Three Days At the Bottom of the Ocean - God Answers Prayer!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is the story of a Nigerian cook who survived at the bottom of the ocean for three days on an air pocket which was inside the sunken boat he was in. He cried out to God and God answered him with a miracle. Had it not been for these divers searching for the dead bodies of the other sailors he would not have been found. As you will read the temperture went below freezing and this man in his prayer for deliverance received a miracle. Does God exist? Yes. Does God answer prayer? Most definitely. Just ask Harrison Odjegba.


Stuck at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for three days, Harrison Odjegba Okene pleaded with God for a miracle. The Nigerian cook was able to survive by breathing a gradually decreasing supply of oxygen in an air pocket on the sunken tugboat. A video of Okene’s rescue in May was posted last week. As the temperature went below freezing, Harrison recited the psalm, a prayer for deliverance: “Oh God, by Your name save me… God sustains my life.”

The other 11 seamen on the Jascon 4 died and divers had been sent to look for the bodies. Tony Walker, the project manager for the Dutch Company DCN Diving, said that the divers were called to the scene because they were working on a neighboring oil field 75 miles away. They had already brought up four bodies, and then a hand appeared on the TV screen that Walker was monitoring in the rescue boat. The diver was shocked when he went to grab the hand and it grabbed his hand back.

see the link for rest of story:

Three Days at the Bottom of the Ocean
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I believe this is the prayer he cried out to God while he was at the bottom of the ocean:

Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength. Hear my prayers, O God, give ear to the words of my mouth.
Psalm 54: 1,2
This is the story of a Nigerian cook who survived at the bottom of the ocean for three days on an air pocket which was inside the sunken boat he was in. He cried out to God and God answered him with a miracle. Had it not been for these divers searching for the dead bodies of the other sailors he would not have been found. As you will read the temperture went below freezing and this man in his prayer for deliverance received a miracle. Does God exist? Yes. Does God answer prayer? Most definitely. Just ask Harrison Odjegba.


Stuck at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for three days, Harrison Odjegba Okene pleaded with God for a miracle. The Nigerian cook was able to survive by breathing a gradually decreasing supply of oxygen in an air pocket on the sunken tugboat. A video of Okene’s rescue in May was posted last week. As the temperature went below freezing, Harrison recited the psalm, a prayer for deliverance: “Oh God, by Your name save me… God sustains my life.”

The other 11 seamen on the Jascon 4 died and divers had been sent to look for the bodies. Tony Walker, the project manager for the Dutch Company DCN Diving, said that the divers were called to the scene because they were working on a neighboring oil field 75 miles away. They had already brought up four bodies, and then a hand appeared on the TV screen that Walker was monitoring in the rescue boat. The diver was shocked when he went to grab the hand and it grabbed his hand back.

see the link for rest of story:

Three Days at the Bottom of the Ocean

God doesn't answer man's prayers. He already planned and created our life experiences but man doesn't understand that. This is why man cries out in prayer. If man knew how our Creator planned his life, then man wouldn't need to pray for everything to happen. It would happen exactly the way God planned it.

Our Father who are in Heaven, hallowed by they name, the Kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE.

Thy will is God's eternal plan.
This is the story of a Nigerian cook who survived at the bottom of the ocean for three days on an air pocket which was inside the sunken boat he was in. He cried out to God and God answered him with a miracle. Had it not been for these divers searching for the dead bodies of the other sailors he would not have been found. As you will read the temperture went below freezing and this man in his prayer for deliverance received a miracle. Does God exist? Yes. Does God answer prayer? Most definitely. Just ask Harrison Odjegba.


Stuck at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for three days, Harrison Odjegba Okene pleaded with God for a miracle. The Nigerian cook was able to survive by breathing a gradually decreasing supply of oxygen in an air pocket on the sunken tugboat. A video of Okene’s rescue in May was posted last week. As the temperature went below freezing, Harrison recited the psalm, a prayer for deliverance: “Oh God, by Your name save me… God sustains my life.”

