Time Magazine Gushingly Profiles The Successful ‘Conspiracy’ To Rig The 2020 Election


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Time Magazine Gushingly Profiles The Successful ‘Conspiracy’ To Rig The 2020 Election
Time magazine's article intones the 'Trump is crazy' mantra over his claims of a 'rigged' election while telling anyone who reads it how powerful people conspired to rig the 2020 election.

Corporate media has spent the last year arguing that Donald Trump’s claims about 2020 election integrity amount to “seditious” conspiracy theories. While maintaining that narrative despite the cognitive dissonance, Time magazine’s Feb. 15 cover story pulls back the curtain on a “conspiracy” among a “well-funded cabal of powerful people” in an “an extraordinary shadow effort” that successfully pushed Trump from office.
“In a way, Trump was right,” writes Time national political correspondent Molly Ball. “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes.” She later describes this “conspiracy” as something that “sounds like a paranoid fever dream — a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”
Trump was treated like he had three heads for complaining the election was “rigged.” In the infamous speech he gave as violence broke out in the U.S. Capitol the day Congress certified the Electoral College votes, Trump said, “This year they rigged the election. They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before.” The left and some Republicans like Rep. Liz Cheney have insisted Trump’s strong claims like this incited an “insurrection.”
Election Tampering
The conspiracy’s “work touched every aspect of the election,” Ball writes. “They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time.”
For example, mail-in ballots are known as an unreliable voting method, even without its potential assistance to criminal fraud such as ballot-stuffing, because they create margins of error well within the margin of actual votes in a close election. That’s why labor unions, Jeff Bezos, and many foreign countries refuse to use them.
“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” “conspiracy” member Ian Bassin told Ball (emphasis added). Heads Joe Biden wins, tails Donald Trump loses. In games, we call that “rigging.” In sports, we call it “cheating.”
So when they say they suspended election laws and threatened deadly violence to “protect democracy,” what all these people really mean is they worked to rig the election against Trump. They just think you are too stupid to put those two statements together. And they are apparently too narcissistic to hide their masterfully successful plotting.
As John Davidson says, the ruling class hates you, and they think you are stupid. In fact, they work to make you stupid and helpless, then laugh about it in your face afterward.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat left is in control now, and they will never put any of their own in jail, where they belong, for colluding to steal an election.
The multitude of acts resulting in the ACTUAL STEAL might have triggered some in the protest? What IS triggering: is the lack of transparency about the number of Antifa and BLM activists who infiltrated to storm the capital. Where, oh where, has THAT info been hidden from view????
What is also surprizing is that the only gun shots fired on Jan 6th, 2021 were fired by a nameless federal agent.
Traitors are hanged, keeping the fraud going is quite literally a matter of life and death for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.
The PM/DSA Socialist government wants to disarm America after 244 yrs 'cuz they plan to do things we would shoot them for!

“Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.”
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn-​
Time Magazine Gushingly Profiles The Successful ‘Conspiracy’ To Rig The 2020 Election
Time magazine's article intones the 'Trump is crazy' mantra over his claims of a 'rigged' election while telling anyone who reads it how powerful people conspired to rig the 2020 election.

