This Was The Violence The Left Asked For


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Epilogue. This Was The Violence The Left Asked For

Epilogue. This was the violence the left asked for | Flopping Aces
7 Jan 2021 ~~ By Drjohn

There is a lot of handwringing, indignation and virtue signaling going on in the MFM right now about yesterday’s events. I don’t condone what happened but I am not at all surprised. This has been building like a pressure dome under a volcano and finally it blew. Yesterday’s event were the eruption of a long simmering Mount St. Helens. No one was paying attention.
– democrats spent four years calling Trump a “traitor” and a “Russian agent”
– They called him “illegitimate
– They said he stole the election
– They said the Russians rigged the election
– They impeached him for Biden’s extortion of Ukraine
– democrats denied the violence of Antifa and BLM
– For nine months that violence has raged
– Nadler said it was a “myth”
– Hoyer denied Antifa was violent
– They said Antifa doesn’t exist
– Antifa raided and burned the Federal building in Portland while people were inside. No democrat even blinked an eye
– Antifa vandalized Federal property in Philadelphia
– During the violence in Minneapolis, Kamala Harris was asking for help bailing out the rioters
– Antifa/BLM burned the nation’s Capitol. democrats weren’t especially bothered.​
Remember this from Kenosha?
30 people (at least) have died in that mythical violence, among them David Dorn and Patrick Underwood. ( I know their names. I wrote about them)​
– As Minneapolis burned, Ali Velshi kept telling us it was “not unruly”​

– Those mythical riots caused between $1-2 billion in damages​
– 700 cops were injured
– Ayanna Pressley called for “unrest in the streets”
– democrat governors and the left are destroying the economy with lockdowns that are never going to end​

Violence is wrong, you say? Let’s hark back to Chris Cuomo

You still wonder why there was pent up rage? This has been brewing for a long time. Yesterday Capitol cops murdered an unarmed 14 year woman vet because she climbed into a window. Unlike the during the BLM/Antifa riots, no cops were shot. Outside of her murder it’s hard for me to get too exercised about this when no one on the left got exercised about the above. In fact, they asked for violence. Repeatedly.

I saw a lot of people, but very little actual violence. And even when there was, it appears the crowd was self policing.
How many historical statues were toppled yesterday? How many buildings burned? Why was this a riot and Antifa led “mostly peaceful” protests?
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have publicly expressed that because of their vindictive hatred for anything not liberal, if they get the power, they will destroy the two-party system of checks and balances. So, undoubtedly this adds to the frustration and desperation.
Throughout (not “throughput”) the years of left wing violence, which began during the Obama administration, the PM/DSA Leftists have NEVER denounced the violence of #OWS, #Antifa and #BLM. In fact, seeing how it is intended to aid the Marxist Left, they have supported it. They routinely have cited incidents that never happened and would never happen as “proof” that Trump’s supporters would support him regardless yet continue to support and make excuses for the idiot, lying , racist, rapist Joey Xi Biden even after he openly admitted he extorted Ukraine to protect his share of Hunter’s bribes from Burisma and initiating widespread election fraud. We have seen numerous rarticles here as examples of the PM/DSA Leftist violence of looting, arson and murder has supported, yet the Left can’t denounce or even admit to that reality. Rather the results that culminated in yesterday's protests have brought out the pearl clutching hypocrite Left and RINO's.
The PM/DSA Democrat Left can burn and loot our cities, kill our citizens with impunity, yet one demonstration as yesterday including the execution of a veteran USAF woman by the police becomes the PM/DSA Democrat cause celebre.
Epilogue. This Was The Violence The Left Asked For

Epilogue. This was the violence the left asked for | Flopping Aces
7 Jan 2021 ~~ By Drjohn

There is a lot of handwringing, indignation and virtue signaling going on in the MFM right now about yesterday’s events. I don’t condone what happened but I am not at all surprised. This has been building like a pressure dome under a volcano and finally it blew. Yesterday’s event were the eruption of a long simmering Mount St. Helens. No one was paying attention.
– democrats spent four years calling Trump a “traitor” and a “Russian agent”
– They called him “illegitimate
– They said he stole the election​
– They said the Russians rigged the election
– They impeached him for Biden’s extortion of Ukraine​
– democrats denied the violence of Antifa and BLM​
– For nine months that violence has raged​
– Nadler said it was a “myth”
– They said Antifa doesn’t exist
– Antifa raided and burned the Federal building in Portland while people were inside. No democrat even blinked an eye​
– Antifa vandalized Federal property in Philadelphia​
– During the violence in Minneapolis, Kamala Harris was asking for help bailing out the rioters​
– Antifa/BLM burned the nation’s Capitol. democrats weren’t especially bothered.​
Remember this from Kenosha?
30 people (at least) have died in that mythical violence, among them David Dorn and Patrick Underwood. ( I know their names. I wrote about them)​
– As Minneapolis burned, Ali Velshi kept telling us it was “not unruly”​

– Those mythical riots caused between $1-2 billion in damages​
– 700 cops were injured
– Ayanna Pressley called for “unrest in the streets”
– democrat governors and the left are destroying the economy with lockdowns that are never going to end​

Violence is wrong, you say? Let’s hark back to Chris Cuomo

You still wonder why there was pent up rage? This has been brewing for a long time. Yesterday Capitol cops murdered an unarmed 14 year woman vet because she climbed into a window. Unlike the during the BLM/Antifa riots, no cops were shot. Outside of her murder it’s hard for me to get too exercised about this when no one on the left got exercised about the above. In fact, they asked for violence. Repeatedly.

I saw a lot of people, but very little actual violence. And even when there was, it appears the crowd was self policing.
How many historical statues were toppled yesterday? How many buildings burned? Why was this a riot and Antifa led “mostly peaceful” protests?
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have publicly expressed that because of their vindictive hatred for anything not liberal, if they get the power, they will destroy the two-party system of checks and balances. So, undoubtedly this adds to the frustration and desperation.
Throughout (not “throughput”) the years of left wing violence, which began during the Obama administration, the PM/DSA Leftists have NEVER denounced the violence of #OWS, #Antifa and #BLM. In fact, seeing how it is intended to aid the Marxist Left, they have supported it. They routinely have cited incidents that never happened and would never happen as “proof” that Trump’s supporters would support him regardless yet continue to support and make excuses for the idiot, lying , racist, rapist Joey Xi Biden even after he openly admitted he extorted Ukraine to protect his share of Hunter’s bribes from Burisma and initiating widespread election fraud. We have seen numerous rarticles here as examples of the PM/DSA Leftist violence of looting, arson and murder has supported, yet the Left can’t denounce or even admit to that reality. Rather the results that culminated in yesterday's protests have brought out the pearl clutching hypocrite Left and RINO's.
The PM/DSA Democrat Left can burn and loot our cities, kill our citizens with impunity, yet one demonstration as yesterday including the execution of a veteran USAF woman by the police becomes the PM/DSA Democrat cause celebre.

EXACTLY. And then they trot out their holier than thou attitude. Nope. These leftists are the lying hypocrites. Not EVER to be trusted.

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