Time is not on the Palestinians Side


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
Las Vegas and Chicago
It used to be that Arabs vs the Jews. The modern day David (Israel) and Goliath (Arabs).
That has changed and changed for good. Most of the most important Arab nations see Iran as the bigger threat and view Israel as an ally. They are sick and tired of the Palestinians never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Israel has solid peace treaties with Egypt, Jordan and the UAE, easily the 3 most important Arab nations next to Saudi Arabia. A survey in Saudi Arabia indicated that 90% of Saudis want peace and normalization with Israel.
Once Trump wins re-election expect Saudi Arabia, Oman, Morocco, Sudan, Djibouti, Tunisia, Mauritania, Qatar and Comoros to follow suit. Maybe even Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq and Indonesia.

Every one of these peace deals puts further pressure on the Palestinians, which is a great thing. We will have a peace treaty in our lifetime and it will definitely not be anywhere as good as the previous offers! God bless Donald Trump
Whether Trump wins or not, the Palestinians by their own choice have created a one state solution --- Israel.
Originally posted by mjb12741
Whether Trump wins or not, the Palestinians by their own choice have created a one state solution --- Israel.

So true.

Ghook will probably go down in History as the last person in the world to realize that Hamas will be toppled by the upcoming Israeli invasion and Palestinians will dismantle the Palestinian Authority and start a peaceful political movement for equal rights in Israel.
I support Israel 100%.

BUT I personally feel that time is on the Arabs' side.

Of course, I do not know the future, but I am guessing that sometime in the next 100 or 200 or 300 years, Jewish people may decide to move elsewhere. I don't know where.

I think that the Crusader states down there lasted at most 100 years, and then they were defeated eventually by the Arabs.
Originally posted by mjb12741
Whether Trump wins or not, the Palestinians by their own choice have created a one state solution --- Israel.

So true.

Ghook will probably go down in History as the last person in the world to realize that Hamas will be toppled by the upcoming Israeli invasion and Palestinians will dismantle the Palestinian Authority and start a peaceful political movement for equal rights in Israel.
Best case scenario for the Palestinians. Especially now while even the Arab countries want peace with Israel despite the Palestinians.
Originally posted by mjb12741
Whether Trump wins or not, the Palestinians by their own choice have created a one state solution --- Israel.

So true.

Ghook will probably go down in History as the last person in the world to realize that Hamas will be toppled by the upcoming Israeli invasion and Palestinians will dismantle the Palestinian Authority and start a peaceful political movement for equal rights in Israel.
I realize you are talking tongue and cheek, but I will respond anyways.

If Israel wanted to rule and incorporate the Palestinians into their society they would have done so a long time ago. Even the far right in Israel that wants a one state know they can incorporate all the new enemies of the state and keep a Jewish majority, prevent a civil war and remain a Democracy. It is simply impossible.

No the choice is a de facto 2 states with Israel asserting security control over the Palestinians as what they have now or accepting a self-autonomous state the the Jews have being offering them for decades!
I support Israel 100%.

BUT I personally feel that time is on the Arabs' side.

Of course, I do not know the future, but I am guessing that sometime in the next 100 or 200 or 300 years, Jewish people may decide to move elsewhere. I don't know where.

I think that the Crusader states down there lasted at most 100 years, and then they were defeated eventually by the Arabs.
You might support Israel 100%, or so you claim (I call bullshit), but you are also 100% ignorant of facts. The Jews are not and have never been crusaders, the Muslims are a totally different story. The Jews aren’t going anywhere. The 1000 are much different times then now. Borders and native peoples changed constantly. That does not happen at all now.
A few decades ago time was on the Palestinians side, since the Arabs and Muslims countries stood firmly behind them, backed their irrational demands and excused their terrorist acts. Arabs in the Middle East and Muslims in Asia are modernizing. I didn’t think it would happen but it did. Most accept the Jewish state, heck a poll in Saudi Arabia revealed 90%+ of Saudis want peace and normalization. Every country that makes peace with Israel makes it harder on the Palestinians.
Yes indeed. Every Arab country that works with Israel for peace is doom for the Palestinians. The irony is the Palis could have elected to join in but then Palestinian mentality will never allow that. So, if you can't work for peace with Palestinians --- work around them. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Originally posted by GHook
The choice is:

accepting a self-autonomous state the the Jews have being offering them for decades!

