Thoughts on college debt forgiveness.

A lot of older folks have no footprint on Twitter and Facebook. They may even still read broadsheet newspapers that are dying on the vine due to the increasingly prohibitive expense of production costs coupled with dwindling subscriptions. Old habits die hard and this may be the only thing keeping actual print publications afloat in a world where younger generations have attention spans measured in nanoseconds.

This is not to say that seniors today are being left behind and jettisoned by the grinding approach of electronic and synchronous orbiting technology. There is a harsh reality afoot in this world today and that is that the average high school graduate of 60 years ago probably has higher intelligence and better reading and writing skills than many people today running around with graduate degrees.

Here is wisdom: There is only one thing in this world worse than no education and that is bad education. The kids today are no different than we were, but they are victimized by these tin horn liberal arts colleges that instead of preparing them for useful citizenship, indebts them with worthless skills. Education is not what it once was. It abuses its victims with a bill of goods, imbues them with a cultish self-hatred and sends them out into the world to destroy the foundations of civilized society.

Ask yourself if you were young and realized you would never attain the lifestyle of your parents and grandparents due to globalization enriching political leadership by swindling you of a dignified living. Ask yourself if you would be out there burning down someone’s business or tearing down statues at the bidding of educators deflecting responsibility away from themselves as charlatans while colleges get richer.

It is unfortunate that millions of people in America have been taken in by the scam of a college education and a subterfuge is at hand in the form of debt forgiveness on the backs of taxpayers. Ask yourself if you think the government is going to step forward and pay for your mortgage, car lease or gambling debts. You know the answer to that.

We will always need higher education for doctors, engineers, and specialists we depend on. Lawyers, not so much. We need to close most of America’s colleges and hand them the bill for ripping off the kids. We could start right here in the home city.

Excellent post, Ray. In this regard I consider myself fortunate while terrified for my younger relatives. Myself I used a combination of the Army College Fund and G.I. Bill to attend a decent school off post in the mid-90's, where I majored in civil engineering. That university was at the time a highly conservative central Texas school where mere mention of Hegelian Dialectic would have cost the utterer his or her tongue. I never used that degree in its intended professional capacity, although it both aided me with rapid promotion through the Army ranks and opened a number of career doors for me along the way.

Years later I went back to school—also on Uncle Sam's dime—and took an undergraduate degree in clinical psychology, at a much more liberal school. Recently I completed a graduate degree in political psychology at an extremely liberal university in Baltimore; I not only felt like a dinosaur but was often referred to as one by the cool kids who attended classes with me. Happily I am free of college debt but only due to the fact that I spent most of my adult life to date in the US Army.

Which brings me to my eighteen year-old niece who began a nursing program at Penn State a few months back. While I had encouraged her to go Coast Guard at least as means to pay for her education, she wouldn't hear of it, and so now she is already strapped with tens of thousands in student loan debt—some of which my wife and I will be paying off for her, although she doesn't really deserve it. But, we love her—so what else can we do?

The level of psycho-circus madness my niece is dealing with on a daily basis at university must be staggering. Fellow students quarantined in their dorm rooms, remote electronic classes even though she lives on campus. Critical Race Theory, postmodernism primers, racial segregation (she's half Egyptian), historical revisionism—I can't imagine dealing with what she faces. The true plot of her horror story is the debt to knowledge ration she will carry on her shoulders for the rest of her days.

But really, the only reason she's in debt 10s of thousands is she desired to go to an expensive school with football, excitement etc. No slight to your daughter, but mine is in a nursing program at the cost of 1K a semester. Sure she received some benefit of scholarship and it's not Penn State, but it's the same degree & field.

My son soon graduates with a Journalism degree, cost is barely a factor. Again not a big fancy school, but thanks to COVID it doesn't matter anyway.

Thanks. I couldn't agree more.

I edited that post BTW, military earns their degrees paid for by the public.
Fuck that!!!
I didnt take out those loans they did.
If college makes you so smart I'm sure they can figure out to pay off their own loans.

