Flaming Libs/Koranimals
That's a good idea sue that ssob soros
March 21, 2016
Time to sue the Trump rally disruptors and criminalize blocking highways
By Thomas Lifson
Law professor Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit elaborates:
Silly man. It’s different when you sue Republicans. More seriously, though, there is a lot of coordination among people and groups with sufficient assets to be worth suing here. And the discovery would be delicious.
If Soros, who backs MoveOn, an organization that has urged shutdowns, could be held liable, Trump might get even richer.
Meanwhile, Jazz Shaw of Hot Air suggests criminaization of protests that block highways:
Read more: Blog: Time to sue the Trump rally disruptors and criminalize blocking highways
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March 21, 2016
Time to sue the Trump rally disruptors and criminalize blocking highways
By Thomas Lifson
Law professor Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit elaborates:
Silly man. It’s different when you sue Republicans. More seriously, though, there is a lot of coordination among people and groups with sufficient assets to be worth suing here. And the discovery would be delicious.
If Soros, who backs MoveOn, an organization that has urged shutdowns, could be held liable, Trump might get even richer.
Meanwhile, Jazz Shaw of Hot Air suggests criminaization of protests that block highways:
Read more: Blog: Time to sue the Trump rally disruptors and criminalize blocking highways
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