This Year Biden Administration Desperately Needs To Make New Policy Resolutions!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Joseph Biden really needs to up his game and lead the nation better with an optimal level of wisdom. The Build Back Better Act is a neutron bomb on America's economy but the country needs the Democrats to pass parts of Build Back Better this year before the November midterm elections because almost certainly the Democrats will lose one Congressional chamber at the mid-terms and if the Republicans don't run Trump in 2024 and don't run someone who is alarmingly politically stupid like who would be calling for repealing the Affordable Care Act without a good replacement that provides great tax credits to make health insurance affordable, the Republicans will win the White House in 2024 and hold it for a good long time because the Democrats have proven themselves to be truly terrible and woefully incompetent as stewards of the economy. Most people think that President Biden's most precious provisions in the BBB act are the universal pre-Kindergarten provisions permanently establishing pre-K across America with the Federal government picking up the lion's share of the tab and that is a dumb, dumb, dumb Biden priority; President Biden optimal wisdom calls for making the child care assistance program the most precious program in the bill because child care is a real financial burden on American families and if the Federal government can make this burden not onerous the Federal government is working, doing its job, meeting its goals. To this end scrap the BBB's child care program design it wastes too much money on administrative expenses and it eventually expects states to pick up part of the tab and this means a big war with the states ensuing which will probably cause the program's demise; rather, just renew the American Rescue Acts design which for 2021 raised the Federal Tax Credit from 20% to 35% of costs up to $3000 of the child care expense to 50% up to $8000 of that expense and to help low income families raise the tax credit to 75% up to this $8000 of that expense for families whose incomes are below $62500 and phase it out dropping 1% for every $2500 of income over this threshold. Also, make the refundable tax credit an advanceable tax credit like the ACA's advanceable tax credit so American families can use it to pay the child care service taking care of their kid directly to lower their monthly bills.

Optimal wisdom calls for President Biden to get a miniature BBB Act through Congress into law it need not be much more than this child care program, an extension of the $3000/year advanceable child tax credit and a $7500 to $10,000 EV tax credit based on the EV vehicles sale price so the auto industry's EV sales aren't in the basement. Such a slimmed down BBB Act becoming law will show that the Democrat Party can competently run Washington and very well may shield them from losing the reins of the Federal Government at the mid-terms!

President Biden has to wake-up and stop this pushing on the country of this ideological crap he has been embarking on over the last year and start being a good steward of the country. A lot of companies have announced their significantly raising prices in 2022 and a lot of the big companies have announced they are significantly raising worker salaries for the year so they don't experience an exodus of employees meaning America is facing an inflation rate that is going to be at least in the range of four to five percent this year and that is bad Mr. President real bad. President Biden you need to start acting with optimal wisdom and work to stabilize the economy doing things like empowering your Energy Secretary to cut a deal with America's Energy Executives to produce more oil and natural gas and stabilize these energy product prices in a good range; America's energy industry has announced they plan to increase capital spending like by fifteen percent this year, cut a deal with them where for every dollar they spend over this level the Federal government will give them a tax credit for 25 cents on the dollar and extend that out four years and have the Federal Reserve Bank open a loan window for these domestic energy companies where they can borrow for capital expenditures at a two percent interest rates with a ten year term for their loans and likewise leave this program in place for four years. Further make a commitment to these energy executives that for the next ten years the federal government will not link approval of drilling permits to the requesting energy company having to provide evidence of any type that their drilling won't hurt the climate - the Biden Administration needs to support domestic energy drilling and protect America's economy from the whims of OPEC and Russia!