Social Darwinism, yeah! Fuck the nation's collective well-being!

It's not my problem.
I didnt take out those loans.

You didn't take out those loans, but you support the system which makes them necessary.

When I first started working, I could get a "good job" with a high school education. My father had a "good job" and he only had a public school education. But for me, I needed at least high school.

My kids needed a least a college degree to get a "good job". Jobs that I had when I first finished high school aren't open to anyone who doesn't have at LEAST a job specific college degree, or a business degree from university.

One of my well-off gay acquaintances is helping to fund his niece's university education. It will cost $60,000 per year for a 4 year program, which will qualify her to work as a social worker (her chosen field) - a job which will pay her $40,000 per year. My tuition for a 4 year business program was $8,000, and when I graduated, I was qualified for a job which paid $20,000 per year.

Had I graduated with student debt equal to the cost of a down payment on a home, I would not have been able to afford to move out of my parents' home either.

You may not have taken out these loans, but you are deriving benefits from having a well educated middle class, and damn the consequences of how it came to be.
I owe no one anything (a very small amount on my credit card every month). I'm retired. I support anything that helps those at the lower end of the spectrum to help offset the massive help the top gets.

These social Darwinist blue-collar morons will ensure China's dominance in the years to come.

Blue collar morons? Why do I have to keep telling you idiots this. As income increases so does the likelihood of someone voting Republican. The Democratic Party is the party of the super wealthy(billionaires), the super poor(welfare), the indoctrinated educational elite, most of which are still living the college life by teaching at universities, and of course those with an identity crisis they need stroking every so often so as not to feel inferior.

I am white collar. I voted for Trump as did my white collar friends and neighbors, many of which have well over double the national average income.
A lot of older folks have no footprint on Twitter and Facebook. They may even still read broadsheet newspapers that are dying on the vine due to the increasingly prohibitive expense of production costs coupled with dwindling subscriptions. Old habits die hard and this may be the only thing keeping actual print publications afloat in a world where younger generations have attention spans measured in nanoseconds.

This is not to say that seniors today are being left behind and jettisoned by the grinding approach of electronic and synchronous orbiting technology. There is a harsh reality afoot in this world today and that is that the average high school graduate of 60 years ago probably has higher intelligence and better reading and writing skills than many people today running around with graduate degrees.

Here is wisdom: There is only one thing in this world worse than no education and that is bad education. The kids today are no different than we were, but they are victimized by these tin horn liberal arts colleges that instead of preparing them for useful citizenship, indebts them with worthless skills. Education is not what it once was. It abuses its victims with a bill of goods, imbues them with a cultish self-hatred and sends them out into the world to destroy the foundations of civilized society.

Ask yourself if you were young and realized you would never attain the lifestyle of your parents and grandparents due to globalization enriching political leadership by swindling you of a dignified living. Ask yourself if you would be out there burning down someone’s business or tearing down statues at the bidding of educators deflecting responsibility away from themselves as charlatans while colleges get richer.

It is unfortunate that millions of people in America have been taken in by the scam of a college education and a subterfuge is at hand in the form of debt forgiveness on the backs of taxpayers. Ask yourself if you think the government is going to step forward and pay for your mortgage, car lease or gambling debts. You know the answer to that.

We will always need higher education for doctors, engineers, and specialists we depend on. Lawyers, not so much. We need to close most of America’s colleges and hand them the bill for ripping off the kids. We could start right here in the home city.

Excellent post, Ray. In this regard I consider myself fortunate while terrified for my younger relatives. Myself I used a combination of the Army College Fund and G.I. Bill to attend a decent school off post in the mid-90's, where I majored in civil engineering. That university was at the time a highly conservative central Texas school where mere mention of Hegelian Dialectic would have cost the utterer his or her tongue. I never used that degree in its intended professional capacity, although it both aided me with rapid promotion through the Army ranks and opened a number of career doors for me along the way.

