This video brings new meaning to waiting for fuel!

Why the continual lying about what is easily checked on.

5kW Solar System Price | Go Solar Quotes

How much power does a 5kW solar system produce per day?
Having decided you want to use a 5kW system, you need to know exactly how much power it will produce in an entire day.

A 5kw solar system will produce around 20kw for an entire day. Most of the power will be generated when the sun is at its highest in the sky that is 10am and 2pm. These figures however, will vary depending on your location and light levels each day.

So, using that output, about 4 days for an 80 kw/hr of power. That amounts to 50 miles a day. Most people do not drive that far, so most could power their house and their car with a 5 kw solar installation.

Take a look at how much time it will take to charge you idiot. The solar system ain't a rapid charger.

My gosh but you can be as dense as post.
Most cars are left in the garage at night. Seems like a good time to do the charging.

Yeppers. Lots of sunlight then. In the middle of the night I mean....

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