This Oscars Could Be The Most Politically-Correct In History


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The Oscars has always been an exercise in Hollywood A-listers giving each other awards congratulating each other for being good liberals. Often, brilliant performances have been shutout while actors who are making a political statement steal a statue.

The Academy Awards isn't so much about performances and excellence in film-making as it is about marketing. Harvey Weinstein was able to market his film "The King's Speech" to an Oscar nod over a better film "The Social Network".

CBS anchor Charlie Rose recently told Weinstein if you took a poll of 100 people in Hollywood, all 100 would pick him as the most effective Oscar campaigner.

So, in the past, the best way to get an Oscar is send all of the voters a DVD copy of the film along with a bag full of swag and chances are they'll vote for you. To be honest, it's rare when one film is head and shoulders better than another film. Irregardless, many times the best performances are ignored because of subject-matter. The chances of a film about George Bush being a great president getting anything but scorn are pretty slim. It was a miracle that Lincoln got any recognition. Liberals just said that those evil Democrats that attempted to stop Republicans from freeing slaves switched parties and are now Republicans, so the picture received recognition, even though it wasn't that good of a film.

Selma won't be so lucky, unless some arm-twisting behind the scenes takes place. If Selma wins best picture then political-correctness has taken over Hollywood to the point that their white guilt overrules their judgment. I'm afraid the Gay movement is stronger in Hollywood than the race-baiting movement:

This year Weinstein’s aggressively urging the Oscar voters to strike a blow for “justice” for homosexuals by voting for his film The Imitation Game. The film focuses on Alan Turing, the English math genius who cracked the Nazi code in World War II, but was later arrested and subjected to chemical castration for his homosexuality.

On January 24, the Weinstein Company placed newspaper ads quoting Chad Griffin, president of the gay left advocacy group the Human Rights Campaign, bestowing its blessing on The Imitation Game. They’re also using testimonials from Internet moguls at Netflix, Google, and YouTube, not to mention former government officials like recent Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

''Honor this movie. Honor this man. And honor the movement to bring justice to the other 49,000 [punished homosexuals],'' proclaimed Weinstein’s ad, above a picture of actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who stars as Turing. The film was also named last week as a nominee for best picture at the GLAAD Media Awards, from the most powerful gay lobby in Hollywood.


Bozell Graham Column Harvey Weinstein s P.C. Oscar Campaign

I have not watch the Oscars since Chaplin was alive...

I lost all faith in the credibility of show biz awards after the Grammys snubbed Mitt Romney for his stirring rendition of 'who let the dogs out?'.
Well he got nominated but Obama's "Blazing Saddles" lost to "We May Never Love Like This Again" from the Towering Inferno.
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For my money the best example of liberal payback was the Oscar awarded to Jane Fonda for her political activism rather than her grade "B" role in a grade B movie called "Klute" that nobody ever saw.
For my money the best example of liberal payback was the Oscar awarded to Jane Fonda for her political activism rather than her grade "B" role in a grade B movie called "Klute" that nobody ever saw.
I've seen it, just struggled to stay awake....
If only you knew what "alter" means in German....

You don't think I missspelled it on purpose do you?


Just like you they are going for top posting drone of the month..
That would be Vagalinte that has that honor now.. how does it feel to have a 78 year old man out post you daily?

OH, a fuck I not give. If Vagisil needs the honor, please, by all means. Just hope he knows what the prize is if he wins it 10 times over...
If only you knew what "alter" means in German....

You don't think I missspelled it on purpose do you?


Just like you they are going for top posting drone of the month..
That would be Vagalinte that has that honor now.. how does it feel to have a 78 year old man out post you daily?

Only the drones like you can answer that question..
Like everything else, they've ruined the Oscars too

they are working on football and YOUR freedom of speech. Look at them freaking out over a MOVIE about an American Sniper.

I stopped watching all those wealthy ego maniacs in hollyweird and their many award shows they give out to each other a long time ago. so who cares

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