Years later I went back to school—also on Uncle Sam's dime—and took an undergraduate degree in clinical psychology, at a much more liberal school. Recently I completed a graduate degree in political psychology at an extremely liberal university in Baltimore; I not only felt like a dinosaur but was often referred to as one by the cool kids who attended classes with me. Happily I am free of college debt but only due to the fact that I spent most of my adult life to date in the US Army.

Which brings me to my eighteen year-old niece who began a nursing program at Penn State a few months back. While I had encouraged her to go Coast Guard at least as means to pay for her education, she wouldn't hear of it, and so now she is already strapped with tens of thousands in student loan debt—some of which my wife and I will be paying off for her, although she doesn't really deserve it. But, we love her—so what else can we do?

The level of psycho-circus madness my niece is dealing with on a daily basis at university must be staggering. Fellow students quarantined in their dorm rooms, remote electronic classes even though she lives on campus. Critical Race Theory, postmodernism primers, racial segregation (she's half Egyptian), historical revisionism—I can't imagine dealing with what she faces. The true plot of her horror story is the debt to knowledge ration she will carry on her shoulders for the rest of her days.

But really, the only reason she's in debt 10s of thousands is she desired to go to an expensive school with football, excitement etc. No slight to your daughter mind you, she's trying to do the right things. My daughter is in a nursing program at the cost of 1K a semester. Sure she received some benefit of scholarship and it's not Penn State, but it's the same degree & field.

My son soon graduates with a Journalism degree, cost is barely a factor. Again not a big fancy school, but thanks to COVID it doesn't matter anyway.

Thanks for your service, you guys EARN an education on the public's dime.
Smart gal. Starting out at the low end of 50k the day you graduate with superior have a job for life, ANYWHERE!!!

Nurse I know works 3, 16 hr shifts. Off 4 days. What a life. Surgical nurse so she's pulling in a 100k at least. She ain't even 40. May I give your daughter a star on her forehead??

Then she can get her Biz Admin degree part time and then write her own ticket.
Fuck that!!!
I didnt take out those loans they did.
If college makes you so smart I'm sure they can figure out to pay off their own loans.

Social Darwinism, yeah! Fuck the nation's collective well-being!

It's not my problem.
I didnt take out those loans.

You didn't take out those loans, but you support the system which makes them necessary.

When I first started working, I could get a "good job" with a high school education. My father had a "good job" and he only had a public school education. But for me, I needed at least high school.

My kids needed a least a college degree to get a "good job". Jobs that I had when I first finished high school aren't open to anyone who doesn't have at LEAST a job specific college degree, or a business degree from university.

One of my well-off gay acquaintances is helping to fund his niece's university education. It will cost $60,000 per year for a 4 year program, which will qualify her to work as a social worker (her chosen field) - a job which will pay her $40,000 per year. My tuition for a 4 year business program was $8,000, and when I graduated, I was qualified for a job which paid $20,000 per year.

Had I graduated with student debt equal to the cost of a down payment on a home, I would not have been able to afford to move out of my parents' home either.

You may not have taken out these loans, but you are deriving benefits from having a well educated middle class, and damn the consequences of how it came to be.

Where did I support that system?
I sure as hell didnt support the gov getting into the college loan business,that would be democrats.
The moral of the story is clear. You earn it you earn it, if you don't you're edging worthless and desire the govt. make up for your disposition to weaken us all. I can't tell you how many people I've worked with their fancy college degrees who can't even write much less apply a level of critical thought. HTF do you spend many years toward a "higher education" only to rely on others on how to do their jobs?
One of my well-off gay acquaintances is helping to fund his niece's university education. It will cost $60,000 per year for a 4 year program, which will qualify her to work as a social worker (her chosen field) - a job which will pay her $40,000 per year. My tuition for a 4 year business program was $8,000, and when I graduated, I was qualified for a job which paid $20,000 per year.

It isn't necessary to go to a school that cost that much to get a degree in social work. That is her choice. It is akin to buying a new BMW instead of a used Corolla, both of which accomplish the same goal. If you choose the new BMW, don't complain that you don't have enough spending money or that your debt should be forgiven. Buy the used Corolla until you can afford the BMW. That is how it works in the real world.
Been telling all you students for 20 yrs that majoring in Urban Studies and Man To Man Butt Sex ain't worth much.