The other 11 seamen on the Jascon 4 died and divers had been sent to look for the bodies. Tony Walker, the project manager for the Dutch Company DCN Diving, said that the divers were called to the scene because they were working on a neighboring oil field 75 miles away. They had already brought up four bodies, and then a hand appeared on the TV screen that Walker was monitoring in the rescue boat. The diver was shocked when he went to grab the hand and it grabbed his hand back.

see the link for rest of story:

Three Days at the Bottom of the Ocean

Sad that the other 11 seamen didn't get their prayers answered.
Maybe they didn't pray, Bodecea. Who knows.... all I know is that this man cried out to God and even from the bottom of the sea God heard his cry and answered him. It gives me comfort to hear about stories such as these and it is encouraging to know that God can rescue us even when everything looks hopeless. Merry Christmas, Bodecea. - Jeri
This is the story of a Nigerian cook who survived at the bottom of the ocean for three days on an air pocket which was inside the sunken boat he was in. He cried out to God and God answered him with a miracle. Had it not been for these divers searching for the dead bodies of the other sailors he would not have been found. As you will read the temperture went below freezing and this man in his prayer for deliverance received a miracle. Does God exist? Yes. Does God answer prayer? Most definitely. Just ask Harrison Odjegba.


Stuck at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for three days, Harrison Odjegba Okene pleaded with God for a miracle. The Nigerian cook was able to survive by breathing a gradually decreasing supply of oxygen in an air pocket on the sunken tugboat. A video of Okene’s rescue in May was posted last week. As the temperature went below freezing, Harrison recited the psalm, a prayer for deliverance: “Oh God, by Your name save me… God sustains my life.”

The other 11 seamen on the Jascon 4 died and divers had been sent to look for the bodies. Tony Walker, the project manager for the Dutch Company DCN Diving, said that the divers were called to the scene because they were working on a neighboring oil field 75 miles away. They had already brought up four bodies, and then a hand appeared on the TV screen that Walker was monitoring in the rescue boat. The diver was shocked when he went to grab the hand and it grabbed his hand back.

see the link for rest of story:

Three Days at the Bottom of the Ocean

God doesn't answer man's prayers. He already planned and created our life experiences but man doesn't understand that. This is why man cries out in prayer. If man knew how our Creator planned his life, then man wouldn't need to pray for everything to happen. It would happen exactly the way God planned it.

Our Father who are in Heaven, hallowed by they name, the Kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE.

Thy will is God's eternal plan.

God does answer prayer. He desires to communicate with all of us and prayer is our way of communicating with him. Even being silent and meditating on his goodness is a form of prayer. - Jeri
This is the story of a Nigerian cook who survived at the bottom of the ocean for three days on an air pocket which was inside the sunken boat he was in. He cried out to God and God answered him with a miracle. Had it not been for these divers searching for the dead bodies of the other sailors he would not have been found. As you will read the temperture went below freezing and this man in his prayer for deliverance received a miracle. Does God exist? Yes. Does God answer prayer? Most definitely. Just ask Harrison Odjegba.


Stuck at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for three days, Harrison Odjegba Okene pleaded with God for a miracle. The Nigerian cook was able to survive by breathing a gradually decreasing supply of oxygen in an air pocket on the sunken tugboat. A video of Okene’s rescue in May was posted last week. As the temperature went below freezing, Harrison recited the psalm, a prayer for deliverance: “Oh God, by Your name save me… God sustains my life.”

The other 11 seamen on the Jascon 4 died and divers had been sent to look for the bodies. Tony Walker, the project manager for the Dutch Company DCN Diving, said that the divers were called to the scene because they were working on a neighboring oil field 75 miles away. They had already brought up four bodies, and then a hand appeared on the TV screen that Walker was monitoring in the rescue boat. The diver was shocked when he went to grab the hand and it grabbed his hand back.

see the link for rest of story:

Three Days at the Bottom of the Ocean

God doesn't answer man's prayers. He already planned and created our life experiences but man doesn't understand that. This is why man cries out in prayer. If man knew how our Creator planned his life, then man wouldn't need to pray for everything to happen. It would happen exactly the way God planned it.

