 2007 Hamas turned the tables and overran Dahlan’s US-supported militias.

Until now, the most comprehensive and essential account of these events was contained in David Rose’s April 2008 Vanity Fair article, “The Gaza Bombshell.”

An initial reading of the Palestine Papers supports Rose’s account and provides details of hitherto unknown secret, high-level “Quadripartite” meetings among Israeli, American, Egyptian and Palestinian officials whose explicit goal appears to have been to undermine the national unity government. The essential point here is that part of the PA — loyal to Mahmoud Abbas and backed by the US — was actively plotting with Israel and its allies against the legitimately-constituted unity government.

The Palestine Papers and the Gaza coup The Electronic Intifada
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU

Thank goodness Abbas is on the way out. He had Israel by the balls with peace negotiations favorable to the Palestinians. LONG LIVE HAMAS!
There is a constitutional procedure to replace a president who leaves.

I bet the US won't let that happen.

Watch this space.
Abu Mazen has finally been called out. Tinmore has been saying for years that Abbas is as bad as Arafat. For the peoples sake I hope something will be done to halt the corruption.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

From European NGO ForMENA:
President Abbas’ and the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) long-fomenting crisis of legitimacy has reached new levels, with representatives of three hundred and fifty unpaid public-sector employees denouncing the administration in a scathing letter sent to the Arab League, European Union representatives and the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seen by ForMENA, the letter criticises Abbas’ personal appropriation of power and the increasing authoritarianism of his regime. The authors state:

“The Palestinian Authority – supposedly committed to the liberation and defence of our people – has joined the ranks of Palestine’s oppressors. The PA now violates, rather than ensures, the rights of Palestinians; it systematically destroys, rather than builds, the institutions of a future Palestinian state; it appropriates funds for its own political purposes, rather than using them to create a democratic, professional and accountable government.

“The PA is not currently fit to represent the Palestinian people, who have no confidence that, under this administration, their struggles and sacrifices will lead to an independent and free state.”

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Unpaid PA employees denounce Abbas corruption to Arab League and EU


Its incredible to me that anyone ever actually believed that the Palestinians are capable of any degree of honesty. Islam is based in deceit, it serves one end and one end only: the perpetuation of death and destruction.

There is nothing even potentially honest about EVIL.

What is amazing to me is that someone would expect otherwise.
Indeed, Abbas was installed by the US/Israel.

Corruption can only be expected.

You keep saying this but have not yet produced any evidence of this apart from ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA sources. Now why haven't the ruling party called for elections, could it be that they would lose to the moderates and see themselves tied up in red tape banning their terrorism. This is what you and the rest of the ISLAMONAZIS fear a moderate government making a deal with Israel, Egypt and Jordan thus ending the last 100 years of violence against the Jews. It would mean having to join IS or AQ to fulfil your need for violence.
Oh ye who cannot connect dots...

I have posted many times the events of 2007 with links. You need to get your face out of Israeli propaganda and start following the truth.

Ellen Rosser, Professor of English and a veteran peace activist, maintained an office in downtown Gaza from September 2006 to June 2007. During that period she was an eyewitness to the events which eventually culminated in the violent clashes between Fatah and Hamas in the summer of 2007, ending with Hamas routing Fatah's American- armed militias and ousting them from the Gaza Strip.

In a recent testimony on her experience in Gaza, Rosser asked herself the following question: Did Hamas stage a coup, a planned overthrow of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the Gaza Strip? She gave a straightforward answer: "Definitely no."

Sister Ellen, as she is known, is neither pro-Hamas nor anti-Fatah so her "third party" testimony sheds light on the highly-contentious claims of guilt and innocence made by both groups, claims that continue to have a detrimental effect across Palestinian politics.

Did Hamas carry out a coup in Gaza in 2007
It has long been known that following Hamas’ victory in Palestinian Authority legislative elections in January 2006, Israel and its allies, particularly the United States, worked to undermine the Hamas-led government. Their aim was to restore the authority of the Fatah movement led by Mahmoud Abbas, which had controlled the PA since it was created in 1994 after the Oslo accords were signed the previous year.

In February 2007, after months of clashes between their supporters, Fatah and Hamas agreed to form a “national unity government” headed by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. Enraged by this, the US government hatched a plot, along with Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan, to engage Hamas militarily in Gaza. But the plot failed and in June 2007 Hamas turned the tables and overran Dahlan’s US-supported militias.

Until now, the most comprehensive and essential account of these events was contained in David Rose’s April 2008 Vanity Fair article, “The Gaza Bombshell.”

An initial reading of the Palestine Papers supports Rose’s account and provides details of hitherto unknown secret, high-level “Quadripartite” meetings among Israeli, American, Egyptian and Palestinian officials whose explicit goal appears to have been to undermine the national unity government. The essential point here is that part of the PA — loyal to Mahmoud Abbas and backed by the US — was actively plotting with Israel and its allies against the legitimately-constituted unity government.

The Palestine Papers and the Gaza coup The Electronic Intifada

And still no unbiased non partisan source for your claims, just an ISLAMONAZI site

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