Gets you a job "working" for govt. under social programs. They desire the govt. take care of them before and after, it's easy to see.
My take.................What about all the parents who sweated blood and foregone life's pleasures to get their kids through school.

Their the F ones who should be paid back first.
The only people who desire it are those in-debt and dishonest. Again the left entertains the lowest common denominator, because it's ALWAYS their hope to normalize the lowest common denominator.

The dumber, weaker and more pathetic a public is the easier they are to control, that's front and center the communist's playbook.

I owe no one anything (a very small amount on my credit card every month). I'm retired. I support anything that helps those at the lower end of the spectrum to help offset the massive help the top gets.

Yet you're too foolish to apply a simple dose of thought to see your methods only serve to dumb us down. More than that you fail to recognize who pays for it, which is the middle class PROGS are eliminating. ILMAO you think the rich are going to pay for anything, how fucking naïve.

And I know you adore victim roles, poor Sally with her History degree and 100K debt because she wanted to go to Stanford. PROGS LOVE VICTIM ROLES, we're all victims, BLM, save us from ourselves because we're just pathetic.

Like all PROGS you desire the govt. take care of us and you're unable to consider the consequences. If anything it's an admission of weakness.

I support helping Sally, you support helping wall street. I'm good with my position.
Been telling all you students for 20 yrs that majoring in Urban Studies and Man To Man Butt Sex ain't worth much.

Gets you a job "working" for govt. under social programs. They desire the govt. take care of them before and after, it's easy to see.
My take.................What about all the parents who sweated blood and foregone life's pleasures to get their kids through school.

Their the F ones who should be paid back first.

I know if I was putting a kid through college I'd tell them to pick a useful degree.
If they wanted a degree in underwater basket weaving they can pay for it themselves.
Give College students the same legal tools that Trump has

Let them declare bankruptcy

They are free to do so if they wish and qualify. You see, what they really want is for their college debt to be paid off but to retain their Starbucks habits, credit rating and apartment/home. Declaring bankruptcy would be a step back in those areas.
Actually, College debt is not subject to bankruptcy.
It follows you for life
A lot of older folks have no footprint on Twitter and Facebook. They may even still read broadsheet newspapers that are dying on the vine due to the increasingly prohibitive expense of production costs coupled with dwindling subscriptions. Old habits die hard and this may be the only thing keeping actual print publications afloat in a world where younger generations have attention spans measured in nanoseconds.

This is not to say that seniors today are being left behind and jettisoned by the grinding approach of electronic and synchronous orbiting technology. There is a harsh reality afoot in this world today and that is that the average high school graduate of 60 years ago probably has higher intelligence and better reading and writing skills than many people today running around with graduate degrees.

Here is wisdom: There is only one thing in this world worse than no education and that is bad education. The kids today are no different than we were, but they are victimized by these tin horn liberal arts colleges that instead of preparing them for useful citizenship, indebts them with worthless skills. Education is not what it once was. It abuses its victims with a bill of goods, imbues them with a cultish self-hatred and sends them out into the world to destroy the foundations of civilized society.

Ask yourself if you were young and realized you would never attain the lifestyle of your parents and grandparents due to globalization enriching political leadership by swindling you of a dignified living. Ask yourself if you would be out there burning down someone’s business or tearing down statues at the bidding of educators deflecting responsibility away from themselves as charlatans while colleges get richer.

It is unfortunate that millions of people in America have been taken in by the scam of a college education and a subterfuge is at hand in the form of debt forgiveness on the backs of taxpayers. Ask yourself if you think the government is going to step forward and pay for your mortgage, car lease or gambling debts. You know the answer to that.

We will always need higher education for doctors, engineers, and specialists we depend on. Lawyers, not so much. We need to close most of America’s colleges and hand them the bill for ripping off the kids. We could start right here in the home city.

