This One Time at Band Camp...


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
A thread to explore the latest gaslighting by Jen Psaki.

Joe Biden lied to fellow traveler Anderson Cooper in a failed "Townhall" that CNN held to try to rescue the failing Biden presidency. A lie by Biden about visiting the southern border caught on and became an issue that the DNC's MSM couldn't get away with ignoring.

Jen Psaki offered a Band Camp story to try and spin Joe's lie;

{"He does not need a visit to the border to know what a mess was left by the last administration," Psaki said, further noting Biden's past trips to Central American countries to address the issue of immigration.}

Border Patrol took issue with Psaki's gaslighting.

{"Joe Biden is failing the American public in every important metric. His lies don’t surprise anyone and Jen Psaki’s spin is commonplace. President Trump left us the most secure border in my continuing 24-year career and Biden threw it all away to appease his far-left base," National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told Townhall.}

Add your own Band Camp story by Psaki here!
Add your own Band Camp story by Psaki here!

Potato Chip is wat too stupid to be as smarmy as she is.

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