President Biden needs to revisit the auto-industry CAFE standards those Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards that his administration dramatically tightened in December of 2021. In December, the Federal Government tightened the fleet fuel efficiency average to 40 miles per gallon in 2026 the Trump standard was 32 miles per gallon and the President Obama administration 2025 standard was 36 mpg. What this Biden Administration standard means is that in 2026 seventeen percent of the passenger and light truck vehicle the auto industry sells in the U.S. need to be either electric vehicles or hybrids, consider that in 2021 just four percent of the industry's sales were EV's or hybrids. The big mistake here is that President Joseph Biden is trying to control the American car consumer instead of letting the American car consumer control the U.S. auto industry which is the way it should be (remember America is a free society) and the stakes for the American people if President Biden gets it wrong, and there is a big chance he gets it wrong, is a lot of jobs in the U.S. auto industry and a negative economic ripple effect throughout the U.S. economy. EV vehicles cost more than combustion engine vehicles and one cannot say what direction the cost will go because EV batteries need rare earth metals materials and there is a lot of competition for a limited supply of such materials and with the world going to renewable energy which requires large batteries which require rare earth metals and EV automobile manufacturing spreading throughout the world also creating a rare earth metal demand one cannot say that rare earth metal prices won't be a problem for the U.S. auto industry in the future. The U.S. consumer may not want to deal with the limited supply of charging stations across the nation, installing a charging station at one's home, the increased auto insurance cost for EVs and plain old human nature, that is, people are slow to adopt change especially on important matters in their life. The Biden Administration is forcing U.S. auto companies to have a certain product mix in the future that may not sell well, optimal wisdom calls for letting U.S. auto executives call the shots on their product mix, not Washington, the Biden Administration should dial back to the Obama administration standards and stop risk harming this valuable U.S. industry!
Optimal wisdom would be for Biden to return to his basement and do absolutely nothing to screw the country any worse. We would all be better off if he reared his ugly head only to sign the few bills necessary to run the government between now and 2024.
President Joseph Biden really needs to up his game and lead the nation better with an optimal level of wisdom. The Build Back Better Act is a neutron bomb on America's economy but the country needs the Democrats to pass parts of Build Back Better this year before the November midterm elections because almost certainly the Democrats will lose one Congressional chamber at the mid-terms and if the Republicans don't run Trump in 2024 and don't run someone who is alarmingly politically stupid like who would be calling for repealing the Affordable Care Act without a good replacement that provides great tax credits to make health insurance affordable, the Republicans will win the White House in 2024 and hold it for a good long time because the Democrats have proven themselves to be truly terrible and woefully incompetent as stewards of the economy. Most people think that President Biden's most precious provisions in the BBB act are the universal pre-Kindergarten provisions permanently establishing pre-K across America with the Federal government picking up the lion's share of the tab and that is a dumb, dumb, dumb Biden priority; President Biden optimal wisdom calls for making the child care assistance program the most precious program in the bill because child care is a real financial burden on American families and if the Federal government can make this burden not onerous the Federal government is working, doing its job, meeting its goals. To this end scrap the BBB's child care program design it wastes too much money on administrative expenses and it eventually expects states to pick up part of the tab and this means a big war with the states ensuing which will probably cause the program's demise; rather, just renew the American Rescue Acts design which for 2021 raised the Federal Tax Credit from 20% to 35% of costs up to $3000 of the child care expense to 50% up to $8000 of that expense and to help low income families raise the tax credit to 75% up to this $8000 of that expense for families whose incomes are below $62500 and phase it out dropping 1% for every $2500 of income over this threshold. Also, make the refundable tax credit an advanceable tax credit like the ACA's advanceable tax credit so American families can use it to pay the child care service taking care of their kid directly to lower their monthly bills.

Optimal wisdom calls for President Biden to get a miniature BBB Act through Congress into law it need not be much more than this child care program, an extension of the $3000/year advanceable child tax credit and a $7500 to $10,000 EV tax credit based on the EV vehicles sale price so the auto industry's EV sales aren't in the basement. Such a slimmed down BBB Act becoming law will show that the Democrat Party can competently run Washington and very well may shield them from losing the reins of the Federal Government at the mid-terms!