Excellent post, Ray. In this regard I consider myself fortunate while terrified for my younger relatives. Myself I used a combination of the Army College Fund and G.I. Bill to attend a decent school off post in the mid-90's, where I majored in civil engineering. That university was at the time a highly conservative central Texas school where mere mention of Hegelian Dialectic would have cost the utterer his or her tongue. I never used that degree in its intended professional capacity, although it both aided me with rapid promotion through the Army ranks and opened a number of career doors for me along the way.

Years later I went back to school—also on Uncle Sam's dime—and took an undergraduate degree in clinical psychology, at a much more liberal school. Recently I completed a graduate degree in political psychology at an extremely liberal university in Baltimore; I not only felt like a dinosaur but was often referred to as one by the cool kids who attended classes with me. Happily I am free of college debt but only due to the fact that I spent most of my adult life to date in the US Army.

Which brings me to my eighteen year-old niece who began a nursing program at Penn State a few months back. While I had encouraged her to go Coast Guard at least as means to pay for her education, she wouldn't hear of it, and so now she is already strapped with tens of thousands in student loan debt—some of which my wife and I will be paying off for her, although she doesn't really deserve it. But, we love her—so what else can we do?

The level of psycho-circus madness my niece is dealing with on a daily basis at university must be staggering. Fellow students quarantined in their dorm rooms, remote electronic classes even though she lives on campus. Critical Race Theory, postmodernism primers, racial segregation (she's half Egyptian), historical revisionism—I can't imagine dealing with what she faces. The true plot of her horror story is the debt to knowledge ration she will carry on her shoulders for the rest of her days.

But really, the only reason she's in debt 10s of thousands is she desired to go to an expensive school with football, excitement etc. No slight to your daughter mind you, she's trying to do the right things. My daughter is in a nursing program at the cost of 1K a semester. Sure she received some benefit of scholarship and it's not Penn State, but it's the same degree & field.

My son soon graduates with a Journalism degree, cost is barely a factor. Again not a big fancy school, but thanks to COVID it doesn't matter anyway.

Thanks for your service, you guys EARN an education on the public's dime.
Smart gal. Starting out at the low end of 50k the day you graduate with superior have a job for life, ANYWHERE!!!

Nurse I know works 3, 16 hr shifts. Off 4 days. What a life. Surgical nurse so she's pulling in a 100k at least. She ain't even 40. May I give your daughter a star on her forehead??

Then she can get her Biz Admin degree part time and then write her own ticket.

Thanks and that's exactly right. As nasty as she is :p my former brother's wife did exactly that, she's now an administrator pulling in well over 100K. I don't know what my daughter has planned, it's early yet, she doesn't recognize she has an A personality yet, but I do :clap:
I owe no one anything (a very small amount on my credit card every month). I'm retired. I support anything that helps those at the lower end of the spectrum to help offset the massive help the top gets.

These social Darwinist blue-collar morons will ensure China's dominance in the years to come.

Blue collar morons? Why do I have to keep telling you idiots this. As income increases so does the likelihood of someone voting Republican. The Democratic Party is the party of the super wealthy(billionaires), the super poor(welfare), the indoctrinated educational elite, most of which are still living the college life by teaching at universities, and of course those with an identity crisis they need stroking every so often so as not to feel inferior.

I am white collar. I voted for Trump as did my white collar friends and neighbors, many of which have well over double the national average income.

A lot of conservatives live in trailers with confederate flags flying out front and get paid to fix my toilet or AC. If you're not one of those imbeciles then good on you.
Fuck that!!!
I didnt take out those loans they did.
If college makes you so smart I'm sure they can figure out to pay off their own loans.

Social Darwinism, yeah! Fuck the nation's collective well-being!

It's not my problem.
I didnt take out those loans.

You didn't take out those loans, but you support the system which makes them necessary.

When I first started working, I could get a "good job" with a high school education. My father had a "good job" and he only had a public school education. But for me, I needed at least high school.

