Time to charge some social issues when we run in 2014-2016


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.
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The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

That's a pretty good start, well done.

The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

That's a pretty good start, well done.


Wouldn't the guy you voted for end all gubmint funding of things such as science?

Or are we to just let your hypocrisy slide?
Repubs are just old, bloated, white people.

One of the repub pundits on Fox said a couple of things tonight.

The repubs need to engage minorities and Hispanics. All they have are white people and nobody else voting for them.

Your message is not getting through because you are no longer engaging people.

This election 72 per cent of the electorate was white, in order to win you needed 76 of the electorate to be white. Next election it is predicted that 68 percent of the electorate will be white (not including Hispanics obviously)..

Interestingly, from memory 25 percent of Hispanics voted repub this time, last time it was 48 percent....

Repubs are doomed to failure if they don't start engaging the wider community
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Grumps, We whites have a much different culture than the Meso's and Blacks. A large part of the white population believes in less government and a balanced budget as we have a long history of such. We don't like big government.

A large part of our population just wants to be left alone. The difference between whites and these other races is huge.
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Grumps, We whites have a much different culture than the Meso's and Blacks. A large part of the white population believes in less government and a balanced budget as we have a long history of such. We don't like big government.

A large part of our population just wants to be left alone. The difference between whites and these other races is huge.

not really. You guys have a lot more in common than you think. Nothing wrong with being left alone. Go live on an island (if you can find one)...you'lll be ok
Don't buy into the Democrat bullshit on "social issues". Roe v. Wade has stood since 1973 through more Republican administrations than Democrat. The dubious "freedom" to slaughter babies was never at risk. The GOP turned out a bevy of diverse and talented speakers at convention which prove that the party isn't anything like what the lying, smearing Kool-Aid drinkers claim. And frankly, nobody cares if two gay guys fuck each other blind as long as they leave the rest of us alone about it.

This was about the tipping point... more takers than makers, more ignorant than politically or economically educated. GAME OVER.
Don't buy into the Democrat bullshit on "social issues". Roe v. Wade has stood since 1973 through more Republican administrations than Democrat. The dubious "freedom" to slaughter babies was never at risk. The GOP turned out a bevy of diverse and talented speakers at convention which prove that the party isn't anything like what the lying, smearing Kool-Aid drinkers claim. And frankly, nobody cares if two gay guys fuck each other blind as long as they leave the rest of us alone about it.

This was about the tipping point... more takers than makers, more ignorant than politically or economically educated. GAME OVER.

If you don't think two of your U.S. Senate candidates claiming a pregnancy resulting from rape was God's will wasn't a factor in last night's elections then you're fooling yourself.
Don't buy into the Democrat bullshit on "social issues". Roe v. Wade has stood since 1973 through more Republican administrations than Democrat. The dubious "freedom" to slaughter babies was never at risk. The GOP turned out a bevy of diverse and talented speakers at convention which prove that the party isn't anything like what the lying, smearing Kool-Aid drinkers claim. And frankly, nobody cares if two gay guys fuck each other blind as long as they leave the rest of us alone about it.

This was about the tipping point... more takers than makers, more ignorant than politically or economically educated. GAME OVER.

If you don't think two of your U.S. Senate candidates claiming a pregnancy resulting from rape was God's will wasn't a factor in last night's elections then you're fooling yourself.

Oh, they were morons for getting caught in such cheap, stupid soundbites to be exploited by Democrats. No doubt. But we've got SIXTEEN TRILLION in debt and Obama's still spending. But feckless, mindless voters are content to play small ball. Nobody who's got a BRAIN actually believes that either of those men take rape lightly. :rolleyes:
But leftists are like fucking spiders, building their web of memes. Those two were naive flies, ripe for the feasting. And the debt climbs.
The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

Sign me up!!

Don't distance yourself from the Church, a spiritual life is important... in moderation.

Birth control is fiscally smart compared to a lifetime of welfare and foot stamps.
How about add this also:

- Treat government employees (teachers, cops, firemen, not JUST the military) with respect for the job they do, like they are humans who also earn their money AND PAY TAXES themselves, who love their country, and are a huge factor in keeping our country great.....and yes, they are worth having and paying for........rather than treating them like subhuman parasite peeons.
But how can one be "pro science"??? Science is fact. Its either pro-truth, or pro-....well, not sure what to call it. But science is science. There isn't really a pro/anti side to it. Its like saying "Im anti-weather predictions". Its science. Its humanity.
The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

Yeah right, sissie marriage, abortion on demand paid by taxpayers and legalized drugs while the federal government is cracking down on cigarette smoking and a pack of butts that should be around .50 cents are 5.00. Are you nuts? What about energy independence? (ignorant) Phony republicans are a dine a dozen.
Here's something funny I noticed in your post.

At one point, your refer to women making a very difficult and painful decision about their pregnancy as

The dubious "freedom" to slaughter babies

Then just one sentence later, you referred the to political party that tends to be more open minded about women making this decision privately as...

the lying, smearing Kool-Aid drinkers

It's just humorous to me how you used moonbat hyperbole to attack people you think are lying and smearing...

Look in the mirror, ya moron.
abortion on demand paid by taxpayers

What's more fiscally conservative, paying for an abortion or a lifetime of welfare and food stamps. Birth control on demand is even cheaper.

put that in your 50-cent cigarette and smoke it.
abortion on demand paid by taxpayers

What's more fiscally conservative, paying for an abortion or a lifetime of welfare and food stamps. Birth control on demand is even cheaper.

put that in your 50-cent cigarette and smoke it.

More proof that the fucking left has ZERO respect for the religious rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution.

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