Our Father who are in Heaven, hallowed by they name, the Kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE.

Thy will is God's eternal plan.

God does answer prayer. He desires to communicate with all of us and prayer is our way of communicating with him. Even being silent and meditating on his goodness is a form of prayer. - Jeri

Prayer is a religious act that isn't required by us saints who know our Creator and His eternal plan for His creation.
God doesn't answer man's prayers. He already planned and created our life experiences but man doesn't understand that. This is why man cries out in prayer. If man knew how our Creator planned his life, then man wouldn't need to pray for everything to happen. It would happen exactly the way God planned it.

Our Father who are in Heaven, hallowed by they name, the Kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE.

Thy will is God's eternal plan.

God does answer prayer. He desires to communicate with all of us and prayer is our way of communicating with him. Even being silent and meditating on his goodness is a form of prayer. - Jeri

Prayer is a religious act that isn't required by us saints who know our Creator and His eternal plan for His creation.

I think of prayer as a more simple practice than that. It once brought forth a miracle in my life. I didn't request it, but it delivered.
If that guy spent his time cursing God, praising Satan, and bellowing expletives... he still would have been rescued.

You're right !!!

Yes, but in fairness to the Jerms OP, I too was in a similar situation. My prayers were answered. But unlike this story, I was alone. No one was looking for me.

I believe it. You prayed and God answered and rescued you, Mr. H. Even when no one was looking for you. He knew where you were at! He loves you! :eusa_angel:
Mr. H. I met a woman once who told me she was in a house that was burning up and the family could not get to her as the entire house was up in flames. She was a tiny child. She said this man came in and picked her up and carried her out of the house and placed her on the lawn outside and then disappeared. Then some years later she went to the lake with her friends still a young girl who could not swim her parents told her do not go in the water. Her friends said come on! We will watch over you and so she went in and got to a place that was over her head and began to drown. She said she remembers thinking she was going to die. An angel ( in the form of a man ) pulled her out and sat her on the bank and said, Do not go in the water again. Then the man disappeared. I don't remember if she told me it was the same man or not but she did tell me she knew both experiences were of an angel saving her life.
If that guy spent his time cursing God, praising Satan, and bellowing expletives... he still would have been rescued.

You're right !!!

Yes, but in fairness to the Jerms OP, I too was in a similar situation. My prayers were answered. But unlike this story, I was alone. No one was looking for me.

No one was looking for him either. They were searching for the dead bodies and could not find them so they dove down to the bottom of the ocean to search the boat. That is what I get from it. They just happened upon him. It must have been very dark down there so that would make it even more difficult to have found the man. It was only by touching his hand and feeling it grasp theirs that they knew he was there and alive.
You're right !!!

Yes, but in fairness to the Jerms OP, I too was in a similar situation. My prayers were answered. But unlike this story, I was alone. No one was looking for me.

I believe it. You prayed and God answered and rescued you, Mr. H. Even when no one was looking for you. He knew where you were at! He loves you! :eusa_angel:

It wasn't God's love. It was just it. If I would ascribe credit, it would be to the mother of your Christ. She saved my life twice. Well, maybe lots more times than that. But to me she's the go-to bitch.
God doesn't answer man's prayers. He already planned and created our life experiences but man doesn't understand that. This is why man cries out in prayer. If man knew how our Creator planned his life, then man wouldn't need to pray for everything to happen. It would happen exactly the way God planned it.

Our Father who are in Heaven, hallowed by they name, the Kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE.

Thy will is God's eternal plan.
I say the Our Father on a regular basis and I always cringe when I get to the part about "as we forgive those who trespass against us", because my bitch aunt (who I absolutely detest), is the first name that pops into my head.

I usually move on to a different name. I'm not ready to forgive her, yet.

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