President Biden has to wake-up and stop this pushing on the country of this ideological crap he has been embarking on over the last year and start being a good steward of the country. A lot of companies have announced their significantly raising prices in 2022 and a lot of the big companies have announced they are significantly raising worker salaries for the year so they don't experience an exodus of employees meaning America is facing an inflation rate that is going to be at least in the range of four to five percent this year and that is bad Mr. President real bad. President Biden you need to start acting with optimal wisdom and work to stabilize the economy doing things like empowering your Energy Secretary to cut a deal with America's Energy Executives to produce more oil and natural gas and stabilize these energy product prices in a good range; America's energy industry has announced they plan to increase capital spending like by fifteen percent this year, cut a deal with them where for every dollar they spend over this level the Federal government will give them a tax credit for 25 cents on the dollar and extend that out four years and have the Federal Reserve Bank open a loan window for these domestic energy companies where they can borrow for capital expenditures at a two percent interest rates with a ten year term for their loans and likewise leave this program in place for four years. Further make a commitment to these energy executives that for the next ten years the federal government will not link approval of drilling permits to the requesting energy company having to provide evidence of any type that their drilling won't hurt the climate - the Biden Administration needs to support domestic energy drilling and protect America's economy from the whims of OPEC and Russia!

President Biden needs to revisit the auto-industry CAFE standards those Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards that his administration dramatically tightened in December of 2021. In December, the Federal Government tightened the fleet fuel efficiency average to 40 miles per gallon in 2026 the Trump standard was 32 miles per gallon and the President Obama administration 2025 standard was 36 mpg. What this Biden Administration standard means is that in 2026 seventeen percent of the passenger and light truck vehicle the auto industry sells in the U.S. need to be either electric vehicles or hybrids, consider that in 2021 just four percent of the industry's sales were EV's or hybrids. The big mistake here is that President Joseph Biden is trying to control the American car consumer instead of letting the American car consumer control the U.S. auto industry which is the way it should be (remember America is a free society) and the stakes for the American people if President Biden gets it wrong, and there is a big chance he gets it wrong, is a lot of jobs in the U.S. auto industry and a negative economic ripple effect throughout the U.S. economy. EV vehicles cost more than combustion engine vehicles and one cannot say what direction the cost will go because EV batteries need rare earth metals materials and there is a lot of competition for a limited supply of such materials and with the world going to renewable energy which requires large batteries which require rare earth metals and EV automobile manufacturing spreading throughout the world also creating a rare earth metal demand one cannot say that rare earth metal prices won't be a problem for the U.S. auto industry in the future. The U.S. consumer may not want to deal with the limited supply of charging stations across the nation, installing a charging station at one's home, the increased auto insurance cost for EVs and plain old human nature, that is, people are slow to adopt change especially on important matters in their life. The Biden Administration is forcing U.S. auto companies to have a certain product mix in the future that may not sell well, optimal wisdom calls for letting U.S. auto executives call the shots on their product mix, not Washington, the Biden Administration should dial back to the Obama administration standards and stop risk harming this valuable U.S. industry!
Did you write this all by yourself or help from your mom?

How many do you think will read this here.....Think hard

Sum it up in a paragraph without mom
  • Thanks
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Biden administrations New Year policies:

MORE increased taxes
MORE buffoonery
MORE harassing, fondling, and sniffing little girls
MORE of the USA sold off to China
MORE pain, suffering, and job loss
MORE allowing other countries to dump their lunatics, diseased, drug dealers, pedophiles, and murderers onto our soil

Yeah, it's going to be a another year of Biden anarchy and unconstitutional agenda.

Result: Increases in violence, war, and division


Result: Other regimes join Israel and team up against murderous regimes in Iran. Major Peace deals made, violence decreases.


The guy HAS to enjoy people dying in the Middle east. He must actually get off on it, or I have no explanation on how somebody could be as stupid as Biden and the Democrats here.
More right wing crazy.

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