My kids needed a least a college degree to get a "good job". Jobs that I had when I first finished high school aren't open to anyone who doesn't have at LEAST a job specific college degree, or a business degree from university.

One of my well-off gay acquaintances is helping to fund his niece's university education. It will cost $60,000 per year for a 4 year program, which will qualify her to work as a social worker (her chosen field) - a job which will pay her $40,000 per year. My tuition for a 4 year business program was $8,000, and when I graduated, I was qualified for a job which paid $20,000 per year.

Had I graduated with student debt equal to the cost of a down payment on a home, I would not have been able to afford to move out of my parents' home either.

You may not have taken out these loans, but you are deriving benefits from having a well educated middle class, and damn the consequences of how it came to be.

Where did I support that system?
I sure as hell didnt support the gov getting into the college loan business,that would be democrats.
Obama to be exact.
The local college in my city has a nursing program. Sixty percent of the students that complete it fail the state certification. This has been going on for as long as I can remember. The kids still have those debts.
One of my well-off gay acquaintances is helping to fund his niece's university education. It will cost $60,000 per year for a 4 year program, which will qualify her to work as a social worker (her chosen field) - a job which will pay her $40,000 per year. My tuition for a 4 year business program was $8,000, and when I graduated, I was qualified for a job which paid $20,000 per year.

It isn't necessary to go to a school that cost that much to get a degree in social work. That is her choice. It is akin to buying a new BMW instead of a used Corolla, both of which accomplish the same goal. If you choose the new BMW, don't complain that you don't have enough spending money or that your debt should be forgiven. Buy the used Corolla until you can afford the BMW. That is how it works in the real world.
Social Work generally requires a Masters Degree to qualify for that $40,000 paycheck.

Should be able to do the job with an Associates Degree
Fuck that!!!
I didnt take out those loans they did.
If college makes you so smart I'm sure they can figure out to pay off their own loans.

Social Darwinism, yeah! Fuck the nation's collective well-being!

It's not my problem.
I didnt take out those loans.

You didn't take out those loans, but you support the system which makes them necessary.

When I first started working, I could get a "good job" with a high school education. My father had a "good job" and he only had a public school education. But for me, I needed at least high school.

My kids needed a least a college degree to get a "good job". Jobs that I had when I first finished high school aren't open to anyone who doesn't have at LEAST a job specific college degree, or a business degree from university.

One of my well-off gay acquaintances is helping to fund his niece's university education. It will cost $60,000 per year for a 4 year program, which will qualify her to work as a social worker (her chosen field) - a job which will pay her $40,000 per year. My tuition for a 4 year business program was $8,000, and when I graduated, I was qualified for a job which paid $20,000 per year.

Had I graduated with student debt equal to the cost of a down payment on a home, I would not have been able to afford to move out of my parents' home either.

You may not have taken out these loans, but you are deriving benefits from having a well educated middle class, and damn the consequences of how it came to be.

Wholly shit, your niece is blowing 240K plus for a fucking position as a social worker, and you're suggesting the middle class pay for that?

Geeezus! You call that a benefit to society? Right, same with COVID.
Been telling all you students for 20 yrs that majoring in Urban Studies and Man To Man Butt Sex ain't worth much.

Gets you a job "working" for govt. under social programs. They desire the govt. take care of them before and after, it's easy to see.
My take.................What about all the parents who sweated blood and foregone life's pleasures to get their kids through school.

Their the F ones who should be paid back first.

Yeah, I hear this "free" college for kids but only for families that make x amount of income or less. That x is not a huge number. Those above that x would have to pay a fortune, despite the fact they pay more in taxes to begin with to support the state institutions. Basically they are talking about expanding financial aid.
Give College students the same legal tools that Trump has

Let them declare bankruptcy

They are free to do so if they wish and qualify. You see, what they really want is for their college debt to be paid off but to retain their Starbucks habits, credit rating and apartment/home. Declaring bankruptcy would be a step back in those areas.
Actually, College debt is not subject to bankruptcy.
It follows you for life


Student Loan Bankruptcy.

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