Arafat himself, the embodiment of the palestinian cause, never had the necessary political legitimacy to give up 80% of Palestine and accept a Bantustan in the WB but you in your hallucination believe a bureaucrat with zero charisma, a nobody like Abbas or any successor will.

Good luck with that.

Originally posted by GHook
the choice is a de facto 2 states with Israel asserting security control over the Palestinians

Every racial dictatorship in human history believes it can "solve the problem" of the native population by creating pseudo states and autonomous territories to confine them.

The ethnocracies of the past like America and its native american reservations succeeded.

The ethnocracies of the modern age have been a miserable failure.

As TheParser correctly stated "I am guessing that sometime... Jewish people may decide to move elsewhere."

Obviously, Israel has the power to maintain the status quo that exists now between Israel and the Palestinian Authority or maybe even strongarm the PA to create a "state".

It also has the power to overthrow the palestinian authority and establish a "friendly" arab Bantustan in the WB or as you put it, 2 "states" with Israel asserting security control.

This is exactly what the white government did in South Africa 3 decades before ending up in the dustbin of History.

Just like TheParser I cannot predict the future but I wouldn't bet on the long-term survival of a modern day racial dictatorship either.
Originally posted by MJB12741
Palestinian mentality will never allow that.

Maybe 10 years from now GHook will finally understand that:

1 Israel can set up dozens of different puppet governments in the WB and Gaza that formally recognize Israel.

2 Arab states can put all the pressure they want on the palestinian people.

But no puppet government imposed by Israel, no amount of arab pressure, nothing, absolutely nothing has the power to force the palestinian people to give up even 1 inch of their homeland.

Super patriotic american clowns, of all people, should be the first ones to understand this palestinian feeling.
Originally posted by MJB12741
Palestinian mentality will never allow that.

Maybe 10 years from now GHook will finally understand that:

1 Israel can set up dozens of different puppet governments in the WB and Gaza that formally recognize Israel.

2 Arab states can put all the pressure they want on the palestinian people.

But no puppet government imposed by Israel, no amount of arab pressure, nothing, absolutely nothing has the power to force the palestinian people to give up even 1 inch of their homeland.

Super patriotic american clowns, of all people, should be the first ones to understand this palestinian feeling.
"Palestinian homeland" is stolen homeland with no titles or deeds to it.
I am sor
A survey in Saudi Arabia indicated that 90% of Saudis want peace and normalization with Israel.
.............. :link: ...............
I apologize I meant just under 80% which is still a significant number

Originally posted by MJB12741
Palestinian mentality will never allow that.

Maybe 10 years from now GHook will finally understand that:

1 Israel can set up dozens of different puppet governments in the WB and Gaza that formally recognize Israel.

2 Arab states can put all the pressure they want on the palestinian people.

But no puppet government imposed by Israel, no amount of arab pressure, nothing, absolutely nothing has the power to force the palestinian people to give up even 1 inch of their homeland.

Super patriotic american clowns, of all people, should be the first ones to understand this palestinian feeling.
Lol Fatah in Judea and Samaria and Hamas in Gaza are puppet governments who you crappin
I apologize I meant just under 80% which is still a significant number
Personally, I don't believe in polls. (Hillary gonna win in a landslide).
I have no idea where or what Saudi's they polled.
But the Saudi's I know can't stand Israel and want nothing to do with them. ... :cool:
And you are a vile antisemite, so I am sure you only pal around with other antisemites. However I do not believe you know a single Saudi in the real world and only know faceless ones over the internet
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
⁜→ GHook20, et al,

BLUF: I think you are right on target.

Every one of these peace deals puts further pressure on the Palestinians, which is a great thing. We will have a peace treaty in our lifetime and it will definitely not be anywhere as good as the previous offers! God bless Donald Trump

I'm not so sure that President Trump is or was a necessary component to the improved relations but he appears not to have hurt the positive change.

But it is becoming more and more difficult to hide the fact that something is wrong with the approach the Arab Palestinians have taken. And, no amount of cosmetic diplomacy is going to hide that.

Most Respectfully,

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