Corporate media has spent the last year arguing that Donald Trump’s claims about 2020 election integrity amount to “seditious” conspiracy theories. While maintaining that narrative despite the cognitive dissonance, Time magazine’s Feb. 15 cover story pulls back the curtain on a “conspiracy” among a “well-funded cabal of powerful people” in an “an extraordinary shadow effort” that successfully pushed Trump from office.
“In a way, Trump was right,” writes Time national political correspondent Molly Ball. “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes.” She later describes this “conspiracy” as something that “sounds like a paranoid fever dream — a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”
Trump was treated like he had three heads for complaining the election was “rigged.” In the infamous speech he gave as violence broke out in the U.S. Capitol the day Congress certified the Electoral College votes, Trump said, “This year they rigged the election. They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before.” The left and some Republicans like Rep. Liz Cheney have insisted Trump’s strong claims like this incited an “insurrection.”
Election Tampering
The conspiracy’s “work touched every aspect of the election,” Ball writes. “They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time.”
For example, mail-in ballots are known as an unreliable voting method, even without its potential assistance to criminal fraud such as ballot-stuffing, because they create margins of error well within the margin of actual votes in a close election. That’s why labor unions, Jeff Bezos, and many foreign countries refuse to use them.
“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” “conspiracy” member Ian Bassin told Ball (emphasis added). Heads Joe Biden wins, tails Donald Trump loses. In games, we call that “rigging.” In sports, we call it “cheating.”
So when they say they suspended election laws and threatened deadly violence to “protect democracy,” what all these people really mean is they worked to rig the election against Trump. They just think you are too stupid to put those two statements together. And they are apparently too narcissistic to hide their masterfully successful plotting.
As John Davidson says, the ruling class hates you, and they think you are stupid. In fact, they work to make you stupid and helpless, then laugh about it in your face afterward.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat left is in control now, and they will never put any of their own in jail, where they belong, for colluding to steal an election.
The multitude of acts resulting in the ACTUAL STEAL might have triggered some in the protest? What IS triggering: is the lack of transparency about the number of Antifa and BLM activists who infiltrated to storm the capital. Where, oh where, has THAT info been hidden from view????
What is also surprizing is that the only gun shots fired on Jan 6th, 2021 were fired by a nameless federal agent.
Traitors are hanged, keeping the fraud going is quite literally a matter of life and death for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.
The PM/DSA Socialist government wants to disarm America after 244 yrs 'cuz they plan to do things we would shoot them for!

“Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.”
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn-​

You know it's bad when they're so emboldened they brag about it in print.
Time Magazine Gushingly Profiles The Successful ‘Conspiracy’ To Rig The 2020 Election
Time magazine's article intones the 'Trump is crazy' mantra over his claims of a 'rigged' election while telling anyone who reads it how powerful people conspired to rig the 2020 election.

Corporate media has spent the last year arguing that Donald Trump’s claims about 2020 election integrity amount to “seditious” conspiracy theories. While maintaining that narrative despite the cognitive dissonance, Time magazine’s Feb. 15 cover story pulls back the curtain on a “conspiracy” among a “well-funded cabal of powerful people” in an “an extraordinary shadow effort” that successfully pushed Trump from office.
“In a way, Trump was right,” writes Time national political correspondent Molly Ball. “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes.” She later describes this “conspiracy” as something that “sounds like a paranoid fever dream — a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”
Trump was treated like he had three heads for complaining the election was “rigged.” In the infamous speech he gave as violence broke out in the U.S. Capitol the day Congress certified the Electoral College votes, Trump said, “This year they rigged the election. They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before.” The left and some Republicans like Rep. Liz Cheney have insisted Trump’s strong claims like this incited an “insurrection.”
Election Tampering
The conspiracy’s “work touched every aspect of the election,” Ball writes. “They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time.”
For example, mail-in ballots are known as an unreliable voting method, even without its potential assistance to criminal fraud such as ballot-stuffing, because they create margins of error well within the margin of actual votes in a close election. That’s why labor unions, Jeff Bezos, and many foreign countries refuse to use them.
“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” “conspiracy” member Ian Bassin told Ball (emphasis added). Heads Joe Biden wins, tails Donald Trump loses. In games, we call that “rigging.” In sports, we call it “cheating.”
So when they say they suspended election laws and threatened deadly violence to “protect democracy,” what all these people really mean is they worked to rig the election against Trump. They just think you are too stupid to put those two statements together. And they are apparently too narcissistic to hide their masterfully successful plotting.
As John Davidson says, the ruling class hates you, and they think you are stupid. In fact, they work to make you stupid and helpless, then laugh about it in your face afterward.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat left is in control now, and they will never put any of their own in jail, where they belong, for colluding to steal an election.
The multitude of acts resulting in the ACTUAL STEAL might have triggered some in the protest? What IS triggering: is the lack of transparency about the number of Antifa and BLM activists who infiltrated to storm the capital. Where, oh where, has THAT info been hidden from view????
What is also surprizing is that the only gun shots fired on Jan 6th, 2021 were fired by a nameless federal agent.
Traitors are hanged, keeping the fraud going is quite literally a matter of life and death for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.
The PM/DSA Socialist government wants to disarm America after 244 yrs 'cuz they plan to do things we would shoot them for!

“Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.”
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn-​

You know it's bad when they're so emboldened they brag about it in print.
OR on TV..

"The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted."

Combatting Trumps attempts to steal an election is not rigging it

You Dems stole the election. Not Trump. The SC is now looking at the case. I'd bet they will find loads of fraud in the 2020 election.

Trump proclaimed before the election that he could not lose without being cheated
He set up his lie because he knew he would lose
Combatting Trumps attempts to steal an election is not rigging it

You Dems stole the election. Not Trump. The SC is now looking at the case. I'd bet they will find loads of fraud in the 2020 election.

Trump proclaimed before the election that he could not lose without being cheated
He set up his lie because he knew he would lose

LOL He didn't lose. The election was stolen.

The election was the most fraudulent election in this countries history. The SC is looking at cases right now and there was more than enough evidence to prove it.
A common goal and a conspiracy can be seen as the same thing. Did one team conspire to beat the other in the "Super Bowl"?
Time Magazine Gushingly Profiles The Successful ‘Conspiracy’ To Rig The 2020 Election
Time magazine's article intones the 'Trump is crazy' mantra over his claims of a 'rigged' election while telling anyone who reads it how powerful people conspired to rig the 2020 election.

Corporate media has spent the last year arguing that Donald Trump’s claims about 2020 election integrity amount to “seditious” conspiracy theories. While maintaining that narrative despite the cognitive dissonance, Time magazine’s Feb. 15 cover story pulls back the curtain on a “conspiracy” among a “well-funded cabal of powerful people” in an “an extraordinary shadow effort” that successfully pushed Trump from office.
“In a way, Trump was right,” writes Time national political correspondent Molly Ball. “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes.” She later describes this “conspiracy” as something that “sounds like a paranoid fever dream — a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”
Trump was treated like he had three heads for complaining the election was “rigged.” In the infamous speech he gave as violence broke out in the U.S. Capitol the day Congress certified the Electoral College votes, Trump said, “This year they rigged the election. They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before.” The left and some Republicans like Rep. Liz Cheney have insisted Trump’s strong claims like this incited an “insurrection.”
Election Tampering
The conspiracy’s “work touched every aspect of the election,” Ball writes. “They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time.”
For example, mail-in ballots are known as an unreliable voting method, even without its potential assistance to criminal fraud such as ballot-stuffing, because they create margins of error well within the margin of actual votes in a close election. That’s why labor unions, Jeff Bezos, and many foreign countries refuse to use them.
“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” “conspiracy” member Ian Bassin told Ball (emphasis added). Heads Joe Biden wins, tails Donald Trump loses. In games, we call that “rigging.” In sports, we call it “cheating.”
So when they say they suspended election laws and threatened deadly violence to “protect democracy,” what all these people really mean is they worked to rig the election against Trump. They just think you are too stupid to put those two statements together. And they are apparently too narcissistic to hide their masterfully successful plotting.
As John Davidson says, the ruling class hates you, and they think you are stupid. In fact, they work to make you stupid and helpless, then laugh about it in your face afterward.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat left is in control now, and they will never put any of their own in jail, where they belong, for colluding to steal an election.
The multitude of acts resulting in the ACTUAL STEAL might have triggered some in the protest? What IS triggering: is the lack of transparency about the number of Antifa and BLM activists who infiltrated to storm the capital. Where, oh where, has THAT info been hidden from view????
What is also surprizing is that the only gun shots fired on Jan 6th, 2021 were fired by a nameless federal agent.
Traitors are hanged, keeping the fraud going is quite literally a matter of life and death for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.
The PM/DSA Socialist government wants to disarm America after 244 yrs 'cuz they plan to do things we would shoot them for!

“Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.”
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn-​

You know it's bad when they're so emboldened they brag about it in print.
OR on TV..

View attachment 455137
that's an obvious fake pic, you fucking moron.
Combatting Trumps attempts to steal an election is not rigging it

You Dems stole the election. Not Trump. The SC is now looking at the case. I'd bet they will find loads of fraud in the 2020 election.

Trump proclaimed before the election that he could not lose without being cheated
He set up his lie because he knew he would lose

LOL He didn't lose. The election was stolen.

The election was the most fraudulent election in this countries history. The SC is looking at cases right now and there was more than enough evidence to prove it.
The election was as fair and legal as any in history.
Despite hundreds of investigations, no election fraud was found except by Republicans.
Combatting Trumps attempts to steal an election is not rigging it

You Dems stole the election. Not Trump. The SC is now looking at the case. I'd bet they will find loads of fraud in the 2020 election.

Trump proclaimed before the election that he could not lose without being cheated
He set up his lie because he knew he would lose

LOL He didn't lose. The election was stolen.

The election was the most fraudulent election in this countries history. The SC is looking at cases right now and there was more than enough evidence to prove it.
The election was as fair and legal as any in history.
Despite hundreds of investigations, no election fraud was found except by Republicans.

Guess we will find out. The SC is looking at three cases right now.
Combatting Trumps attempts to steal an election is not rigging it

You Dems stole the election. Not Trump. The SC is now looking at the case. I'd bet they will find loads of fraud in the 2020 election.

Trump proclaimed before the election that he could not lose without being cheated
He set up his lie because he knew he would lose

LOL He didn't lose. The election was stolen.

The election was the most fraudulent election in this countries history. The SC is looking at cases right now and there was more than enough evidence to prove it.
The election was as fair and legal as any in history.
Despite hundreds of investigations, no election fraud was found except by Republicans.

Guess we will find out. The SC is looking at three cases right now.

No they are not.
The cases presented have nothing to do with voter fraud.

You claim millions of fraudulent votes. Can you point to any arrests of Democrats?
I can point to hundreds of arrests of Republicans trying to steal the election
Combatting Trumps attempts to steal an election is not rigging it

You Dems stole the election. Not Trump. The SC is now looking at the case. I'd bet they will find loads of fraud in the 2020 election.

Trump proclaimed before the election that he could not lose without being cheated
He set up his lie because he knew he would lose

LOL He didn't lose. The election was stolen.

The election was the most fraudulent election in this countries history. The SC is looking at cases right now and there was more than enough evidence to prove it.
The election was as fair and legal as any in history.
Despite hundreds of investigations, no election fraud was found except by Republicans.

Guess we will find out. The SC is looking at three cases right now.

No they are not.
The cases presented have nothing to do with voter fraud.

You claim millions of fraudulent votes. Can you point to any arrests of Democrats?
I can point to hundreds of arrests of Republicans trying to steal the election

Its not voter fraud shit for brains. Its election fraud.

You Dems did a fine job and we are now headed for the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Combatting Trumps attempts to steal an election is not rigging it

You Dems stole the election. Not Trump. The SC is now looking at the case. I'd bet they will find loads of fraud in the 2020 election.

Trump proclaimed before the election that he could not lose without being cheated
He set up his lie because he knew he would lose

LOL He didn't lose. The election was stolen.

The election was the most fraudulent election in this countries history. The SC is looking at cases right now and there was more than enough evidence to prove it.
The election was as fair and legal as any in history.
Despite hundreds of investigations, no election fraud was found except by Republicans.

Guess we will find out. The SC is looking at three cases right now.

No they are not.
The cases presented have nothing to do with voter fraud.

You claim millions of fraudulent votes. Can you point to any arrests of Democrats?
I can point to hundreds of arrests of Republicans trying to steal the election

Its not voter fraud shit for brains. Its election fraud.

You Dems did a fine job and we are now headed for the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.

It’s neither
The case is about voting procedures with no claims of fraud

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